Agenda and draft minutes

Oadby Residents' Forum - Wednesday, 16th October, 2024 6.30 pm

Venue: Civic Suite, Brocks Hill Council Offices, Washbrook Lane, Oadby, Leicester, LE2 5JJ. View directions

Contact: Mark Smith (Community Safety & Youth Officer)  Tel: (0116) 257 2675 Email:

No. Item


Police Update


Sgt. M Body introduced himself to residents as the new Sgt for the Oadby & Wigston Beat Teams.


Residential burglaries remains a priority in Oadby based on resident feedback and crime trends, specifically in relation to last year. In the last 3 month period there have been 9 burglaries, down from 19 in the same period last year. This is likely down to a new priority team working out of Wigston focusing on burglaries.


The funding provided via the PCC’s Office utilised to purchased cocooning packs was mentioned.


Vehicle crime – 15 in the same 3 month period last year, this year has unfortunately increased following a spree in one night around the Rosemead Drive area bringing it up to 25 incidents. Op Pioneer is focusing on this type of crime for the Police.


Coming up the Police will be running a burglary operation in relation to the darker nights campaign which runs annually.


There have been several incidents of shop breaks along Oadby Parade which an operation is being planned to address. There is no pattern to when the shop breaks are occurring.


A resident noted on one night, around 3am, when travelling home 14 people walking around with hoods over their heads which raised his suspicions. Sgt. Body noted that where the Police have reasonable suspicion they will stop people under Stop and Search powers but the circumstances for this to happen are strict.


A resident raised a large number of vehicles travelling around the Oadby area with loud exhausts. Sgt. Body noted that the Police are aware of these vehicles having been reported in the Rosemead area and around the Oadby industrial area. The Police regularly run Fatal 4 operations in the Borough to address road safety, and officers have received additional speed gun training in the Borough.


One resident noted a car with a private number plate that speeds through Oadby most mornings around 7:30am. The plate was provided to Sgt. Body.


An empty building on the Parade, over Specsavers, was raised as a concern which was noted the Police are already aware of. Young people are entering the building by climbing over rooftops and there is a suspicion of drug use. Cllr. Ridley noted that this should be brought to the attention of the Planning Team to see if there are any powers that can be applied to enact repairs; permitted development was given for the building to be converted into flats which hasn’t occurred as yet. Residents suggested that this building could be compulsory purchased and developed into flats to address housing needs in the area. Queens Road, Leicester was noted as an example of a thriving high street which should be emulated in other areas, especially Oadby, by residents.


Cllr. Alam questioned discretionary funding that County Councillors may have; it was confirmed that this funding stopped 2 years ago and is no longer available.


Fire Service Update


No attendance likely due to operational need. LFRS will be invited to the next Forum.


Residents raised a potential question for LFRS around properties building extensions that remove all rear access to the property, and how this will affect the ability of LFRS to firefight. Previously there have been planning restrictions around maintaining access to the rear of properties but this has likely been revoked.



Chair's Updates


Parking Problems around The Yews / Harvard Close


County Council do not employ any Parking Wardens after 6pm which creates a ‘free for all’ in the area when it comes to vehicles parking inconsiderately. A recent accident in this area was caused by obstructed views due to vehicles parked on pavements; Sgt. Body notes that if the crash was reported correctly it will have been fed back to the Police through established routes.


Cllr. Gamble noted a meeting that took place last Monday on this matter which Cllr. Boulter attended alongside the Police and local residents. Proposals have been put forward through this meeting to the County Council around the enforcement of the zig-zag markings and ‘pencil bollards’ for outside of the school. The eroded single yellow lines have also been reported. Additionally a residents parking scheme for the area has also been suggested. Cllr. Gamble will look to have an on-site meeting with Ozzy O’Shae at the County Council to discuss the problem. Should bollards not be affordable then trees may be considered as an alternative.


Residents noted that a residents parking scheme was suggested several meetings ago for Primrose Hill and were told that the scheme would need to be considered by LCC. There has been no feedback to date on this. Residents parking schemes require 100% agreement from residents that would be affected by the scheme. Cllr. Ridley followed up on this on behalf of residents on Primrose Hill and in the neighbouring streets; LCC stated that, in addition to 100% agreement, any parking scheme would require £10,000 third-party funding due to restrictive local authority funding. Cllr. Ridley will re-enquire about this with LCC.


Items Raised by Residents


Car Park Potholes

As of today’s date (16 October) the Council has gone out to tender for car park repairs covering all car parks in the Borough. East Street car park was noted as having some significant pot holes. Queries were raised about pot holes in the privately owned sections of East Street car park; M Smith will speak with Corporate Assets as to whether the owners will be involved in the tender to see the surfaces repaired. Cllr. Haq noted, in response to a questions about car park lighting, that the Estates Management Team have been requested to look into this.


Land Auctions

A resident queried if we know how bought the parcels of land that were recently auctioned off. Buyers aren’t known but all seven parcels have planning conditions attached to them that require them to be maintained as publicly accessible land for the public benefit; no development will be able to take place on these parcels of land. Residents questioned regarding flooding on these lands which would be the responsibility of the land owners. Any work the Council is forced to do to maintain the land will be recharged to the owners where required. A map of the parcels of land which have been auctioned off was requested to be distributed with the Minutes of this meeting.


Idling Vehicles

A resident raised concerns around idling vehicles near schools. M Smith noted an upcoming clean air policy / project that the Council is in the early stages of development. This is likely to include the Schools across the Borough based on work which took place along Blaby Road in South Wigston.


Former Oadby Swimming Pool Site

An update was requested on this. It was noted that there is currently a badger’s set on the site which is preventing any work commencing on the site at present. An ecological report and process must now be followed although the land is believed to be under offer, sold subject to planning. As the Council is the planning authority and the landowner there are additional steps that need to be taken around the sale of the land, development of the site, and the badger’s set.


Planning Application near Windrush Drive

Cllr. Haq noted a planning application was made for development of land near Windrush over a year ago which, at the time, the Council did not support. Under the new Labour government there are new housing development targets, raising the building of 249 houses per year for the Borough to over 300, which has resulted in the planning application being resubmitted for 149 houses, parks, a medical centre, community centre, and other public facilities. Due to the government changes the Council has to consider this application. As the Council is currently able to negotiate with the developer it can pursue significant public infrastructure; if the planning is refused the developer could appeal to the government and see a revised application granted which features more houses, up to 500, and less public infrastructure.  ...  view the full minutes text for item 36.


Pavement Parking - The Parade, Oadby


Sgt. Body noted that the Police devolved their powers regarding pavement parking etc. to the County Council some years ago. Officers that witness this will often approach drivers but this isn’t always possible. A resident noted that taxi drivers are now parking outside of Bru to collect orders etc. Some of these vehicles are parking within the scope of the zig-zag markings which the Police are able to enforce. Bollards were suggested by residents as a solution but this is likely to be in the longer term.


Residents raised concerns of vehicles parking inconsiderately in the Uplands Road (Fairfield Road) area that may be linked to a business operating out of residential property. Details will be provided to Councillors to be passed back to Council Officers for investigation.


Parking on the corner of Chestnut Avenue was also raised by a resident as likely to cause an accident.


Residents requested a point of contact for an officer within the Council to liaise with over the parking concerns in the Borough. Cllr. Gamble noted that he would be the best point of contact for this, as a County Councillor, as this matter is for Leicestershire County Council.


Cllr. Kaufman noted that the parking issues around Beauchamp College and Gartree High School are increasing. Cllr. Kaufman noted an ongoing campaign for an additional entrance to the schools to be built as part of the development of the new estate to the rear of the schools on Cottage Farm.


Residents queried if the new access through Cottage Farm would provide a through route from the A6 right through to Newton Lane; this would be a concern for speeding vehicles if it were to occur but this currently does not form part of any planning application the Council has seen. Speeding vehicles around Briar Meads are already a concern for residents.


Residents queried whether the Council has any powers under licensing laws that could be utilised to address premises where parking is a regular problem. This has been looked at previously in relation to the Sports Bar and remains under investigation. Cllr. Ridley will follow up on this for an update.



Suggestions for Future Agenda Items


None suggested.


Date of the Next Meeting


Thursday, 13 February 2025 – 18:30 – Brocks Hill Council Offices

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