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No. | Item |
Welcome by Chairman, Councillor Jeffrey Kaufman |
Apologies for Absence Minutes: Councillor F S Ghattoraya Councillor G A Boulter Hema Jesa Andrew Dingley |
Minutes of the Previous Meeting Minutes: Chair noted that the invite list is out of date and needs updating. Page 1, Item 11 – Health Inequality information: Cllr J Kaufman: FIGURES of life expectancy health equalities. Not actioned. Chair noted this was to be shared and discussed at the next board. Page 2, Item 12 - ACTION: Helping Hands service and contact details to be shared with Councillors and PCNs. Not actioned. Chair noted that minutes from previous boards were unsigned in person. D Gill stated he had minutes of previous meetings. The minutes of the meeting of the HWBB held on the 6 July to be taken as read, confirmed and signed by the Chair. |
Vaccination Local Update Jennifer Mackenzie, Community Health Improvement Officer, Oadby and Wigston Borough Council Minutes: J Mackenzie provided an update of the vaccination uptake in Oadby and Wigston. Oadby North and East have the lowest uptake at 76.7 %, and Wigston Harcourt and Little Hill has the highest at 86.2 %. The age group of 25-29 has the lowest uptake at 59.1 % across the Borough. Highest uptake for age is 60+. After identifying the low vaccination uptake in the area across all age groups. The Community and Wellbeing team and other members of council distributed leaflets and posters to all the business and organisations on South Wigston high street and leaflets drops to houses in the local area. A vaccination site in South Wigston was held in August, hosted at North Warwickshire and South Leicestershire College with a total of 571 people vaccinated over the course of 3 days. The Community and Wellbeing team are also supporting Leicester County Council in hosting the vaccine testing van across Oadby and Wigston. The vans perform on site testing, distribute take home kits and welfare packs. Take up has been positive in Oadby and Wigston. Dates of the vans are detailed in member bulletin. Ongoing work includes regular pop-ups in public areas focused on Covid-19, testing, vaccines and providing accurate information. The Councils and Active Oadby and Wigston social media channels support a variety of Covid-19 information campaigns. Health and wellbeing, Covid 19 and vaccine information has been distributed in housing blocks and flat communal boards and areas. Covid-19 advice and information is updated in our community newsletters. The Community and Wellbeing team are hosting a Covid-19 and Vaccine information pop-up in Wigston on the 20th October in response to recent letters in the post. Information is also disseminated through Community Health Champion Programme. Cllr Lily Kaufman asked if the booster vaccination was included in the statistics. – J Mackenzie responded that they do not have the data of the booster vaccines yet. Cllr Boyce noted that with the vaccination clinic in South Wigston, the statistics do not represent an increase in vaccine uptake and that the Borough has a real problem with vaccination. - J Mackenzie responded that people could come from anywhere for the vaccination clinic in South Wigston. Chair asked regarding the low vaccine uptake in Oadby North and East whether it is the students who are unvaccinated. ACTION: J Mackenzie to confirm uptake for ages. Cllr Boyce suggested that we need to target younger people as the data shows they have low vaccine uptake. Suggested if anything could be with schools in the worst Covid 19 affected wards. S Renton stated the difficulties for setting up a pop up vaccine site including the logistical difficulties. Commended work J Mackenzie did with other partners. S Jagot noted that chemist in Oadby provided vaccines. Chair suggested we contact the chemist and shops in Oadby north and east. Also suggested about the pharmacies in South Wigston and what contribution they may be able to add to vaccine uptake. ACTION: J Mackenzie and S Renton to contact ... view the full minutes text for item 20. |
Community Champions Update Jennifer Mackenzie and Ross Levy, Community Health Improvement Officers, Oadby and Wigston Borough Council Officers, Oadby and Wigston Borough Council Minutes: R Levy introduced himself as a Community Health Improvement Officer. R Levy updated on the recent progress of the Community Health Champion programme. R Levy explained that the programme works towards an evidence base approach. The volunteers are representative of the Borough and hold a variety of different skill set. For example, for the campaign of Stoptober, they utilised a volunteer who has skills in graphic design to design graphics and media. Co-produce programmes with volunteers. Since August, the Community and Wellbeing team have hosted or supported in 13 community events. With LCC or own pop ups. They have used recruited champions to assist with this, promoting mental and physical wellbeing. R Levy also provided information about other local programmes, such as group and 1-1 walks. Also noted partnerships and collaboration with both internal and external partners. Chair asked how many Community Health Champion volunteers we have. R Levy responded with 8, but they are diverse and reflective of the borough. Chair asked if this is related to volunteers that are recorded in member’s bulletin. R Levy confirmed that those are volunteers that support with the Community Hub. Cllr L Kaufman expressed how impressed she was with enthusiasm of the team and other partners from Safety First event that took place Monday 18th at Salvation Army. Chair mentioned that did not quite get the numbers for Safety First event, but still successful. R Levy thanked everyone for their interest and respect. |
Oadby and Wigston Locality Leads Update Sue Renton, Health & Well Being Team Leader / Senior Social Prescribing Link Worker, Oadby and Wigston PCN / GP Surgeries Minutes: S Renton provided an update on the Oadby and Wigston Locality group.
The 6 surgeries in the PCN include Bushloe Surgery Wigston - Wigston Central - Oadby Central - South Wigston Health Centre - Rosemead Drive, Oadby and Spectrum Health Surgery, Oadby.
The locality group engages with partner organisations who have existing engagement with target audiences and residents. The group is aims to meet needs of residents. The group had started from a health inequalities workshop through Covid 19. It continued and the group met informally for many months. It has now adopted a more formal approach.
The proposed terms of reference will be discussed at the next Locality meeting. The purpose of the group aims to support the wellbeing of individuals through creating a healthy community through partnership working. The group will now be called the Oadby and Wigston Integrated Leadership team. The group formally meet on Thursday, every month. Will ensure efforts of those reflected and will feedback to board and members. |
Any Other Business Minutes: J Mackenzie advised Public Health will be in attendance next meeting to provide information on health inequalities. Chair asked for opinions and feedback about members meeting face to face. Asked whether the next meeting should be in person. S Renton mentioned it was good to see people yesterday at safety first, would like to advocate to meet in person. Cllr Rosemarie noted internet struggles, online is impersonal, would rather have face to face. Chair asked whether the current meeting time is the best time of day for members. Cllr Boyce stated it is important to get the right people here. Suggested that the NHS and Public Health should be in attendance. Cllr L Kaufman noted that if public health are invited, need to ensure that in person meeting is Covid-19 safe and adhere to number restrictions. Highlighted the need to be flexible. Cllr Boyce stated online meeting would improve inclusivity if timing is right. Need to consider that if group returns to face to face, it may effect working practice people have adopted. Noted he would prefer to continue online. Suggested middle of next year 2022. |
Date of Next Meeting Minutes: Monday, 18 January 2022. |