Venue: South Wigston Methodist Church, Blaby Road, South Wigston, Leicestershire, LE18 4PB
Contact: Mark Smith (Community Safety & Youth Officer) Tel: (0116) 257 2675 Email:
No. | Item |
Minutes of the Previous Meeting Additional documents: Minutes: It was noted that Appendix A from Item, Minutes of the Previous Meeting was missing. |
Police Update Minutes: Police Community Support Officers (PCSO’s) Cara Hayter and Dominic Judge attended the Forum and provided the below statistics for crime from 1st to 28th May in South Wigston.
17- Non crime incidents recorded. These include safeguarding concerns, verbal only domestics, anti-social behaviour etc.
14- Violence against a person reports. 9 with injury, 5 without injury.
12 thefts. This includes 4 theft from stores, 3 residential burglary, 3 thefts from vehicles and 2 miscellaneous. It was not clear what miscellaneous covers.
7- public order offences. Of these 7, 1 involved a knife involved, there were 3 criminal damages and 1 drug offence.
0- robberies.
A resident advised that he was aware of two males that were very active in committing theft from motor vehicles. A description and location were noted by PCSO’s Hayter and Judge.
The presence of a drug dealer was also raised to Police. The location and specific details were passed to Police.
Concerns were raised with parking on double yellow lines on Leopold Street as a result of customers attending the Cue Club on Blaby Road. Both PCSO’s noted this. Thomas Maccabe advised that Leicestershire Police have restricted and specific powers with parking. Traffic enforcement officers employed by Leicestershire County Council enforce parking on double yellow lines.
Namur Road was also raised where vehicles park on double yellow lines.
PCSO Judge advised residents that from feedback from the local community, priorities raised were dog fouling and speeding vehicles.
PCSO Judge informed residents, tackling dog walkers who do not clean up their dogs mess is difficult to enforce without CCTV. A resident who supports the Litter Wombles noted she was seen used dog bags thrown in bushes and trees. Cllr Boulter advised those attending that the Council do have a dog warden.
Information around PCSO powers were given to residents in respect of reckless driving. PCSO’s have some powers to enforce, however the large majority sit with PC’s. PCSO’s have and will continue collect information and intelligence surrounding those driving recklessly to pass to PC’s.
A resident enquired whether the pedestrian crossing near Jasmine Court can be raised, ie speed bump, to reduce speeding.
Further concerns were raised with speeding and parking on Gloucester Crescent. Cllr Boulter noted that Dorset Avenue also suffers with this. The Council are soon to receive ANPR cameras that may help deter some drivers from speeding.
A resident enquired as to what Police believe peak times are for speeding. PCSO Judge noted he patrols and monitors traffic at the weekends as well as rush hour on weekdays.
A resident raised that she can hear speeding motorbikes on Saffron Road and suspects that they are racing. The noise causes an issue. Cllr Boulter advised that certain powers have be removed for Environmental Health meaning that they can no longer enforce such reports. PCSO Judge advised he will inform the local PC.
PCSO Judge advised the Section 59 Notices can be issued to vehicles that are being used in an anti-social manner. This could lead ... view the full minutes text for item 59. |
Oadby & Wigston Local Plan Review Minutes: Peter Heath and Lisa Chevallereau from the Council’s Planning Policy provided an input with respect to the Local Plan.
Residents were advised that the Council are required to provide a Local Plan as per Central Government and this is to be reviewed every 5 years. The last review having taken place in 2019.
If the Local Plan is up to date with a 5 year supply of housing, the Council are in a position of power to determine future development sites. If however, the Council does not have a 5 year supply of housing or the Plan is not up to date, planning framework will have to be relied upon which is looser and may allow development in certain sites which are not recommended.
The Local Plan is being developed with a public consultation having finished on 15th May. Peter advised he will take further comments from those attending the Forum however if done in a timely fashion.
A further version of the Plan will be completed in February/March 2025. After this, an independent Planning Inspector will review and host a hearing for the public to raise further comments. The report provided by the Planning Inspector will be binding.
The Local Plan contains sites that have been allocated from growth and various planning policies to guide the development of sites. Policies include climate change, water development and affordable housing.
A study has been completed with Oadby and Wigston’s population expected to grow, gain in wealth with retailing need grossing slightly. With regards to retail, utilising existing vacant premises should cover this growth need. There will also need to be more land identified for employment, however the Council do have some sites located. The number may change based on evidence.
A standard method is used to determine how many houses are needed. This is a consistent approach across the country. As a result, Oadby and Wigston will need to provide 190 houses per year. There is also a duty to cooperate with neighbouring Councils. As such, with Leicester City being unable to comply with their growth, Oadby and Wigston have taken a further 50 houses per year. Total number being 240 houses.
Landowners have been written to find suitable land for development with certain sites being identified. The sites do not yet have Council support but this will be reviewed after relevant evidence is gathered though several methods, including a traffic and flood surveys.
Once the relevant evidence has been gathered, the Council will engage with Members to decide on recommended sites. The next version of the plan will contain these.
Feedback from the consultation thus far raises concerns that the current infrastructure cannot cope as well as green areas being identified.
A resident raised concerns that she resides on a newly developed site where residents have to pay a managing agent to maintain the land, including a balancing pond. It was asked if attempts to avoid this can be considered.
A further query was raised regarding considerations for better ... view the full minutes text for item 60. |
Chair's Updates |
Refuse Collection Changes Minutes: A letter was sent to residents offering the update that the Council will be moving to alternate weekly bin collections. This is projected to save the Council £240,000 a year. Officers will collect refuse one week, and recycling the other.
An optimization survey is due to take place to find the most suitable route to collect waste.
Cllr Boulter noted a residents comment about Council Tax. He advised that the local authority receive a small amount with the majority going to Police and Leicestershire County Council.
Should the Council not have made this decision, a 114 Notice may have been issued. This will allow Government employees to inspect how the Council operates and the make cost making decisions. This will also be at a financial cost to the Council. The Council have also saved money by reducing staffing by 15% and are reviewing income generation.
Cllr Boulter referred that previously, the Council allowed residents a free garden bin. It was however found that residents without gardens were in fact requesting bins at a cost to the Council. A decision has therefore been made that a one of payment of £38 will allow residents to purchase a larger refuse bin.
The change is due to be implemented in September.
Questions were raised concerning larger recycling bins. Cllr Boulter advised that the Government is soon to introduce new legislation which will reduce the number of packaging companies will use. This therefore should reduce the number of items residents recycle to be able to use current recycling bins.
Food waste collections are again, something new soon to be introduced. The Council have received advice that residents can put food waste in their garden bins. That said, Leicestershire County Council will not dispose of food waste with garden waste so it is currently unclear what to do at this time.
A resident advised that his refuse is going to be overflowing with the alternate weekly bin collections and does not believe this will work. He also advised that Northamptonshire offered bins to residents for free.
Cllr Boulter responded to say that the Council initially wanted to charge an extra £50 per years. Members however disagreed where the one of cost was selected. Cllr Boulter also encouraged residents to try and use their current refuse bin where possible. Black bags left next to the bin will not due taken due to previously resulting in injuries to staff. The lids will also need to be closed to avoid damage to the bin.
A resident advised that he has seen staff collecting the bins pick out black bin bags from the refuse bins to then throw them into the lorry. Cllr Boulter advised that this should not happen.
Cllr Boulter informed the Forum that any smaller refuse bins returned will be recycled. Residents were concerned due to some properties, mainly terraces, not having the space to wheel the larger bins down the side alley to their rear garden and that bins will be left on the street. ... view the full minutes text for item 61a. |
D-Day 80th Celebrations Minutes: Cllr Boulter informed the Forum that there will be an event held at Brocks Hill to commemorate D-Day. The beacon will be list at 9:15pm. A small ceremony will also be held at Peace Memorial Park at midday. |
Spion Kop Minutes: Spion Kop, the bridge that leads from South Wigston into Wigston and vice versa is due to be demolished in part or full. Work is to start in May 2025 and will take a minimum of 4 months. The road will be closed during this time with diversion routes in place. Pedestrians however will still be able to use the bridge on foot.
A resident raised that when a bridge having construction work done in Blaby, a temporary bridge was erected and questioned why this has not happened here. |
Items Raised by Residents Minutes: The Cue A resident raised concerns with The Cue on Blaby Road with noise nuisance and parking issues. Cllr Boulter advised that noise can be enforced and will follow this up. It was questioned why the Council does not increase business rates. Cllr Boulter advised that they legally cannot do this.
Resident only parking Questions were asked why they cannot have resident only parking on residential streets off Blaby Road. Cllr Boulter advised that this decision is made by Leicestershire County Council and was previously refused due to both residential sides of Blaby Road having to commit. Residents are concerned that they struggle to park on roads such as Leopold and Fairfield Street.
Countesthorpe Road car park A question was asked in respect of how much revenue the car park has made. Cllr Boulter to find this information.
Parking in South Wigston With South Wigston being more deprived than other areas of the Borough and retailers struggling, can the Council consider adapting the car parking charges. Cllr Boulter to follow this up.
Water leak, Saffron Road Cllr Boulter advised that Severn Trent are aware, although residents were concerned it has taken Leicestershire County Council 6 weeks to view the issue.
Ladysmith Road An address on Ladysmith Road has 5-7 minivans parked on its property, is overgrown with increased rubbish piling up. A resident believes that owners has previously taken advantage of those who have lived there. The property is now vacant and Cllr Boulter advised that the previous occupants did not have a tenancy which gave the Council limited powers.
Cllr Boulter advised the Council can remove vehicles from private land but have to have the owners consent to do so. The Council will also consider if the cost is reasonable to remove the vehicles, where removing 5-7 vehicles would be expensive.
The property in questions is under scrutiny by the Council and has not been approved to be a residential building.
Bungalow, Marsten Avenue
A resident made Cllr Boulter aware that the occupant have unfortunately passed away and questioned what will happen to their vehicles, approximately 15 of them. There is also a car in the lounge. Cllr Boulter to follow this up. |
Suggestions for Future Agenda Items Minutes: No Items Raised. |
Date of the Next Meeting Minutes: Tuesday, 23 July 2024 – South Wigston Methodist Church – 19:00 |