To consider any Motions on Notice in accordance with Rule 12 of Part 4 of the Constitution.
The Council gave consideration to and debated the Motion on Notice (at page 8) as delivered by the Chief Executive in respect of the proposals put forward by the Local Government Boundary Commission for England (LGBCE) for County Council wards in Oadby and Wigston. This should be read together with these minutes as a composite document.
The Motion was moved by the Deputy Leader of the Council, Councillor M H Charlesworth.
The Member disapproved of the proposals outlined which, in his opinion, sought to divide in half the Little Hill Estate, Wigston so described as a distinctly recognised community. He stated that he did not agree with the splitting of communities in order to meet ward quotas and “electoral equality”. It was said that the Motion before Members served to reinforce the strong views gauged at the three Residents’ Forums in favour of the status quo.
The Motion was seconded by Councillor J Kaufman who reserved his right to speak upon the Motion.
Councillor L A Bentley criticised the bringing forward of the outlined proposals by Leicestershire County Council in light on the current adverse economic climate. The Member noted that although the subject-matter did attract a measure of public-apathy, there was a real concern that the views of Borough residents were not being respected. He stated that he was in support the Motion vis-a-vis the process undertaken.
Councillor G A Boulter agreed with the sentiments of aforementioned Members. He described the outlined proposals as a deliberate attempt to cause separation within, and between the, Oadby and Wigston areas in terms of the division of communities and distinct socio-economic groupings. He raised a concern in respect of the quality, of lack thereof, of information informing a poor decision-making process and that the clarity of the wording of the proposals required a review by polling station.
Councillor D A Gamble stated that he supported the Motion. The Member said that the LGBCE had failed to adequately consider the notions of local democracy and community and that the proposals outlined, if adopted, were to misrepresent residents in each respective locality.
Councillor J Kaufman stated that the letter sent by this Council to the LGBCE was done so on the premise of not permitting the creation of a two-Member ward to which the Member equally expressed disapproval. The Member emphasised that the Oadby and Wigston areas had two unique identities with their respective town centres and heritage pre-dating the formation of this Council in 1974 from the merger of the Oadby and Wigston urban districts.
1. That this Council:
Objects in the strongest possible terms to the proposals put forward by the Local Government Boundary Commission for England (LGBCE) for the County Council wards in Oadby & Wigston.
2. That this Council notes that:
a) The two-Member ward (Oadby South & Wigston East) puts two separate and distinct communities together. This proposed ward cuts in half the Little Hill Estate - a recognised community with its own residents association.
b) In putting forward these proposals the LGBCE has ignored all its own rules and guidance with the exception of electoral equality.
3. That this Council therefore requests that:
The LGBCE drop their current proposals, and to keep Oadby as a two-Member ward and adopt the alternative proposals previously put forward for the three wards in Wigston.
Votes For 22
Votes Against 1
Abstentions 0
Supporting documents: