Venue: Bassett Street Community Hub, Bassett Street, South Wigston, LE18 4PE
Contact: Veronika Quintyne Email:
No. | Item | ||||||||||||||||||
Local Policing Issues Minutes: Neighbourhood Inspector Cawley introduced himself to Residents.
He explained that crime overall was decreasing in the area and that there were few shop break-ins along Blaby Road, South Wigston.
A series of leaflets were placed on seats for residents to take away if they wished. The leaflets concerned the following: the South Wigston Police Team, Speed Watch Scheme and dog fouling. Dog fouling was still considered a prime issue in the area.
Residents had no questions to ask the Police.
The Police provided the crime statistics, as follows:
Amended Minutes of the Previous Meeting held on 07 September 2016 (Presentation Only) PDF 101 KB Minutes: The amended minutes of September 2016 were agreed as an accurate record by those residents who attended that meeting. |
Draft Minutes of the Previous Meeting held on 08 November 2016 PDF 151 KB Minutes: Residents circulated a copy of proposed amendments to item 24a and 25 of the November South Wigston Forum Draft Minutes. It was stated significant parts of residents’ comments and questions were inaccurate or incomplete in the Council draft minutes. All residents were given the opportunity to read the amendments.
In considering the proposed amendments , the Chair stated that it is necessary to consider the local authority good practice guide (Knowles on Local Authority Meetings) on minute-taking as follows:-
A resident stated that the amendment to section 24a changed little and contained nothing controversial: the top of the first page said why the amendments were made and a quick vote would be fine.
Another resident clarified that very few changes had been made to the Council draft wording – the only changes had been highlighted in yellow. The main changes were to correct inaccuracies and omissions in the record of residents’ comments and questions.
The chair proposed reading the amendments line by line.
A resident stated that there was no need for this as the amendments had already been agreed by residents who spoke at the November Forum, and been sent to the Councillors two days before this meeting. She proposed the motion that those who attended the November meeting vote if they wanted the amendments to the draft November minutes to go through in full. One resident seconded the motion, and another resident said she wished to ‘third’ it.
The Chair put incorporating the amendments to a vote. On a show of hands, 8 people were in favour of having the residents’ amendments incorporated into the original draft minutes. There were no votes against and no abstentions. ?The motion was carried. |
Restructuring of South Wigston Residents' Forum Minutes: Councillor Bob Fahey (Conservative), Martin Hone and Samuel Ball, (the latter two employed by Oadby and Wigston Borough Council), introduced themselves to the Residents Forum.
Residents circulated a document titled “Changing the Forum” to all present. It contained 15 points for change to the Forum. It was stated that this paper was a further update of a paper that had been brought to the previous Forum meeting by a number of residents.
Refuse and Recycling - Consultation Minutes: Councillor Bill Boulter spoke to this agenda item.
Key points to note are as follows:
The Residents attention was drawn to the circulated Refuse and Recycling consultation forms.
The County Council are responsible for disposing of waste, and the borough / district council are responsible for collecting it. The County Council has the final say on what Districts do with it and where it goes. Oadby & Wigston currently take all recycling back to our depot for sorting ready to sell on the open market: this brings in £200,000/£250,000 per year. On top of that the County Council pay districts for every ton of waste that is diverted from landfill: this is because the County has to pay for waste going to landfill at a current rate of £84 per ton. These recycling credits are worth about £170,000 per year to Oadby & Wigston. We used to get a further £80,000 for recycling garden waste this was cut by County Hall last year. The County Council is to set up a new recycling centre somewhere in the county, and all districts will be told to take their refuse and recycling to that. Future profits from the sale of recyclables will now go to the County Council. This decision by the Conservatives takes almost £500,000 out of Oadby & Wigston’ s £6,000,000 budget and will make our current refuse and recycling operation untenable.
Items Raised by Residents and Suggestions for Future Items Minutes: New Prison to be Built At Glen Parva
The Chair requested Councillor Boulter (in his capacity as County Councillor update residents on this matter.
Points of the update were noted as follows:
Items to be Raised for the Next Forum Meeting Agenda
Chair's Updates (To Be Circulated) PDF 63 KB Minutes: Oadby and Wigston Change Management Programme
A resident read out a prepared statement:
“At the November forum meeting the Chair stated she is open to putting information about the Change Management training on the next Forum agenda. We asked about this last week and to quote Samuel Ball`s reply.
“An update in respect of the Change Management Programme shall feature as part of the Agenda item at the Forum`s meeting entitled “Chair`s Updates”.
The Chair`s Update is in front of us, but it has nothing about the Change Management Programme.
The Programme was set up to oversee improvements in how the Council works. A report by Mr Penn, from the Local Government Association, identified issues including communication, decision making processes, management structures, culture and staff development. He said an action plan for improvement was required with a framework for cultural change and how improvement should be monitored and evaluated.
The 2015 Local Government Transparency Code requires Councils to be open about decision making, and issues important to local people. So these are the two questions;
Why have residents` requests for information on the Change Management Programme not been answered as promised?And when will this information be provided to the Forum?
The Chair asked Mr Hone to present his Change Management update to the Forum
He explained that The Terms of Reference for the Council’s Change Management Committee included:
· To provide oversight and scrutiny of any major change management projects being carried out within the organisation; · To provide oversight and scrutiny of any major staffing related issues that could affect the outcomes delivered by the Council; and · To make any consequent recommendations arising out of the above to the appropriate committee of the Council or to the Council.
He said that the workload of the Committee over the past year had focused on delivering the recommendations of the Penn Report – and that there were two recommendations: (i) A short-term action plan on immediate improvements. All the agreed actions have now taken place; and (ii) A longer term plan dealing with governance, etc. which the Council was working through with the Local Government Association (LGA) at the moment. It was said that the LGA were carrying out their on-site review later this month.
Other work of Change Management Committee over the past year was said to include:
· Plans for service transformation · Recruitment and use of agency staff · Improving business and project planning · Performance management · The Council’s four year efficiency plan · Asset management
Items for next month’s meeting of CMC was said to include a report on the outcome of the public consultation on waste and a presentation by Investors In People on their assessment of the Council which was carried out last November.
Chair Update on Grievance
It was said that there was no update to give due to there being nothing new to report from the previous meeting. It was said that ongoing grievance and investigation at Oadby and Wigston Borough Council is still in ... view the full minutes text for item 40. |
Date of the Next Meeting (To Be Confirmed) Minutes: The date of the next meeting will be circulated following the endorsement of the Council Schedule of meetings for 2017 to 2018. It is likely the next meeting date may be in late June 2017. |