Agenda and minutes

Health & Wellbeing Board - Tuesday, 14th January, 2020 1.30 pm

Venue: Council Offices, Bushloe House, Station Road, Wigston, Leicestershire, LE18 2DR. View directions

Contact: Avril Lennox MBE - Email: 

No. Item




The Chair, Cllr Jeffrey Kaufman, welcomed attendees to the meeting.


Apologies for Absence


Cllr Bill Boulter

Cllr Fula S Ghattoraya

Debbie Preston

Jane Sinfield


Minutes of the Previous Meeting pdf icon PDF 210 KB


The minutes of the meeting of the HWBB held on 1st October 2019 to be taken as read, confirmed and signed by the Chair.


Actions from the Last Minutes


There were a number of actions from the last meeting as shown overleaf:



October 2019 HWBB actions:



Action: Updated Terms of Reference to be provided at the next meeting.

Completed, and included in item 3 of the HWBB Agenda


Action: Invite Leicestershire Fire Service to health and wellbeing fairs



Action: Organise a meeting to discuss the engagement plan


Completed, it was concluded that the events working group can produce the engagement plan in the new financial year


Action: Kane Radford to meet with Hollie Hutchinson to discuss and he will invite her to the next meeting

Completed, update from meeting on the main action plan


Action: Dr V Varakantam to arrange a meeting with Dr K Packham, H Khan and K Radford to discuss the Health Inequality data and the direction of the Task and Finish Group.

Completed, task and finish group meeting arranged for 15th January


Action: Invite Debbie Preston from LCC First Contact Plus to the next meeting to discuss

Debbie Preston unable to attend, however she is represented by Danny Saines.


Action: OWBC officers to report back by January 2020 on proposed approach to improving communication of health services and interventions


Completed, it was agreed that the Public Health Directory would be utilised when it is updated, and to add Public Health resources to the website as initial actions. Gaps will be identified once completed.


South Wigston Health Centre:



Mapping exercise of existing community venues to be produced and brought to the next meeting.

See attached notes (Appendix1) provided by OWBC Planning colleagues.


Completed, Charlotte Cooper to present under Agenda item 4



Action: T Cawthorne to update the board at the next meeting of the outcome of the Selective Licencing Consultation.

Tony Cawthorne has confirmed his attendance.



Terms of Reference, Signed Off pdf icon PDF 196 KB


The Terms of Reference for the Board were agreed and signed off.



Health Inequalities Action Plan, Progress pdf icon PDF 115 KB

Additional documents:


Attendees were provided with a copy of the current Action Plan, including the 10 recommendations which were discussed as follows:


Action 1 Developing further understanding - Population data:

A copy of the health profiles for South Wigston and Wigston were forwarded to Board members prior to the meeting.  It was agree that to spit the data by GP practices would not provide any significant benefit; it was felt that the same indicators would be referenced, and the majority of patients in the most deprived areas are served by one practice. The work involved in gaining the individual data would not warrant any additional outcome; therefore this will not be explored further. Thanks were expressed to Kajal Lad and Dr Kath Packham for all of there work on evaluating the population data.


The key health issues were explored, particularly those that were red rating. However it was noted that whilst the reds could be a concern, it could also be a positive in regards to better identification and thus treating issues earlier.


Lung Cancer is a Red rating as highlighted at the Health Summit last year. The different reasons identified include the prevalence of smoking in the area, however things have moved on in the last 12 months e.g. if you have a chest x-ray now in Leicestershire if it looks abnormal you will be offered a pathway to a lung cancer check. This has reduced the number of people attending in the emergency departments.


Tackling smoking / COPD – Smoking prevalence data in South Wigston, shows there is a high rate of over 21% which is extremely high.  There needs to be ongoing work e.g. the Smoking cessation – managed in the hot spot areas. Pollution was also raised as a possible issue and whether it has been identified as a factor. It is unclear if this data is available at the moment. However, there is a proposal for an air monitoring station on Blaby Road, which isn’t live at the moment.


Public Health’s strategy is to help people stop smoking through campaigns and the referral of individuals to the LCC referral services. This action also links to the campaign under Recommendation 4 to devise a lung cancer campaign.


Action 2 Terms of Reference has been updated, agreed and singed off.


Action 3 Connecting the Three Communities:

There is a service provided by Community Action Partnership, which is a subsidised transport option to get people from one point to another. They rely on volunteer drivers and vehicles. Mary Flynn to explore options.

Cllr Adams confirmed she had tried to make contact with Arriva about re-setting up the 44 Bus for the Fairfield Estate, as it ceases service at certain times in the day and the route means you cannot travel into Wigston Magna. Cllr Adams to chase up for a response.


It was noted that there is an excellent facility at Wigston Pool & Fitness Gym, which is a local facility for the Wigston and South Wigston area. The free u15s  ...  view the full minutes text for item 44.


LCC Public Health - Health Improvement Team Campaigns - Connor Melia pdf icon PDF 408 KB


Connor handed out a briefing note that was produced last year (see Appendix 4).  A new suicide strategy is out to consultation. The strategy will run from 2020 to 2023. There is a new commissioned service suicide bereavement across LLR. Another programme is informal volunteering service to self-promote – Start a Conversation. All resources will be available on the website.


There will also be social media paid adverts, which is a new approach. They want all partners including Oadby and Wigston BC to support this social media activity to increase the reach and information about the campaign. They also aim to increase training – to Start a Conversation. This fits with Action 4 Community Engagement.


Action: OWBC to promote the above via OWBC social media


Next Steps


A.     Update on Health events from the Events sub-group

B.     Update on range of Actions within the Health Inequality action plan

C.     Engagement Plan

D.    Update from the Education sub-group

E.     Community spaces, how we encourage partners to use local facilities

F.     Identify what is happening in South Wigston and their successes

G.    Wigston Swimming pool and Gym – available activities


Any Other Business


None raised.

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