Agenda item

Items Raised by Residents


Car Park Potholes

As of today’s date (16 October) the Council has gone out to tender for car park repairs covering all car parks in the Borough. East Street car park was noted as having some significant pot holes. Queries were raised about pot holes in the privately owned sections of East Street car park; M Smith will speak with Corporate Assets as to whether the owners will be involved in the tender to see the surfaces repaired. Cllr. Haq noted, in response to a questions about car park lighting, that the Estates Management Team have been requested to look into this.


Land Auctions

A resident queried if we know how bought the parcels of land that were recently auctioned off. Buyers aren’t known but all seven parcels have planning conditions attached to them that require them to be maintained as publicly accessible land for the public benefit; no development will be able to take place on these parcels of land. Residents questioned regarding flooding on these lands which would be the responsibility of the land owners. Any work the Council is forced to do to maintain the land will be recharged to the owners where required. A map of the parcels of land which have been auctioned off was requested to be distributed with the Minutes of this meeting.


Idling Vehicles

A resident raised concerns around idling vehicles near schools. M Smith noted an upcoming clean air policy / project that the Council is in the early stages of development. This is likely to include the Schools across the Borough based on work which took place along Blaby Road in South Wigston.


Former Oadby Swimming Pool Site

An update was requested on this. It was noted that there is currently a badger’s set on the site which is preventing any work commencing on the site at present. An ecological report and process must now be followed although the land is believed to be under offer, sold subject to planning. As the Council is the planning authority and the landowner there are additional steps that need to be taken around the sale of the land, development of the site, and the badger’s set.


Planning Application near Windrush Drive

Cllr. Haq noted a planning application was made for development of land near Windrush over a year ago which, at the time, the Council did not support. Under the new Labour government there are new housing development targets, raising the building of 249 houses per year for the Borough to over 300, which has resulted in the planning application being resubmitted for 149 houses, parks, a medical centre, community centre, and other public facilities. Due to the government changes the Council has to consider this application. As the Council is currently able to negotiate with the developer it can pursue significant public infrastructure; if the planning is refused the developer could appeal to the government and see a revised application granted which features more houses, up to 500, and less public infrastructure. Cllr. Haq noted that previously housing developers would do ‘piecemeal applications’ where a small number of houses were built each time meaning no infrastructure was required; this is no longer the case and the Council is pushing for infrastructure to be included in developments moving forward – Grange Farm estate was noted by Cllr. Gamble as being an example of a piecemeal development that lacks infrastructure.


Residents raised concerns over footpaths that run over the proposed site and have been in use for over 30 years. The bridleway will be maintained, and designated footpaths are protected but can be moved as part of the development. The woodland in the same area was queried in terms of being retained; it is the Councils understanding that the woodlands are not included as an area for development within the outline planning application.


Residents asked if the pond at Bluebell Lane would be restored to its true use as a flood protection pond if the development went ahead. This would be the decision of Severn Trent.


Any conditions attached to the planning permission, if granted, are completely enforceable by the Council meaning that any required infrastructure would be developed as proposed.


Residents queried if the Council, as part of considering this application, will be looking at flooding potential and additional traffic through the area. It was confirmed that this is absolutely a part of the planning process. The government’s proposed climate change policies were also raised by residents as something that the Council will need to consider. Applicants will also need to consider biodiversity as part of their applications; this process will change slightly where developers who cannot confirm there would not be a net loss in biodiversity would be required to purchase ‘credits’ which must be used to fund biodiversity works in other local areas.


Walter Charles Centre Site

Residents queried the status of the sale of this building – It was confirmed that the site has been sold but no planning applications have been received.


Public Footpaths on Beach Road

The condition of these footpaths is terrible and causing concerns for older residents. Cllr. Gamble will make sure this is reported to LCC Highways as soon as possible.


Street Cleaning

Residents note that the street cleaner who the residents commended previously has not been seen for some time. An enquiry will be raised about this for the next Forum.