Agenda item

Recommendations of the Independent Remuneration Panel


The Leader of the Council left the Chamber at 7:56 pm.


The Council gave consideration to the report (at pages 86 - 87) as delivered by the Chief Executive which should be read together with these minutes as a composite document.


The Chief Executive stated that the recommendation contained in the report (at paragraph 2.2) sought to recognise the extra working contributions made by the Leader of the Council and that the proposed figure of £1,000.00 was a quantified, one-off interim payment. It was emphasised that the recommendation did not seek to amend the Council’s remuneration policy on Special Responsibility Allowances (SRA) on a permanent basis and that a periodic review of all Members’ Allowances was scheduled to go ahead in the new year in which the Leader’s role would also feature.


The recommendations were moved by the Deputy Leader of the Council, and in doing so, added that he hoped that the financial burden to the Council would not be adversely affected. He said that he too was hopeful that Members would be invited to comment on the periodic review of Members’ Allowances in due course. The Deputy Leader further declared that he was to voluntarily surrender his SRA entitlement of £1,000.00 in his capacity as Chair of the Change Management Committee and pledged to reimburse any amount hitherto paid in this respect.


The recommendations were seconded by Councillor Mrs S B Morris who reserved her right to speak.


Councillor Mrs H E Loydall commended the firm direction and dedication provided for by the Leader, describing him as a conscientious supporter of the work undertaken by this Council. She stated that she was in full support of the recommendation(s).


Councillor K J Loydall commended the aforesaid sacrifice pledged by the Deputy Leader. He further noted that in comparative terms of remuneration for elected Members across all Leicestershire District and Borough Councils, this Borough’s Members were the lowest-paid and thus represented the best value for service to the public purse.


Councillor Mrs S Z Haq echoed the sentiments of Councillor Mrs H E Loydall and commended the Leader’s resilient direction through the recently harsh economic realities faced by the Council.


Councillor Dr T K Khong acknowledged on behalf of all Conservative Members the work of the Leader of the Council. The Member sought clarification as to the extra work undertaken (viz. in terms of a baseline comparison in respect of his ordinary duties) and enquired as to whether the Leader’s additional workload was a result of any potential mismanagement committed by, or attributed to, this Council.


The Chief Executive referred Members to the national and local factors contained in the report (at paragraph 3, page 86) which formed the basis of the Independent Remuneration Panel’s (IRP) recommendation. He reported that the ‘extra ordinary protects’ referred to a (c) included, amongst other things, the work undertaken by the Leader brought about by the Council’s ongoing staffing issues. It was further said that the Leader was asked and so provided a time-sheet accounting for the extra hours worked upon which a figure was calculated commensurate to the minimum working hourly wage. 


Councillor G A Boulter emphasised that the additional work in question undertaken by the Leader arose from a directional vis-a-vis a management standpoint. 


Councillor Mrs S B Morris disapproved of any intimation of potential mismanagement citing the Council’s strong financial management (as certified by external auditors) and the success of numerous capital projects as previous referred to by the Leader.




(i)     The Independent Remuneration Panel to take and consider evidence in relation to the evolving responsibilities and activities of the role of Leader of the Council and to report to Council later this financial year be approved; and

(ii)    The Leader of the Council to receive an additional interim payment of £1,000 be approved.


Votes For                   17

Votes Against            0

Abstentions               5


The Leader of the Council returned to the Chamber at 8:15 pm.

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