The Council gave consideration to the report and appendices (at pages 13 - 85) as delivered by the Chief Executive which should be read together with these minutes as a composite document.
The Chief Executive directed Members’ attention to particularly significant and noteworthy paragraphs and sub-paragraphs contained in the report, namely:
3.1. It was said that the “Northern Powerhouse” equivalent would be a Combined Authority for Leicester and Leicestershire (“the Combined Authority”);
3.4. It was said that all seven Leicestershire District and Borough Councils, the City Council and County Council were currently considering the same outlined proposals in similar reports which required unanimous agreement. It was reported that of the nine authorities, seven had moved the proposals and resolutions were outstanding from this Council and Melton Borough Council.
4.1. It was emphasised that the Combined Authority was to be a distinct, legal entity of the existing local authorities in Leicester/shire working in partnership to promote economic development, strategic-planning and transport improvement and that it did not seek to usurp, or otherwise interfere with, the individual sovereignty of each constituent authority.
4.3. The “duty to co-operate” was said to be important insofar as there was a need to judiciously manage significant policy areas (viz. economic development, strategic-planning and transport) and to ensure greater polity uniformity across Leicester/shire, most notably in terms of circumscribing developers’ challenges to each Council’s Local Development Framework.
4.6. The requisite Draft Governance Review and Draft Scheme for consultation purposes were said to be attached in appendix E (at pages 23 - 48 and 73 – 85 respectively).
4.7. It was noted that broader powers in additional policy areas, and general powers of competence, may be devolved to the Combined Authority in the future.
5.5. It was said that the Draft Scheme confirmed each constituent councils’ existing powers and did not seek to transfer to the Combined Authority any of the same.
5.7. It was said that an internal nomination exercise would be undertaken to appoint a full-voting member for the Borough Council of Oadby and Wigston.
5.9. It was reported that role of the Overview and Scrutiny Committee was to ensure the proper governance of the Combined Authority, which was said to include an appropriate ratification procedure(s).
5.10 It was said that Part 2 of the Draft Scheme as summarised at (i) – (iii) set out policy areas under which the Combined Authority would be empowered to act, which included areas in which this Council has had no prior involvement.
6.3. It was reported that 68.8% of respondents consulted supported the notion of establishing a Combined Authority.
7. Members were sign-posted to the benefits and opportunities provided by the Combined Authority (as set out at 7.1. (a)-(d) and 7.2. (a)-(l) respectively). The potential challenges posed to the Borough, most notably in sourcing appropriate skill-sets, were noted (as set out at 7.1. (e)-(i)) and said to be areas which the Combined Authority could address via strength-in-unity.
8.3. It was said that the costs of the Combined Authority would be met in aliquot contributions by the City, County and seven District and Borough Councils, with the costs to the latter apportioned to relative population-sizes. The apportioned cost borne by this Council was approximated at 10% and represented the best financial settlement available thereto.
9. It was anticipated that the Governance Review and Scheme was to be submitted to the Department for Communities and Local Government in December 2015 or January 2016 and that a series of in/external negotiation processes would proceed thereafter. It was assured that reports would continue to be brought back to the Council in respect of any substantive amendments or policy considerations so requiring Members’ due deliberation and/or resolution, accordingly.
The Leader of the Council stated that the establishing of a Combined Authority was a step in the right direction yet acknowledged that remaining issues did exist which requiring addressing. He described the proposals in having a positive impact on the residents of this Borough (and throughout Leicester/shire) and in so protectively positioning this Council on an equal-footing with the County Council. He invited Members to give their unanimous and cross-party support to the outlined proposals.
The Leader of the Council moved the recommendations contained in the report.
The Deputy of the Council described the outlined proposal as a poor one and raised concerns regarding uncertainties in respect of the Combined Authority’s intended costing, benefits and scrutiny capacities. He further questioned whether the proposals promoted the best interests of the Borough. He recommended that a more-inclusive bid be considered to incorporate areas outside Leicester/shire. He advised that Members ought to be mindful of the potential and unknown consequences in approving a scheme of such an open-ended nature and indeterminate end.
Councillor Mrs L M Broadley reiterated that the sovereignty of this Council ought to be protected and stated that if benefits were to accrue to the resident’s of the Borough by virtue of the Combined Authority, the outlined proposals should be moved.
Councillor Mrs L M Broadley seconded the recommendations contained in the report.
(i) The Scheme for the Combined Authority (‘the Scheme’) be approved;
(ii) The Governance Review in relation to the Combined Authority be approved;
(iii) The publication of the Scheme and Governance Review and its submission to the Department for Communities and Local Government be authorised;
(iv) The Chief Executive, following consultation with the Leader, to make any final amendments to the Scheme and Governance Review prior to their submission to the Department for Communities and Local Government in December 2015 or January 2016 be authorised;
(v) The Chief Executive, following consultation with the Leader, to enter into discussions with the Department for Communities and Local Government and such other Government departments and other persons as are considered necessary by the Chief Executive to agree the terms of the Order establishing the Combined Authority and to approve the final form of the Order on behalf of the Council be authorised;
(vi) The Chief Executive, following consultation with the Leader, to negotiate, agree and execute all ancillary documents in support of the operation of the Combined Authority, including (without limitation) the constitution of the Combined Authority be authorised; and
(vii) The Chief Executive, following consultation with the Leader, to take all decisions and actions necessary to enable the establishment of the Combined Authority be authorised.
Votes For 16
Votes Against 4
Abstentions 3
Supporting documents: