Agenda item

Health Inequalities in OWBC – Kayal Lad and Jenna Parton, Public Health


K Lad and J Parton presented.   


In Oadby & Wigston, latest data (2018-20) for life expectancy at birth for males (79.5) performs similar to the national average (79.4). In 2018-20, life expectancy at birth for females (84.6) performs significantly better than the national average (83.1). The gap in inequality in LE at birth in males between most and least deprived decile is 10.3 years. The gap in inequality in LE at birth in females between most and least deprived decile is 10.0 years.


Oadby and Wigston separately and as a district are both significantly better than England for all three domains of IMD. 


South Wigston is significantly worse than England for the Child poverty domain, significantly better than England for Older people in deprivation and not statistically different for Income deprivation. 


Oadby compares well against England with mortality for all causes, all cancer, all circulatory disease, respiratory diseases and causes considered preventable being significantly lower (better) than England.


Wigston is similar to England apart from performing significantly lower (better) for all causes and respiratory diseases.


South Wigston is significantly higher (worse) for all causes and causes considered preventable .


South Wigston and Wigston Town higher percentage of teenage pregnancies.  

Chair requested copy of the presentation.  


ACTION: send out health inequality presentation. 


Chair mentioned life expectancy figures for South Wigston 2 years ago, asked what has been done to reduce this gap. 


J Parton exclaimed that the gap has closed between least and most deprived. We  cannot break the data further down than Oadby & Wigston Borough. Explained that we should capture any impact to attribute to improvement changes. 

 R Levy commented that we can contribute the impact and data. We have collected qualitative data. Since post, the team has supported 26 community events in the borough surrounding health inequalities such as smoking, physical activity, etc. Providing detailed quantitative data from conversations with members of the public.


Explained we also collect data from physical activity programmes. R Levy expressed wish to work collaboratively with Public Health.


J Parton agreed.  


Cllr B Boulter commented on the deprivation in South Wigston. Cllr Bill Boulter highlighted the need for more life skills, help and support with cooking/food nutrition and support with child care. 


M Flynn stated a significant issue for health and wellbeing is the doctor’s surgeries not fit for purpose. Also need more approachable and tailored format for the messaging being put out in the community. 


J Parton stated we need to understand barriers, for example cost or time. Finding people in community to advocate.  


L Mugridge highlighted how important community engagement events are.  

Chair mentions how a barrier may be social media. No longer sending paper copies out.  


N Swan mentioned Helping Hands been in South Wigston for year, passionate about location, identified that social media is not as effective in South Wigston. Street engagement needed, being available face to face is important.


Cllr L Kaufman mentioned the loss of Age UK is a big miss for people seeking advice and guidance for members of the community. Idea for something to fill the gap in the community, working together to support one another through difficult times. Peer support may be an idea for this. Fuel crisis is also going to be a problem. 

Cllr B Boulter, group called ‘Gingerbread’ used to exist. It was for young mums meeting at a local place to discuss issues, cooking, clothes swaps etc. Could be something to put into South Wigston as a support system. 


M Flyne mentioned new parent and toddler group in South Wigston. 


S Jagot expressed the need to adapt communication and engagement for people with a learning disability, and BME groups.  


L Mugridge updated on #GetMoving day previously on 12th January and to follow on Wednesday 16th March.  


H Khan updated on the Move it March campaign to get young people and families more active. Trackers to be given to monitor activity levels – every 15 minutes of PA - colour in the Oadby Wigston wolf. 


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