Councillor Ms A R Bond stated that if the swimming pool building was to be demolished it may affect the recreational amenity value of Ellis Park. She further said that she was hopeful that the car parking facilities at the site would be retained to accommodate local support facilities. She emphasised that Members ought to respect the sentiments contained in the conveyance dated 21 June 1897 at paragraph 3.3. (at page 122) and should be minded to opt for a future recreational use of the land (e.g. a squash court facility) however, too, supported the notion to make the land available for affordable/social housing development purposes.
Councillor Dr T K Khong suggested that the future use of the land should consider the inclusion of a general practitioners’ surgery.
The Leader of the Council remarked that there existed many open options available to this Council to bring the soon-to-be redundant site back in to beneficial use. It was said that although it would be prudent to ascertain the site’s value on the open market, there were other potential uses of the land aforementioned which fell within the Council’s general interest.
The Leader of the Council moved for : (i)a full feasibility assessment of the Oadby Swimming Pool site be undertaken to assess all potential options and, or suggestions, available for the future use of the land and that a report outlining the same be prepared for Members’ consideration and resolution; and (ii) the demolition of the Oadby Swimming Pool building, subject to Officers discretion, be carried out in accordance with a full risk assessment.
Councillor L A Bentley agreed with the Leader, adding that if the Council was minded to assume responsibility for the demolition of the swimming pool building, that this responsibly would be discharged in full accordance with due planning process.
With reference to the decision resolved by Members at a meeting of the Council on 08 December 2014 at paragraph 3.1 (page 121), Councillor G A Boulter reiterated that a need for affordable/social housing was still extant in the Oadby area.
Councillor Mrs H E Loydall said that she hoped the site would be effectively secured following its closure to prevent the building being subject to vandalism and arson as did similarly occurred at the old Wigston Swimming Pool building on 01 June 2014. She stated that if Members were minded to dispose of the site on the open market, that it would be preferential to secure the site until such time of the building’s demolition by any potential developer. The Member rebuffed Councillor Ms A R Bond’s earlier suggestion of a squash court as unsuitable however sought the considered opinion of Planning Policy and Regeneration Manager upon the same.
The Planning Policy and Regeneration Manager advised that the appropriateness of the building for such a use would require further consideration.
Councillor D M Carter stated that any intended future use of the land ought to be for “the benefit of the inhabitants of the Parish of Oadby” and reiterated that there was a need for affordable/social housing in the Oadby. He said that he supported the Leader’s motion to bring forward a feasibility assessment of the options available so to ultimately determine what scheme, if any, was financial viable and how the beneficial interest to the residents of Oadby could be best served and maximised. It was said that he preferred the site to be secured while the options were considered.
Councillor G S Atwal echoed the importance of properly securing the site, stating he was in favour of the site’s demolition, and that any intended future use of the land ought to serve as betterment to the residents of the Oadby area. The Member suggested that any future use should consider additional schooling facilities.
Councillor Ms A R Bond enquired as to whether the services of an external security contractor would be engaged to better secure the Oadby Swimming Pool site.
The Director of Services advised that a professional contractor had been contracted to secure the site by means of steel shutters, secure fencing etc. and that onsite security personnel to police the site could be provided if the necessity ever arose.
Councillor J Kaufman stated that although he was in favour of the notion to make the land available for social housing development purposes, he was concerned about the potentially swallowing-impact of the government’s Right to Buy scheme upon any newly-built housing stock. It was said he was in favour of the swimming pool building’s demotion as soon as reasonable practicable after closure given the impracticality of rendering any building absolutely vandal and, or, access-proof.
Councillor J Kaufman seconded the Leader of the Council’s motion.
Councillor D A Gamble stated that he too was in favour making the land available for affordable/social housing development purposes, describing the site as a viable option considering its close proximity to local amenities and Oadby town centre. The Member rebuffed Councillor G S Atwal’s earlier suggestion of additional schooling facilities insofar as, and to his knowledge, there was not shortfall in this respect.
(i) A full feasibility assessment of the Oadby Swimming Pool site be undertaken to assess all potential options and, or suggestions, available for the future use of the land and that a report outlining the same be prepared for Members’ consideration and resolution;
(ii) The demolition of the Oadby Swimming Pool building, subject to Officers discretion, be carried out in accordance with a full risk assessment.