Attendees were provided with a copy of the current Action Plan, including the 10 recommendations which were discussed as follows:
Action 1 Developing further understanding - Population data:
A copy of the health profiles for South Wigston and Wigston were forwarded to Board members prior to the meeting. It was agree that to spit the data by GP practices would not provide any significant benefit; it was felt that the same indicators would be referenced, and the majority of patients in the most deprived areas are served by one practice. The work involved in gaining the individual data would not warrant any additional outcome; therefore this will not be explored further. Thanks were expressed to Kajal Lad and Dr Kath Packham for all of there work on evaluating the population data.
The key health issues were explored, particularly those that were red rating. However it was noted that whilst the reds could be a concern, it could also be a positive in regards to better identification and thus treating issues earlier.
Lung Cancer is a Red rating as highlighted at the Health Summit last year. The different reasons identified include the prevalence of smoking in the area, however things have moved on in the last 12 months e.g. if you have a chest x-ray now in Leicestershire if it looks abnormal you will be offered a pathway to a lung cancer check. This has reduced the number of people attending in the emergency departments.
Tackling smoking / COPD – Smoking prevalence data in South Wigston, shows there is a high rate of over 21% which is extremely high. There needs to be ongoing work e.g. the Smoking cessation – managed in the hot spot areas. Pollution was also raised as a possible issue and whether it has been identified as a factor. It is unclear if this data is available at the moment. However, there is a proposal for an air monitoring station on Blaby Road, which isn’t live at the moment.
Public Health’s strategy is to help people stop smoking through campaigns and the referral of individuals to the LCC referral services. This action also links to the campaign under Recommendation 4 to devise a lung cancer campaign.
Action 2 Terms of Reference has been updated, agreed and singed off.
Action 3 Connecting the Three Communities:
There is a service provided by Community Action Partnership, which is a subsidised transport option to get people from one point to another. They rely on volunteer drivers and vehicles. Mary Flynn to explore options.
Cllr Adams confirmed she had tried to make contact with Arriva about re-setting up the 44 Bus for the Fairfield Estate, as it ceases service at certain times in the day and the route means you cannot travel into Wigston Magna. Cllr Adams to chase up for a response.
It was noted that there is an excellent facility at Wigston Pool & Fitness Gym, which is a local facility for the Wigston and South Wigston area. The free u15s swim during the summer will be promoted in due course. The aim is to use Active Signposting scheme to appropriate activities. However it is also noted that people living in South Wigston are less likely to travel out of their area.
Action: Cllr Adams to feedback re/ Arriva at the next meeting
Action: Mary Flynn to make contact with CAP to explore options for a bus to take groups of people to Parklands for exercise classes.
Action: Explore options for Exercise Referral on prescription –to tie up a transport link to the Parkland’s referral scheme, or have a referral swim scheme/gym session at Wigston Pool & Fitness Centre, or at South Wigston High School in order to keep people in their local community.
Action: Cllr J Kaufman to confirm what is available at Wigston Pool & Fitness Centre, and report back at the next meeting.
Action 4 Community Engagement:
Wigston Fire Station confirmed they have set up a working group. One of the aims is to tackle issues earlier with residents to avoid deaths from fire related incidents, particularly for those at Risk in their own homes. The group has had two meetings, with the aim of reducing the demand on the Fire Service and EMAS. They came up with a few names for the group at the last meeting e.g. Wellness Action Group, or Joint Community Wellbeing Group. The idea would be to feed into the HWBB. They will also aim to have a closer working relationship with those working on the ground every day, so there is no need to wait for meetings to take place, they can have ad-hoc discussions. They also confirmed they make a number of referrals in to First Contact Plus and are now beginning to gain some feedback on the referral outcomes.
Mary Flynn confirmed that this group will deliver the Health Fair at South Wigston. The aim is to make the events attractive to residents to attend whilst also ensuring the message is about wellbeing, prevention, mental wellbeing and being active within the community. Active signposting will also play a key part including signposting to walking groups etc. The next meeting is planned for Thursday 16 January, with the end of March beginning of April as a proposed date for the South Wigston event. Mary will also have a discussion with the Two Steeples regarding progressing a second health event.
Action: Mary to provide an update after the meeting. Kane Radford to be involved in the working group.
Active Families: Charlotte Cooper provided an update on the Active Families Programme, the notes can be found in Appendix 2.
Action: Charlotte Cooper and Jacob Humphries to keep up to date with staffing issues at Homestart Horizon, and support as required with volunteer recruitment.
Other actions – to devise a lung cancer campaign, due to the results from data collected on males living in South Wigston. Develop a Health campaign /Events Engagement plan, via the new events working group, to be actioned in April 2020.
Action 5 Education:
Hussein Khan is the lead person for the Education group, who confirmed that the first task and finish group for Education will take place on 15 January. Hussein has met with a number of PH health professionals who are unable to make the meeting, to talk about how education can bridge the gap. He also met with the PH consultant and has come up with 7 different topics to explore:
1. Physical Activity
2. Health weight / obesity
3. Mental health
4. Smoking/Alcohol/Substance misuse
5. Sexual health
6. Oral health
7. Aspiration/career advice and further education
KPIS – will relate to Healthy Schools Status, and awareness of new framework for schools. Both short term and long term goals will be set. Also looking at a producing a video to engage with schools.
Action 6 Social Prescribing:
Sue Renton is the new Oadby and Wigston PCN. There are two PCNs within the local authority area. Plans are yet to be fully developed, but signposting people to the right services is key.
First Contact Plus – Danny Saines
Danny provided an update about First Contact Plus: Weight management has now come back under Public Health. First Contact plus is the acting as the front door for referrals for weight management, which is available to over 16’s/adults and children– that may change in time. They are recruiting 2 additional staff members due to the increase in referrals from all districts. In Oadby and Wigston they are working on Active Signposting and Social Prescribing Agendas, especially with the GPS via training provided by Debbie Preston. When individuals are referred they will receive a discussion with an advisor. Danny provided a list of type of referrals received and numbers per organisation.
Action: Debbie Preston to meet with Avril Lennox to increase the levels of participation of referrals with Oadby and Wigston.
Action 7 Improving Communication - across organisations and with local residents:
It was agreed we would utilise the Public Health Directory when it is updated and add Public Health resources to the website as initial actions. Once this has been completed we can identify any gaps.
Action 8 South Wigston Health Centre:
Alex Ward confirmed that OWBC is working with the CCG to improve facilities. The CCG has been working to identify a site in South Wigston for some time. As it is one of OWBC Priorities it has an agreement with the CCG to help identify a site and work collaboratively together on this action. Now it is a case of Funding from NH England to try to move this forward.
Action 9 Community Spaces:
Charlotte Cooper provided each attendee with a copy of the local map produced identifying local community assets/spaces. Attendees provided information about other venues that can be added to the map for both Wigston and South Wigston.
Action: Charlotte Cooper to update map with additional venues. Work towards disseminating the document to ensure all gain use of the sites e.g. Website as a resource (council and Active Oadby and Wigston).
Action 10 Housing:
Tony Cawthorne explained about the Selective Licensing scheme for South Wigston.
The Selective licence scheme will be looking at South Wigston Ward as this area meets the Governments targets in the Guidance that all Local Authorities must take and requires that where one or more of the 6 issues outlined below is breached the Council may bring in selective licensing.
Within the ward of South Wigston the criteria is exceeded in 5 of the 6 categories.
• High density of private rented sector properties
• High density of housing related private rented issues
• Area of high level of Anti-social Behaviour
• Area of high level of and Crime.
• Area of low housing demand
• High levels of Deprivation
The only one not exceeded is the migration criteria which prevents the Council from accessing the Controlling Migration funding from Government. The Council is looking at the standard being raised to provide decent homes within the Private Sector. The Decent Homes standard is:
• In reasonable repair
• Meet current legal housing standards
• Have reasonably modern facilities and services
Evidence to support the Council can be found on the Councils website https://www.oadby-wigston.gov.uk/pages/selective_licensing and also within the attached power point presentation (Appendix 3)
Action: Tony Cawthorne to provide updates when available to the Health and Wellbeing Board.
Supporting documents: