Agenda item

Police Update


Police Community Support Officers (PCSO’s) Cara Hayter and Dominic Judge attended the Forum and provided the below statistics for crime from 1st to 28th May in South Wigston.


17- Non crime incidents recorded. These include safeguarding concerns, verbal only domestics, anti-social behaviour etc.


14- Violence against a person reports. 9 with injury, 5 without injury.


12 thefts. This includes 4 theft from stores, 3 residential burglary, 3 thefts from vehicles and 2 miscellaneous. It was not clear what miscellaneous covers.


7- public order offences. Of these 7, 1 involved a knife involved, there were 3 criminal damages and 1 drug offence.


0- robberies.


A resident advised that he was aware of two males that were very active in committing theft from motor vehicles. A description and location were noted by PCSO’s Hayter and Judge.


The presence of a drug dealer was also raised to Police. The location and specific details were passed to Police.


Concerns were raised with parking on double yellow lines on Leopold Street as a result of customers attending the Cue Club on Blaby Road. Both PCSO’s noted this. Thomas Maccabe advised that Leicestershire Police have restricted and specific powers with parking. Traffic enforcement officers employed by Leicestershire County Council enforce parking on double yellow lines.


Namur Road was also raised where vehicles park on double yellow lines.


PCSO Judge advised residents that from feedback from the local community, priorities raised were dog fouling and speeding vehicles.


PCSO Judge informed residents, tackling dog walkers who do not clean up their dogs mess is difficult to enforce without CCTV. A resident who supports the Litter Wombles noted she was seen used dog bags thrown in bushes and trees. Cllr Boulter advised those attending that the Council do have a dog warden.


Information around PCSO powers were given to residents in respect of reckless driving. PCSO’s have some powers to enforce, however the large majority sit with PC’s. PCSO’s have and will continue collect information and intelligence surrounding those driving recklessly to pass to PC’s.


A resident enquired whether the pedestrian crossing near Jasmine Court can be raised, ie speed bump, to reduce speeding.


Further concerns were raised with speeding and parking on Gloucester Crescent. Cllr Boulter noted that Dorset Avenue also suffers with this. The Council are soon to receive ANPR cameras that may help deter some drivers from speeding. 


A resident enquired as to what Police believe peak times are for speeding. PCSO Judge noted he patrols and monitors traffic at the weekends as well as rush hour on weekdays.


A resident raised that she can hear speeding motorbikes on Saffron Road and suspects that they are racing. The noise causes an issue. Cllr Boulter advised that certain powers have be removed for Environmental Health meaning that they can no longer enforce such reports. PCSO Judge advised he will inform the local PC.


PCSO Judge advised the Section 59 Notices can be issued to vehicles that are being used in an anti-social manner. This could lead to seizure.


A resident asked Police what their opinions are on electric scooters. PCSO Judge advised that these are illegal but are awaiting Central Government issuing Police specific powers to deal.