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Contact: Andrew Dingley (Community & Wellbeing Manager) Tel: (0116) 257 2651 Email:
No. | Item |
Welcome by Chairman, Councillor Jeffrey Kaufman |
Apologies for Absence Minutes: H Khan J Barroclough J Parton J Curtin L Monk Dr Varakantam J Purdie J Naylor N Swan
Minutes of the Previous Meeting Minutes: All actions completed. The minutes of the meeting of the HWBB held on the 18 January 2022 to be taken as read, confirmed and signed by the Chair.
Health & Wellbeing Board Presentation Minutes: Jennifer Mackenzie and Ross Levy, Community Health Improvement Officers, Oadby and Wigston Borough Council. J Mackenzie and R Levy presented a year summary of their work from April 21-22 on the Community Champions scheme. R Levy highlighted the successes of their work, including being a public facing team having completed over 50 events. R Levy also stated the challenges they have faced, such as boosting community capacity and leadership amongst residents, stating the importance of volunteers and that their involvement is crucial to supporting longevity of programmes. J Mackenzie spoke of the Covid 19 community response and recovery they have supported. The team delivered 8 continuous health and wellbeing programmes, working with a range of partners and organisations to provide a holistic offer in the Borough. Over the last year, the team have worked towards tackling health inequalities in the Borough, those already existing, and those impacted by Covid 19. Health inequalities targeted including smoking, food education, Type 2 Diabetes, physical activity and routine health screenings. R Levy and J Mackenzie shared qualitative and quantitative feedback of programmes. They collect robust feedback on all programmes and events to improve the service and monitor impact. On all programmes, feedback has been very positive with 100% satisfaction rate, 100% likeliness to recommend to a friend, 100% rated aspects of the programme as ‘good’ or ‘very good’ and 80% ‘agree’ or ‘strongly agree’ that they feel healthier. Cllr L Kaufman commented that the team started as a small acorn, and are now an oak tree, expressing her thanks for all the work the team has done over the past year A Dingley extended his thanks the team on their growth and impact over the last year. Chair thanked for an interesting presentation. Chair asked if the numbers are quantified? Do we monitor improvements? A Dingley responds that participants are tracked through commissioning reporting. Participant numbers and other data is collected and monitored over the year. R Levy commented they are grateful for everyone’s partnership and collaboration in the Borough. He further commented that the team are targeting none digital channels to capture those hard to reach, highlighting that we need to improve capacity of community in order to engage with greater number of people.
Physical Activity Commissioning Plan for 2022/23 Andrew Dingley, Community and Wellbeing Manager, Oadby and Wigston Borough Council Minutes: Andrew Dingley, Community and Wellbeing Manager, Oadby and Wigston Borough Council. A Dingley presented an update of the Health and Wellbeing Team’s remit for 22-23. The framework that the work is delivered against is produced by Active Together, the aim of this is so that all districts deliver a consistent and cohesive approach across Leicestershire. Sport and physical activity fits into our locality and wider strategic plans in a variety of ways, such as housing, conservation, food poverty and local plans. The Health and Wellbeing team will continue to support wider Public Health programmes such as Weight Management Service, Quit Ready and Pre & Post Natal. We will adopt a flexible response to transformational work and emerging opportunities identified through monitoring, evaluation and a learning culture. Chair thanked A.Dingley for his presentation. Cllr L Kaufman also thanked A.Dingley. She would like to know the numbers of participants. Cllr L Kaufman also asked whether A.Dingley was working with planning? ACTION: A.Dingley to send over participant numbers for 21-22. A Dingley responded that he and a Planning Officer sit on the Active Planning Forums, a district wide group looking at involving health and wellbeing in planning discussions. He also stated that feedback is provided on the Local Plan and that every plan that is proposed, the Planning Officer considers the health and wellbeing of the residents with the support of the Health and Wellbeing team. L Gill commented that on Slide 3, A.Dingley said monitoring and evaluation was a learning culture. L Gill raised concerns about how we are listening to our residents, questioned how we are adapting our actions to the feedback and voices. A Dingley responded the team are delivering regular community pop ups, but we understand it is our responsibility to use different community connectors to do the listening for us. For example, A.Dingley mentioned Local Area Coordinators like M Flynn, who has a strong connection with community. R Levy stated that the residents forums also provide a platform for residents to have a say. The team try to follow ‘you said we did’ framework to provide needs-led programmes. L Gill agreed that engagement with the ‘gate keepers’ is paramount. He mentioned that he appreciates the size of team, so would recommend using gate keepers to engage with different communities. M Flynn agreed valid points raised about community connectors, but we are moving forward as the dialogue is working in the Borough. The Health and Wellbeing team always turn up to conversations, and people are taking ownership in the community now, such as the Mental Health forum. Events are being delivered like the uniform exchange, with every step of these events including members of the community. L Mugridge highlighted our engagement events give residents an opportunity to voice their concerns and needs. Cllr L Kaufman stated that hopefully soon, we will return to letterbox for those hard to reach residents. Chair commented that it is often the same faces at every residents Oadby forum. Need to diversify. A Dingley ... view the full minutes text for item 39. |
Update from Oadby and Wigston Locality Group Sue Renton, Health & Well Being Team Leader / Senior Social Prescribing Link Worker, Oadby and Wigston PCN / GP Surgeries
Minutes: Sue Renton, Health and Well Being Team Leader / Senior Social Prescribing Link Worker, Oadby and Wigston PCN / GP Surgeries.
Chair highlighted there was an outstanding action from previous minutes with S Renton regarding home visits on vaccinations. S Renton responded the action is on-going. It is a current focus for staff and it is being performed with Oadby and Wigston Primary Care Network (PCN). S Renton introduced herself as Health and Well Being Team Leader and Senior Social Prescribing Link Worker for Oadby and Wigston PCN. The PCN covers 5 surgeries across borough. Patient population of 45,000. PCN has now got a website. Went live on the 25th April. Website details: From a previous Health Summit in 2019, developed a working group to look at health inequalities in Borough. In the past, the group had planned a big event, but it was cancelled due to Covid-19. Despite this, partnership work continued and the enthusiasm of partners enabled the group to progress to a formalised group known as the Oadby and Wigston Integrated Leadership Team (OWLS). Work has included supporting food banks, prescription collections and befriending as a few examples. The aim is to support wellness of individuals and create a healthy community through collaborate working. Partners include Oadby and Wigston Borough Council, Leicester County Council such as the Local Area Coordinators , Adult Social Care, Helping Hands, Police, Fire Service and more. In December 2021, the group developed a business development plan. This includes different working groups and leads. The working groups are as follows: · Tackling health inequalities is led by A.Dingley · Improving mental health and wellbeing is led by J.Blackett · Support and promotion of the Community Energy Champions in Helping Hands is led by L.Gill · Access to general practice is led by S.Renton · Increase physical activity is led by J.Mackenzie · Joint working, referral pathways and shared database is led by N.Swan · Increasing the number of Active Practices is led by L.Baginskis. The working groups report on a quarterly basis. The OWLS have made great progress. Successes include blue social prescribing programme, first mental health forum, new community energy champion, physical activity opportunities and active practices offering walks alongside their patients. In summary, the Hub Club is a great example of what we are achieving. It is a clear demonstration of partnership work across sectors. Early stages attendance of 12-15 people. In future dates, there will be health checks, fire service workshops and more. Chair asked how do we engage with the patients of the surgery that is outside the PCN? S Renton responded there are two surgeries not part of the PCN; Spectrum Health and Cross County Medical Centre. T Staines is from Cross Counties is in attendance, work closely with them. Chair raised concerns that Spectrum Health are accepting patients from outside the Borough. Asked is that something we should be concerned of? S Renton said she cannot comment as not have any information on this. Recommended to contact Spectrum Health direct. ... view the full minutes text for item 40. |
Any Other Business Minutes: Chair thanked everyone for their presentations. L Mugridge promoted the Wellbeing event that is taking place Monday 9th at the Winchester Pool and Snooker Club 3-7pm. Extends invite to everyone on call. ACTION: L Mugridge to send out information on wellbeing event. Chair suggested meeting is face to face. A Dingley confirmed the next meeting will be hybrid.
Next Meeting Date Minutes: Next meeting date Bushloe House Council Chambers at 1.30pm on the 26th of July 2022.