Agenda and minutes

Health & Wellbeing Board - Tuesday, 23rd June, 2020 1.30 pm

Venue: Microsoft Teams. View directions

Contact: Kane Radford  Tel: (0116) 257 2672 Email:

Note: In light of the coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic, this meeting is to be held as a remote video conference facilitated by the ZOOM video conferencing platform. 

No. Item


Welcome by Chairman, Councillor Jeffrey Kaufman


The Chair, Cllr Jeffrey Kaufman, welcomed attendees to the meeting.


Apologies for Absence


·         Sgt Steve Power

·         Councillor Miss Amandeep Kaur


Minutes of the Previous Meeting pdf icon PDF 208 KB


The minutes of the meeting of the HWBB held on 14th January 2020 to be taken as read, confirmed and signed by the Chair.


There were a number of actions from the last meeting as shown below:


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Action: Cllr Adams to feedback re/ Arriva at the next meeting

This action will be deferred due to current issues with public transport.


Action: Mary Flynn to make contact with CAP to explore options for a bus to take groups of people to Parklands for exercise classes.

Community Action Partnership confirmed they wish to support the community to travel to PLC and indeed confirmed they do provide ad hoc transport for individuals to get to classes at PLC. This matter will be deferred until PLC is up and running.


Action: Explore options for Exercise Referral on prescription –to tie up a transport link to the Parkland’s referral scheme, or have a referral swim scheme/gym session at Wigston Pool & Fitness Centre, or at South Wigston High School in order to keep people in their local community. Kane Radford – to investigate this once the leisure centres are up and running again.


Action: Cllr J Kaufman to confirm what is available at Wigston Pool & Fitness Centre, and report back at the next meeting. Confirmation that this facility has a 25m 6 lane pool and large fitness activity area available both for members and none members. SLM confirmed their aspiration to work with South Wigston High School on facility development. Meetings have been held, however COVID-19 has impacted on progress. Research was carried out on S.W. and demographic collated to aid access to possible funding streams.


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Action: Community Engagement event. Mary Flynn to provide an update after the meeting. Kane Radford to be involved in the working group. Completed


Action: Charlotte Cooper and Jacob Humphries to keep up to date with staffing issues at Homestart Horizon, and support as required with volunteer recruitment. Completed


Other actions –: devise a lung cancer campaign, due to the results from data collected on males living in South Wigston. Develop a Health campaign /Events Engagement plan, via the new events working group, to be actioned in April 2020. Event postponed but Kane Radford to progress the campaign action.


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Action: Debbie Preston First Contact Plus to meet with Avril Lennox to increase the levels of participation of referrals with Oadby and Wigston. Meeting coincided with the start of COVID, virtual meeting to be held.


Action: Charlotte Cooper to update map with additional venues. Work towards

disseminating the document to ensure all gain use of the sites e.g. Website as a resource

(council and Active Oadby and Wigston). Completed


Action: Update on Selective Licencing:


The Council has formally approved the decision to cover the South Wigston Ward through a Selective Licensing scheme.


Due to Covid 19 there has been a delay in receiving and processing application due to the requirement to provide test certificates and the inability of  ...  view the full minutes text for item 3.


Impact of COVID-19 on Oadby and Wigston pdf icon PDF 64 KB

Additional documents:


In addition to the presentation by Natalie Davidson, Dr Katherine Packham also added the following information;


·         There is a wide range of information and resources including risk assessments on the website to support businesses with the 5 ways of working guidelines to ensure their workplaces are Covid 19 Secure.

·         The government’s Public Health messages on keeping safe from Covid 19 still remain the very important and relevant although these are likely to be updated in the near future.

·         The Health Inequalities Action Plan which is in progress needs to continue, particularly in view of the impacts of Covid 19.


Following the presentations a number of questions were asked by Councillors, the responses are summarised below;


·         Oadby could have higher Covid 19 figures because of its older population and the fact there are more care homes in the area. Unfortunately at the moment the data cannot be split any lower than MSOA level.

·         It is probably not a coincidence that the data is similar to that of the city as the Borough has similar population density.

·         Multiple national studies have shown that many people who have died from Covid 19 also have other co morbidities.

·         The Public Health messages will most likely change and will be targeted to different communities, and community leaders will play a big part in communicating these messages when appropriate.

·         There isn’t local available data at the moment on patients who have recovered from Covid 19 but some insight has shown that in some cases patients are likely to have long lasting effects from the virus and will have to relearn certain tasks such as walking.


4a. Impact of Covid 19 on GP Surgeries and Hospitals – by Dr Vivek Varankantam and Dr Richard Palin


A presentation was delivered by Dr Vivek Varankantam and Dr Richard Palin on behalf of the different Primary Care Networks (PCN) in the Borough, on the impact Covid 19 has had to their working practices and their engagement with patients.


·         The NHS has gone to a command and control system where they receive guidance direct from the Government.

·         Patients can’t go into a GP practice at the moment unless for a pre-arranged appointment. This is to protect staff and patients but all the practices are open as a virtual service.

·         GP Practices have put patients into different cohorts to treat them depending on their circumstances i.e. the shielded group. GP’s have spent a lot of time refining these lists and ensuring they are accurate.

·         All GP Practices have gone to total triage model and are reviewing each patient virtually and via email first to determine which method of treatment is required.

·         The East Leicestershire CCG have set up the Oadby and Wigston Walk In Centre as a Hot Hub which is for patients they believe have Covid 19, as they want to see them all in one place.

·         A home visiting service has been established to treat patients that are both Covid 19 positive and negative when appropriate.

·         Hospitals  ...  view the full minutes text for item 4.


Health Inequalities Action Plan pdf icon PDF 64 KB

Additional documents:


Events and Campaigns Sub Group – Wellfest Update by Mary Flynn


·         The Wellfest – health and wellbeing festival was due to be held on the 16th May in the South Wigston Health Centre, Blaby Road Park and Tesco’s car park.

·         It was postponed due to Covid 19.

·         A wide range of professional and voluntary sector services were due to promote and deliver health and wellbeing activities and services on the different sites.

·         Action: Sue Renton to arrange a Wellfest Working Group meeting to discuss different options around the delivery of a virtual or physical festival.


5.a Health Inequalities Action Plan - Education Sub Group Update by Hussein Khan


The first Education task and finish group took place on 15/01/20. The meeting was well attended, school staff and LCC partners attended. Discussion focussed on the direction of the task and finish group Initial themes for the group are as follows:

  • Physical Activity
  • Obesity/Healthy Weight
  • Mental Health
  • Smoking, Alcohol and Substance Misuse
  • Sexual Health
  • Oral Health

·         Aspiration/Career Advice/Further Education


It was discussed that the following themes should be added:

  • Pupil Premium
  • Families who just miss out on Free School Meals and are in danger of in-work poverty
  • Debt
  • Housing
  • Financial Wellbeing, as this is no longer taught in schools
  • Lack of ambition and having “real-world ambitions”
  • Employment and employability
  • Links between Sexual Health and Cancer prevention through Cervical Screening

For the second meeting more partners/organisations were invited including JHOOTs and the Dentists in South Wigston. The second meeting was due to take place on 23/03/20 but this has been postponed due to COVID-19. Hussein hopes to set up a meeting for September as Schools are currently working on a recovery curriculum to support children and young people back into school focusing on supporting student’s mental health.


Any Other Business


Not applicable.


Future Meeting

Tuesday, 22 September 2020 


Tuesday, 22 September 2020 

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