Agenda and minutes

Full Council - Tuesday, 8th December, 2015 7.00 pm

Venue: Council Offices, Station Road, Wigston

Contact: Samuel Ball  Email:

No. Item


Calling to Order of the Meeting and Prayers

The meeting of the Council will be called to order to receive His Worship, The Mayor and Deputy Mayor. Members, Officers and those otherwise in attendance are asked to remain standing whilst the Meeting is led in prayer by the Chaplin.



The meeting was called to order to receive His Worship The Mayor and Deputy Mayor.


The meeting was led in prayer by The Mayor in the absence of the Chaplin.


A minute’s silence was observed in memory of those who had lost their lives in recent terrorist attacks that had taken place worldwide, most recently those in Paris, France on 13 November 2015.


Apologies for Absence


An apology for absence was received from Councillors R E R Morris, B Dave and T Barr.


Declarations of Interest

Members are reminded that any declaration of interest should be made having regard to the Members’ Code of Conduct. In particular, Members must make clear the nature of the interest and whether it is 'pecuniary' or ‘non-pecuniary'.


Councillor K J Loydall declared that he knew and has worked with two of the Panel Members of the Independent Remuneration Panel in respect of agenda item numbers 11, 16l and 16r respectively.


The Leader of the Council, Councillor J W Boyce, declared that he was to leave the Chamber in respect, and for the duration, of agenda item 11.


Reading, Confirmation and Signing of Minutes

To read, confirm and sign the minutes of the previous meeting in accordance with Rule 17 of Part 4 of the Constitution.


Minutes of the Meeting of the Council held on Tuesday, 01 September 2015 pdf icon PDF 67 KB




The minutes of the Meeting of the Council held on Thursday, 01 September 2015 be taken as read, confirmed and signed.


Minutes of the Extraordinary Meeting of the Council held on Tuesday, 27 October 2015 pdf icon PDF 79 KB




The minutes of the Extraordinary Meeting of the Council held on Tuesday, 27 October 2015 be taken as read, confirmed and signed.


Motions on Notice pdf icon PDF 57 KB

To consider any Motions on Notice in accordance with Rule 12 of Part 4 of the Constitution.


The Council gave consideration to and debated the Motion on Notice (at page 8) as delivered by the Chief Executive in respect of the proposals put forward by the Local Government Boundary Commission for England (LGBCE) for County Council wards in Oadby and Wigston. This should be read together with these minutes as a composite document.


The Motion was moved by the Deputy Leader of the Council, Councillor M H Charlesworth.


The Member disapproved of the proposals outlined which, in his opinion, sought to divide in half the Little Hill Estate, Wigston so described as a distinctly recognised community. He stated that he did not agree with the splitting of communities in order to meet ward quotas and “electoral equality”. It was said that the Motion before Members served to reinforce the strong views gauged at the three Residents’ Forums in favour of the status quo.


The Motion was seconded by Councillor J Kaufman who reserved his right to speak upon the Motion.


Councillor L A Bentley criticised the bringing forward of the outlined proposals by Leicestershire County Council in light on the current adverse economic climate. The Member noted that although the subject-matter did attract a measure of public-apathy, there was a real concern that the views of Borough residents were not being respected. He stated that he was in support the Motion vis-a-vis the process undertaken.


Councillor G A Boulter agreed with the sentiments of aforementioned Members. He described the outlined proposals as a deliberate attempt to cause separation within, and between the, Oadby and Wigston areas in terms of the division of communities and distinct socio-economic groupings. He raised a concern in respect of the quality, of lack thereof, of information informing a poor decision-making process and that the clarity of the wording of the proposals required a review by polling station.


Councillor D A Gamble stated that he supported the Motion. The Member said that the LGBCE had failed to adequately consider the notions of local democracy and community and that the proposals outlined, if adopted, were to misrepresent residents in each respective locality.


Councillor J Kaufman stated that the letter sent by this Council to the LGBCE was done so on the premise of not permitting the creation of a two-Member ward to which the Member equally expressed disapproval. The Member emphasised that the Oadby and Wigston areas had two unique identities with their respective town centres and heritage pre-dating the formation of this Council in 1974 from the merger of the Oadby and Wigston urban districts.




1.      That this Council:


Objects in the strongest possible terms to the proposals put forward by the Local Government Boundary Commission for England (LGBCE) for the County Council wards in Oadby & Wigston.


2.      That this Council notes that:


a)     The two-Member ward (Oadby South & Wigston East) puts two separate and distinct communities together. This proposed ward cuts in half the Little Hill Estate - a recognised community with its own residents association.

b)     In putting forward  ...  view the full minutes text for item 44.


Mayor's Announcements


The Mayor advised that a list of Official Mayoral Engagements attended by The Mayor and, or, Deputy Mayor thus far in the municipal year would be circulated to Members.


The Mayor announced that a charitable collection in trust of the Mayor’s nominated charity, the Leicester Hospitals Charity, was to be held at Sainsburys on Bell Street, Wigston on Sunday, 13 December 2015.


The Mayor further announced that the Members’ Civic Service was to be held on Saturday, 23 January 2016 at the Oadby Community Centre on Sandhurst Street, Oadby.


Petitions, Deputations and Questions

To receive any Petitions and, or, Deputations in accordance with Rule 24 of Part 4 of the Constitution.


Members are reminded that in accordance with Rule 11.1 of Part 4 of the Constitution, questions can be asked of the Leader of the Council and the Chair of a Committee without notice upon an item of the report of a Committee when that item is being receiving or under consideration by the Council.




Leader's Statement


The Leader of the Council, Councillor J W Boyce, acknowledged the challenges ahead faced by this Council in respect of the recent announcement citing a 30% reduction in the local government budget, amounting to a 5% overall cut from 2016, as presided over by the Conservative First Secretary of State and Chancellor of the Exchequer, The Rt Hon George Osborne MP. With reference to agenda item 10 (at pages 13 - 85), the Leader stated that the future direction of the proposed Combined Authority for Leicester and Leicestershire still required further clarification. He noted that the intended devolution of powers from central to local government by 2020 allowing local authorities to retain100% of local taxes – including revenues from business rates – upon closer analysis would not yield as good returns as first expected and thus warned of a forthcoming review in the new year to address this. It was said that a renewed focus was incumbent upon this Council to protect front-line services within the Borough and in such a way as to continue to improve the standard and efficiency of service-delivery within inherited budgetary-constraints.


The Leader of the Council equally acknowledged the achievements secured by the Council. This was said to include the opening (and at a notable saving) of two architecturally-pleasing and modern swimming pool facilities at Parklands Leisure Centre, Oadby and Station Road, Wigston. He further commended the opening of the Council’s Customer Services Centre on Bell Street, Wigston on 12 October 2015 noting the greater convenience afforded to residents by virtue of its more central location in the heart of Borough’s community. He stated that the two aforementioned projects served as an invitation to continue this type of pro-active and customer-orientated work into the years ahead insofar to bring service-access ever closer to residents of the Borough. It was also reported that it was the Council’s plans to increase the provision of social-housing within the Borough and that the financial arrangements to realise this intention were to be finalised next year.


The Leader of the Council wished all those in attendance and the residents of the Borough a Merry Christmas and, moreover, a “better” New Year.


Responses to Notices of Motion pdf icon PDF 74 KB

Additional documents:


The Council gave consideration to the report and appendices (at pages 9 - 12) as delivered by the Chief Executive, which should be read together with these minutes as a composite document, and invited Members to instruct accordingly.


Councillor Mrs H E Loydall expressed gratitude to the Chief Executive for the forwarding-on of Members’ resolved Motions and extended her gratitude for the responses received from the MP for the Harborough Constituency, The Rt Hon Sir Edward Garnier QC, and the Parliamentary Under-Secretary of State for Childcare and Education, Mr Sam Gyimah MP (at pages 10 and 11 respectively).


The Member stated that the issue of universal infant free school meals was a concern to Borough residents and that it was an important democratic-function of this Council to act upon the same. With reference to the Under-Secretary’s response at paragraph 2, she noted the Liberal Democrats contribution to the initiative’s inception (whilst in coalition) and commitment to its “continuation” at a national party-policy level. She further cited from the December 2015 edition of the ‘First’ Local Government Association Magazine, ‘Breaking Down the Spending Review’ in that ‘funding for universal infant free schools meals [was to be] maintained’ (at page 10) and invited the government not to implement any cuts in its current “spending review across all its programmes in England.” With reference to the Under-Secretary’s response at paragraph 3, the Member further identified a potential conflict vis-a-vis the reported increase in child-poverty and use of food-banks and therefore requested that it be noted that the government may have missed the point in respect of the same.


With reference to the response received by the Leicestershire Fire and Rescue Service’s Assistant Chief Fire Officer, Mr Andrew Brodie, Councillor G A Boulter expressed his disagreement with a statement made by a Conservative County Councillor at a meeting at County Hall on 02 December 2015 in respect of an “achievable” 10 minute response target from Wigston to Kibworth. The Member reported that, having undertaken several routes from Wigston to Kibworth Fire Stations, the response target was not achievable within said timeframe and therefore reiterated concern in respect of any statement(s) made that may suggest otherwise.


Councillor J Kaufman advised Members that it was reported at the same meeting at County Hall that the Labour Leader of Leicester City Council, Sir Peter Soulsby, had conceded that the closure of the Central Fire Station was not a safe proposal. As such, the Member raised a concern insofar if budget allocations were to be revised to accommodate this concession, the reduction of County-wide capacity and the stretching of already-limited resources at Wigston Fire Station would ensue. He therefore requested this Council encourage the Leicester, Leicestershire and Rutland Combined Fire Authority’s to again undertake an inclusive review to assess any wider implications.




The responses received be noted by Members.


Combined Authority for Leicester and Leicestershire pdf icon PDF 135 KB

Additional documents:


The Council gave consideration to the report and appendices (at pages 13 - 85) as delivered by the Chief Executive which should be read together with these minutes as a composite document.


The Chief Executive directed Members’ attention to particularly significant and noteworthy paragraphs and sub-paragraphs contained in the report, namely:


3.1.      It was said that the “Northern Powerhouse” equivalent would be a Combined Authority for Leicester and Leicestershire (“the Combined Authority”);

3.4.      It was said that all seven Leicestershire District and Borough Councils, the City Council and County Council were currently considering the same outlined proposals in similar reports which required unanimous agreement. It was reported that of the nine authorities, seven had moved the proposals and resolutions were outstanding from this Council and Melton Borough Council.

4.1.      It was emphasised that the Combined Authority was to be a distinct, legal entity of the existing local authorities in Leicester/shire working in partnership to promote economic development, strategic-planning and transport improvement and that it did not seek to usurp, or otherwise interfere with, the individual sovereignty of each constituent authority.

4.3.      The “duty to co-operate” was said to be important insofar as there was a need to judiciously manage significant policy areas (viz. economic development, strategic-planning and transport) and to ensure greater polity uniformity across Leicester/shire, most notably in terms of circumscribing developers’ challenges to each Council’s Local Development Framework. 

4.6.      The requisite Draft Governance Review and Draft Scheme for consultation purposes were said to be attached in appendix E (at pages 23 - 48 and 73 – 85 respectively).  

4.7.      It was noted that broader powers in additional policy areas, and general powers of competence, may be devolved to the Combined Authority in the future.

5.5.      It was said that the Draft Scheme confirmed each constituent councils’ existing powers and did not seek to transfer to the Combined Authority any of the same.

5.7.      It was said that an internal nomination exercise would be undertaken to appoint a full-voting member for the Borough Council of Oadby and Wigston.

5.9.      It was reported that role of the Overview and Scrutiny Committee was to ensure the proper governance of the Combined Authority, which was said to include an appropriate ratification procedure(s).

5.10     It was said that Part 2 of the Draft Scheme as summarised at (i) – (iii) set out policy areas under which the Combined Authority would be empowered to act, which included areas in which this Council has had no prior involvement.

6.3.      It was reported that 68.8% of respondents consulted supported the notion of establishing a Combined Authority.

7.         Members were sign-posted to the benefits and opportunities provided by the Combined Authority (as set out at 7.1. (a)-(d) and 7.2. (a)-(l) respectively). The potential challenges posed to the Borough, most notably in sourcing appropriate skill-sets, were noted (as set out at 7.1. (e)-(i)) and said to be areas which the Combined Authority could address via strength-in-unity.

8.3.      It was said that the  ...  view the full minutes text for item 49.


Recommendations of the Independent Remuneration Panel pdf icon PDF 75 KB


The Leader of the Council left the Chamber at 7:56 pm.


The Council gave consideration to the report (at pages 86 - 87) as delivered by the Chief Executive which should be read together with these minutes as a composite document.


The Chief Executive stated that the recommendation contained in the report (at paragraph 2.2) sought to recognise the extra working contributions made by the Leader of the Council and that the proposed figure of £1,000.00 was a quantified, one-off interim payment. It was emphasised that the recommendation did not seek to amend the Council’s remuneration policy on Special Responsibility Allowances (SRA) on a permanent basis and that a periodic review of all Members’ Allowances was scheduled to go ahead in the new year in which the Leader’s role would also feature.


The recommendations were moved by the Deputy Leader of the Council, and in doing so, added that he hoped that the financial burden to the Council would not be adversely affected. He said that he too was hopeful that Members would be invited to comment on the periodic review of Members’ Allowances in due course. The Deputy Leader further declared that he was to voluntarily surrender his SRA entitlement of £1,000.00 in his capacity as Chair of the Change Management Committee and pledged to reimburse any amount hitherto paid in this respect.


The recommendations were seconded by Councillor Mrs S B Morris who reserved her right to speak.


Councillor Mrs H E Loydall commended the firm direction and dedication provided for by the Leader, describing him as a conscientious supporter of the work undertaken by this Council. She stated that she was in full support of the recommendation(s).


Councillor K J Loydall commended the aforesaid sacrifice pledged by the Deputy Leader. He further noted that in comparative terms of remuneration for elected Members across all Leicestershire District and Borough Councils, this Borough’s Members were the lowest-paid and thus represented the best value for service to the public purse.


Councillor Mrs S Z Haq echoed the sentiments of Councillor Mrs H E Loydall and commended the Leader’s resilient direction through the recently harsh economic realities faced by the Council.


Councillor Dr T K Khong acknowledged on behalf of all Conservative Members the work of the Leader of the Council. The Member sought clarification as to the extra work undertaken (viz. in terms of a baseline comparison in respect of his ordinary duties) and enquired as to whether the Leader’s additional workload was a result of any potential mismanagement committed by, or attributed to, this Council.


The Chief Executive referred Members to the national and local factors contained in the report (at paragraph 3, page 86) which formed the basis of the Independent Remuneration Panel’s (IRP) recommendation. He reported that the ‘extra ordinary protects’ referred to a (c) included, amongst other things, the work undertaken by the Leader brought about by the Council’s ongoing staffing issues. It was further said that the Leader was asked and so provided a time-sheet  ...  view the full minutes text for item 50.


Review of Gambling Act Statement of Licensing Policy pdf icon PDF 73 KB

Additional documents:


The Committee gave consideration to the report and appendices (at pages 88 - 120) as delivered by the Interim Licensing Team Leader which should be read together with these minutes as a composite document.


It was stated that the reviewed Statement of Licensing Policy (“the Policy”) sought Members’ approval for adoption. He advised that the Policy was substantively a reaffirmation of the preceding edition (in force until January 2016) and additionally incorporated comprehensive guidance as to: (i) the definition of a “track” under the Gambling Act 2005 (at Part 21, pages 106 - 113); (ii) the requirement of local risk assessments (at Part 8, page 97); and (iii) the provision of a local area profile (at Part 9, pages 97 - 98). He stated that last remaining formality ahead of the Policy’s implementation was its advertisement and subsequent publication. 


The Interim Licensing Team Leader reported that the Policy was sent out for consultation for a period of 5 weeks commencing on 10 August and closed on 20 September, drawing Members’ attention to the notable representations made by the Bingo Association, the Racecourse Association and the Association of British Bookmakers (upon the instructions of Gosschalks Solicitors) in addition to fieldwork undertaken in partnership with Leicester Racecourse.


Councillor Mrs H E Loydall, Chair of the Licensing and Regulatory Committee, commended Officers’ for their work upon the reviewed Policy. She confirmed that the Policy had undergone a comprehensive review at the meeting of the Licensing and Regulatory Committee held on 01 October 2015 and moved the Policy for adoption.


Councillor Miss M V Chamberlain, Vice-Chair of the Licensing and Regulatory Committee, echoed the comments of Councillor Mrs H E Loydall and seconded the Policy for adoption.




The reviewed Gambling Statement of Licensing Policy be adopted.


Oadby Swimming Pool Site - Leicester Road, Oadby (Part I) pdf icon PDF 812 KB


The Council gave consideration to the report and appendices (at pages 121 - 125) as delivered by the Director of Services which should be read together with these minutes as a composite document.


The Director of Services reported that Oadby Swimming Pool was to close on 12 December ahead of the opening of Wigston Swimming Pool on Station Road, Wigston on 19 December 2015. It was said that following its closure, the site would be adequately secured by a third-party contractor and the existent pool drained by Sports and Leisure Management (SLM) Limited so to mitigate any unauthorised entries to the site and, or, risks posed to potential trespassers. She advised that users of Oadby Swimming Pool have been informed its imminent closure and signposted to the new faculties, accordingly. The Manager was said to have received no negative feedback from users in respect of the one-week transition period.


The Director of Services sought direction from Members as to whether the Council should assume responsibility for the demolition of the swimming pool building as soon as reasonable practicable after closure, and therein the costs for doing so be met immediately by the Council’s reserves fund and subsequently recuperated from the receipts of any potential purchaser if Members were minded to authorise the disposal of the site. She stated that from the inception of the obtaining works contract it was neither envisaged nor reasonable for SLM to bear the costs of the building’s demolition. Alternatively, she advised Members that the building’s demolition could be reserved until a decision on the future use of the land was agreed with any potential developer having to bear the costs of demolition as part of the contract for re-development of the site.


The Leader of the Council sought to clarify, given the poignancy of one of the options for the future use of the land as contained in the exempt report, that both the non-exempt and exempt reports before Members referred exclusively to the site upon which the swimming pool building is situated and that this site alone had been potentially earmarked for the provision of affordable housing. He stated that the non-exempt report did not refer to nor include the land adjacent at Ellis Park, Oadby as shown on the title plan at Appendix 1 (at page 125) and that Ellis Park, as a betterment rather than a detriment, would form part of any consideration inclined towards the re-development of the swimming pool site.


Councillor Mrs L M Broadley reiterated the point of clarification made by the Leader with reference to a resident’s letter published in 08 December 2015’s edition of the Leicester Mercury which suggested otherwise. The Member stated that it was the duty of all Members to properly educate residents of the Borough upon the same.


Exclusion of Press and Public

The press and public are likely to be excluded from the remainder of the meeting in accordance with Section 100(A)(4) of the Local Government Act 1972 (Exempt Information) during consideration of the items below on the grounds that it involves the likely disclosure of exempt information, as defined in the respective paragraph(s) 1, 3 and 4 of Part 1 of Schedule 12A of the Act and the public interest in maintaining the exempt items outweighs the public interest in disclosing the information.



The Leader of the Council moved for agenda item 17a (at page 222) to be brought forward and that the Council go into closed session, accordingly.


Councillor Mrs H E Loydall seconded the motion.




The press and public be excluded from the meeting in accordance with Section 100(A)(4) of the Local Government Act 1972 (Exempt Information) during consideration of the item below on the grounds that it involved the disclosure of exempt information, as defined in the respective paragraph(s) 1 and 3 of Part 1 of Schedule 12A of the Act and the public interest in maintaining the exempt items outweighed the public interest in disclosing the information.


Votes For                   19

Votes Against            0

Abstentions               4


Oadby Swimming Pool Site - Leicester Road, Oadby (Exempt Report - Appendix 2)


The Council went in to closed session at 8:33 pm.


Members had an in camera discussion regarding the exempt report at Appendix 2 (agenda item 17a) in respect of the Oadby Swimming Pool Site at Leicester Road, Oadby.




The content of the exempt report be noted by Members.


The Council returned to open session at 8:42 pm.


Oadby Swimming Pool Site - Leicester Road, Oadby (Part II)


Councillor Ms A R Bond stated that if the swimming pool building was to be demolished it may affect the recreational amenity value of Ellis Park. She further said that she was hopeful that the car parking facilities at the site would be retained to accommodate local support facilities. She emphasised that Members ought to respect the sentiments contained in the conveyance dated 21 June 1897 at paragraph 3.3. (at page 122) and should be minded to opt for a future recreational use of the land (e.g. a squash court facility) however, too, supported the notion to make the land available for affordable/social housing development purposes.


Councillor Dr T K Khong suggested that the future use of the land should consider the inclusion of a general practitioners’ surgery.


The Leader of the Council remarked that there existed many open options available to this Council to bring the soon-to-be redundant site back in to beneficial use. It was said that although it would be prudent to ascertain the site’s value on the open market, there were other potential uses of the land aforementioned which fell within the Council’s general interest.


The Leader of the Council moved for : (i)a full feasibility assessment of the Oadby Swimming Pool site be undertaken to assess all potential options and, or suggestions, available for the future use of the land and that a report outlining the same be prepared for Members’ consideration and resolution; and (ii) the demolition of the Oadby Swimming Pool building, subject to Officers discretion, be carried out in accordance with a full risk assessment.


Councillor L A Bentley agreed with the Leader, adding that if the Council was minded to assume responsibility for the demolition of the swimming pool building, that this responsibly would be discharged in full accordance with due planning process.


With reference to the decision resolved by Members at a meeting of the Council on 08 December 2014 at paragraph 3.1 (page 121), Councillor G A Boulter reiterated that a need for affordable/social housing was still extant in the Oadby area.


Councillor Mrs H E Loydall said that she hoped the site would be effectively secured following its closure to prevent the building being subject to vandalism and arson as did similarly occurred at the old Wigston Swimming Pool building on 01 June 2014. She stated that if Members were minded to dispose of the site on the open market, that it would be preferential to secure the site until such time of the building’s demolition by any potential developer. The Member rebuffed Councillor Ms A R Bond’s earlier suggestion of a squash court as unsuitable however sought the considered opinion of Planning Policy and Regeneration Manager upon the same.


The Planning Policy and Regeneration Manager advised that the appropriateness of the building for such a use would require further consideration.


Councillor D M Carter stated that any intended future use of the land ought to be for “the benefit of the inhabitants of  ...  view the full minutes text for item 52d


North West Leicestershire Local Plan pdf icon PDF 78 KB


The Council gave consideration to the report (at pages 126 - 127) as delivered by the Planning, Policy and Regeneration Manager which should be read together with these minutes as a composite document.


He stated that the report outlined Oadby and Wigston Borough Council’s proposed comments in respect of North West Leicestershire District Council’s draft Local Plan which sought Members’ approval as this Council’s formal response thereto.




The comments set out at paragraphs 3.2 to 3.7 of the report as Oadby and Wigston Borough Council’s formal response to the draft North West Leicestershire District Council Local Plan be approved.


Update on Local Development Orders for Housing Development on Brownfield Land in the Borough pdf icon PDF 95 KB


The Council gave consideration to the report (at pages 128 - 131) as delivered by the Planning, Policy and Regeneration Manager which should be read together with these minutes as a composite document.


He stated that the report provided an update on the preparation of Local Development Orders for Housing Redevelopment on Brownfield Land in the Borough.


Councillor Mrs H E Loydall moved the recommendation outlined in the report (at page 128) and expressed gratitude for the extension granted in respect of the consultation process.


Councillor K J Loydall seconded the recommendation outlined in the report.




(i)        The progress on the Local Development Orders and the future work programme be noted by Members; and

(ii)       The informal consultation beginning on Monday, 14 December 2015 be noted by Members.


Receiving of Minutes for Information

The Council will receive the minutes from the meetings of the below-mentioned Committees, Forums, Working Groups and Outside Bodies for the purposes of information in accordance with Rule 17 of Part 4 of the Constitution.


The Council received the minutes as set out at agenda item numbers 16a -16s (pages 132 – 221) from the meetings of the below-mentioned Committees, Forums, Working Groups and Outside Bodies for the purposes of information.


Further to and in respect of agenda item numbers 16g and 16p, the Chair of the Policy, Finance and Development Committee, Councillor Mrs S B Morris, reported that an agreement for the interim provision of joint-advisory services within the Borough had been negotiated by the Chief Executive with Helping Hands and the Citizens Advice Bureau to begin from January 2016 until the end of the financial year.


A Motion was moved by Councillor Mrs S B Morris that the relevant part or parts of Human Resources Policy or Policies prohibiting this Council from permanently employing an existing, temporary employee (viz. agency, placement or contract worker) without first tendering a vacancy to external recruitment be herewith suspended until further notice.


The Interim Chief Financial Officer (Section 151 Officer) advised Members that the rationale behind the Motion was to ultimately build a more sustainable, resilient and long-term workforce and, by doing so, accrue an approximate £100,000. He assured Members that although the proposal did seek to eliminate the oft-lengthy external recruitment process and would allow the Council to become less reliant upon agency-based employment in the short to medium term, a robust internal interviewing process for job vacancies would continue to operate so to assess candidates’ experience and suitability to obtaining job specifications and descriptions.


The motion was seconded by the Leader of the Council.


Councillor Mrs H E Loydall sought an assurance from Officers that the outlined proposal complied with all applicable Employment and Equal Opportunity legislation.


The Interim Chief Financial Officer provided Members with the said assurance, stating that the proposal simply sought to suspend parts of the Council’s own policies. He advised Members that all HR recruitment policies would in turn be subsequently reviewed at a later date as part on an exercise to improve performance and consolidate surplus expenditure.


Councillor J Kaufman commended the commonsensical thinking behind the proposal as a means to adopt talented temporary “in-post” employees into the permanent workforce.


Councillor B Fahey enquired as to the number of agency staff presently employed by the Council and if any financial commitments were currently owing, to or to be owed, any recruitment agency companies.


The Interim Chief Financial Officer advised that this information was not readily available at the time of the meeting.




The relevant part or parts of Human Resources Policy or Policies prohibiting this Council from permanently employing an existing temporary employee without first tendering a vacancy to external recruitment be herewith suspended until further notice.


Votes For                   21

Votes Against            0

Abstentions               2


In respect of agenda item number 16g, Councillor Mrs H E Loydall requested that ‘the residents of Oadby’ be substituted with ‘the residents of Oadby, Wigston and South Wigston’ within the wording of the minutes (Min Ref. 28 at page 156).


In  ...  view the full minutes text for item 55.


Minutes of the Oadby Residents' Forum held on Wednesday, 02 September 2015 pdf icon PDF 89 KB


Minutes of the Development Control Sub-Committee (Enforcement) held on Monday, 07 September 2015 pdf icon PDF 66 KB


Minutes of the South Wigston Residents' Forum held on Wednesday, 09 September 2015 pdf icon PDF 78 KB


Minutes of the Armed Forces Working Group held on Thursday, 10 September 2015 pdf icon PDF 51 KB


Minutes of the Wigston Residents' Forum held on Wednesday, 16 September 2015 pdf icon PDF 99 KB


Minutes of the Strategic Place Shaping and Economic Development Working Group held on Thursday, 17 September 2015 pdf icon PDF 63 KB


Minutes of the Policy, Finance and Development Committee held on Tuesday, 22 September 2015 pdf icon PDF 81 KB


Minutes of the Greening of the Borough Working Group held on Wednesday, 23 September 2015 pdf icon PDF 93 KB


Minutes of the Supporting Leicestershire Families Coordinating Group held on Tuesday, 29 September 2015 pdf icon PDF 53 KB


Minutes of the Community Engagement Forum held on Wednesday, 30 September 2015 pdf icon PDF 88 KB


Minutes of the Licensing and Regulatory Committee held on Thursday, 01 October 2015 pdf icon PDF 85 KB


Minutes of the Independent Remuneration Panel held on Monday, 12 October 2015 pdf icon PDF 116 KB


Minutes of the Service Delivery Committee held on Tuesday, 13 October 2015 pdf icon PDF 114 KB


Minutes of the Highways Forum held on Thursday, 15 October 2015 pdf icon PDF 129 KB


Minutes of the Development Control Committee held on Thursday, 22 October 2015 pdf icon PDF 71 KB


Minutes of the Policy, Finance and Development Committee held on Tuesday, 27 October 2015 pdf icon PDF 114 KB


Minutes of the Children and Young People Forum held on Wednesday, 28 October 2015 pdf icon PDF 108 KB


Minutes of the Independent Remuneration Panel held on Tuesday, 03 November 2015 pdf icon PDF 293 KB


Minutes of the Development Control Sub-Committee (Enforcement) held on Monday, 09 November 2015 pdf icon PDF 69 KB


Exclusion of Press and Public




The press and public be excluded from the meeting in accordance with Section 100(A)(4) of the Local Government Act 1972 (Exempt Information) during consideration of the item below on the grounds that it involved the disclosure of exempt information, as defined in the respective paragraph(s) 1, 3 and 4 of Part 1 of Schedule 12A of the Act and the public interest in maintaining the exempt items outweighed the public interest in disclosing the information.


Staffing Issues


The Chief Executive, the Director of Services and the Clerk to the Council left the Chamber at 9:14 pm during consideration of the agenda item by Members.


The Leader of the Council advised Members on the meaning of discussions ‘in camera’, and that, with the exception of the funding for the investigation into various grievances taken out by officers of the Council, all matters to be considered must remain confidential.


The Leader of the Council introduced Martin Hone, the Council’s Interim Chief Financial Officer, and Ms Olwen Dutton, a solicitor from Bevan Brittan advising the Council on these issues. He explained their roles and responsibilities to the Council in relation to the investigation. He then summarised for the Council progress on the investigation to date, including the findings from the Local Government Association’s (LGA) report into the grievances raised and the appointment of an Acting Monitoring Officer to advise on what actions the Council should take as a result of the LGA report.


The Leader of the Council advised that a number of officers who had raised grievances had appealed against the findings in the LGA report, and that those appeals had yet to be heard. A single Appeals Panel would hear all the appeals to ensure a comprehensive and consistent approach to these complex issues. The Panel would be selected as set out in the Council’s constitution. However, the Leader recognised that because of the nature of the allegations contained in the original grievances there was a very real risk that members who were selected might find they have a conflict of interest. To ensure that this is avoided, the Leader advised that once the panel had been selected by the Council’s Human Resources department, members of the Panel could seek advice and guidance from either the Interim Chief Financial Officer (who is representing the Council’s Senior Management Team for the purposes of these matters) or the Acting Monitoring Officer.


A question was raised by a Member in respect of whether or not officers of the Council who had been suspended over these matters were continuing to be paid. Ms Dutton confirmed that they were.


The Interim Chief Financial Officer was asked by a Member to outline the costs of the investigation to date. He advised that the Council had agreed a budget of £110,000 and that to date a total of £107,500 had been spent. However, given the complexity and likely length of the ongoing appeals process, it was estimated that a further £100,000 be added to the budget, to be funded from the Management of Change Reserve.


The £100,000 addition was moved by the Leader of the Council and seconded by Councillor D A Gamble.




An addition of £100,000 be added to the budget in respect of the ongoing investigation aforementioned.

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