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Contact: Andrew Dingley Tel: (0116) 257 2651 Email:
No. | Item |
Welcome by Chairman, Councillor Jeffrey Kaufman |
Apologies for Absence Minutes: Councillor R Adams Councillor F S Ghattoraya J Barroclough S Valance |
Minutes of the Previous Meeting Minutes: All actions completed.
The minutes of the meeting of the HWBB held on the 19 October 2021 to be taken as read, confirmed and signed by the Chair. |
Vaccine Update –Jennifer Mackenzie, Oadby and Wigston Borough Council Minutes: J Mackenzie provided an update of the vaccination uptake in Oadby and Wigston. For over 18’s, South Wigston has the lowest vaccination uptake in Borough. Whereas Wigston Harcourt & Little Hill has the highest. In Under 18s, the lowest vaccine uptake is Oadby South & West, and the highest uptake is Wigston Harcourt & Little Hill. There is currently no 2nd dose or booster data for specific age cohorts under 18. Booster well received. The Leicestershire County Council Welfare van has been positive in O&W, particularly Wigston. Public Health have launched two phases in their vaccine promotional activity to increase the uptake in Leicestershire & Rutland. Phase 1 was the promotion of the vaccine through a social media toolkit, working with voluntary, community and local organisations in target areas. If any partners would like the social media toolkit to use, please confirm. Secondly, Phase 2 now includes support in target areas, including street level promotion such as leaflet dropping. South Wigston has been identified for a mobile clinic, so support will be focused in this area. Cllr B Boulter exclaimed the difficulties in South Wigston with people unable to get out and health visitors not willing to vaccinate at home. Sue Renton confirmed home visits can be performed by contact via the surgery. ACTION: S.Renton to contact PCN about surgeries providing home visits for vaccinations. |
Health Inequalities in OWBC – Kayal Lad and Jenna Parton, Public Health Minutes: K Lad and J Parton presented.
In Oadby & Wigston, latest data (2018-20) for life expectancy at birth for males (79.5) performs similar to the national average (79.4). In 2018-20, life expectancy at birth for females (84.6) performs significantly better than the national average (83.1). The gap in inequality in LE at birth in males between most and least deprived decile is 10.3 years. The gap in inequality in LE at birth in females between most and least deprived decile is 10.0 years.
Oadby and Wigston separately and as a district are both significantly better than England for all three domains of IMD.
South Wigston is significantly worse than England for the Child poverty domain, significantly better than England for Older people in deprivation and not statistically different for Income deprivation.
Oadby compares well against England with mortality for all causes, all cancer, all circulatory disease, respiratory diseases and causes considered preventable being significantly lower (better) than England.
Wigston is similar to England apart from performing significantly lower (better) for all causes and respiratory diseases.
South Wigston is significantly higher (worse) for all causes and causes considered preventable .
South Wigston and Wigston Town higher percentage of teenage pregnancies. Chair requested copy of the presentation.
ACTION: send out health inequality presentation.
Chair mentioned life expectancy figures for South Wigston 2 years ago, asked what has been done to reduce this gap.
J Parton exclaimed that the gap has closed between least and most deprived. We cannot break the data further down than Oadby & Wigston Borough. Explained that we should capture any impact to attribute to improvement changes. R Levy commented that we can contribute the impact and data. We have collected qualitative data. Since post, the team has supported 26 community events in the borough surrounding health inequalities such as smoking, physical activity, etc. Providing detailed quantitative data from conversations with members of the public.
Explained we also collect data from physical activity programmes. R Levy expressed wish to work collaboratively with Public Health.
J Parton agreed.
Cllr B Boulter commented on the deprivation in South Wigston. Cllr Bill Boulter highlighted the need for more life skills, help and support with cooking/food nutrition and support with child care.
M Flynn stated a significant issue for health and wellbeing is the doctor’s surgeries not fit for purpose. Also need more approachable and tailored format for the messaging being put out in the community.
J Parton stated we need to understand barriers, for example cost or time. Finding people in community to advocate.
L Mugridge highlighted how important community engagement events are. Chair mentions how a barrier may be social media. No longer sending paper copies out.
N Swan mentioned Helping Hands been in South Wigston for year, passionate about location, identified that social media is not as effective in South Wigston. Street engagement needed, being available face to face is important.
Cllr L Kaufman mentioned the loss of Age UK is a big miss for people ... view the full minutes text for item 29. |
Update from Everyone Active – James Naylor, Everyone Active Minutes: J Naylor updated on Post Covid recovery in Leisure sector. Peak in July, average of just over 5000 people using the facilities. There is a drop in overall attendance compared to two year ago. This could be attributed to online sessions/alternative sports/not wanting to attend again due to restrictions/masks/etc. The goal is to be same as March 2020 by March 2022 – getting there in terms of figures, should be similar.
Changes have been made to swimming timetable due to the need for smaller groups for covid guidelines and Swim England guidance. Potential to link up Wigston leisure centre and Wigston College with facility usage. ACTION J Naylor update accordingly.
Participation levels have risen continuously.
The gym has the biggest increase in participation, swimming not so much, sports and activities are the lowest attendance.
Hit hard from income, support from local authority and partners has helped significantly.
Cllr B Boulter asked if the opening hours the same as pre covid?
J Naylor responded that mostly the same opening hours, but closed at weekends earlier because footfall was so low. |
Community Development Plan Minutes: J Naylor shared the Development of Community and Wellbeing Strategy 2022, to unite communities to get more active. It is a sixfold plan to develop and assist with community engagement in physical activity and sport. It is a 3 year plan. Developed with Uniting the movement, Sport England’s strategy. Six community programmes will include: community education and employment, club support programme, exercise referral programme, inequalities support programme, national partner and local network programme, community digi-activity programme. Cllr B Boulter mentioned would be good to present to services committee. A Dingley mentioned we can also update on Physical Activity Commissioning Plan in March. |
Update from Locality Leads – Sue Renton, Oadby and Wigston PCN | GP Surgeries Minutes: S Renton unfortunately had to leave for patient. A Dingley updated on behalf of S Renton. The King Centre is to be set up as a community hub with Nigel from Helping Hands. The Locality leads group have put together their working business plan which will be presented at next Locality Group Meeting in March. |
Any Other Business Minutes: Next meeting will be the Health Summit. To include update from SSPAN, Everyone Active, Community & Wellbeing team and Locality Leads. Priorities will be reviewed.
ACTION: Invitation list to be updated.
Date of Next Meeting Minutes: Next meeting March 22nd 1:30pm |