Venue: Civic Suite, Brocks Hill Council Offices, Washbrook Lane, Oadby, Leicester, LE2 5JJ. View directions
Contact: Mark Smith (Community Safety & Youth Officer) Tel: (0116) 257 2675 Email:
No. | Item |
Minutes of the Previous Meeting Minutes: There were no objections or changes for the previous minutes.
Cllr Kaufman acknowledged that there were outstanding actions from the previous Forum. These include Licensing in respect of the Sports Bar on London Road, Oadby and the unfortunate fatality from a road traffic collision in Oadby where residents would like adaptions made to the road.
Licensing have advised that they are currently monitoring the Sports Bar and cannot disclose any further information at this time due to it being prejudicial to their investigation.
PC Collins advised that the fatality is still under investigation and is unable to disclose any further information. Therefore adaptations to the road are to be postponed until the matter is settled.
Cllr Ridley informed residents that he has been in contact with Leicestershire Police to discuss this. |
Police Update Minutes: PC Collins updated residents that within Oadby, there were 7 burglaries in February, 3 in March and 1 in April. This is a 33% reduction from the previous year.
In respect of burglary other than dwellings, there were 0 in both February and March and 3 in April. The premises affected were in the Oadby Industrial Estate.
There has been 1 theft of motor vehicle in February, with 0 in March and April.
Regarding theft from motor vehicles, there was one in February, 6 in March and 3 in April. Some of the offences are under investigation with suspects identified.
There have been some reports of anti-social behaviour across the three months. Leicestershire Police received 3 in February, 4 in March and 4 in April. The anti-social behaviour includes trouble with youths in Asda and car cruising in the Oadby Industrial Estate. Local Police Officers are liaising with the Blaby Policing Team to discuss best practice with how they have tackled similar issues in their area.
Theft from stores has seen an increase from the previous year, mainly around The Parade. The true figures may be higher due to underreporting. There have been 11 in February, 9 in March and 5 in April.
Police Officers have been using their Stop Seach powers in the Oadby area. 6 Stop Searches were conducted in February, 7 in March and 2 in April. These Stop Searches had a 50% success rate. Success includes recovering an illegal item, where this be weapons and drugs or the individual was arrested.
There were 0 robberies across the three months.
PC Collins advised that cannabis factories have been discovered on Briar Meads, Brocks Hill Drive and Nene Drive. Police Intelligence suggests the three addresses are linked.
Residents raised concerns of speeding on Wigston Road, London Road and other areas in Oadby. Thomas Maccabe advised that the Council received funding from the Home Office in respect of the Community Safety Partnership. Part of this funding in being utilised to purchase two ANPR cameras. 65 lampposts are in the process of being structurally tested where the ANPR cameras can be redeployed to areas where speeding is a concern. The ANPR cameras will show the driver how fast they are going, whilst obtaining their registration plate and possibly an image of the driver.
Recommendations were made by a resident to consider purchasing mirrors that can be placed in areas so drivers can see when vehicles are pulling onto the highway.
Concerns with also raised with illegal, obstructive parking. The Chair advised that there are Traffic Enforcement Officers to manage illegal parking within their powers. PC Collins advised that Leicestershire Police are unable to move vehicles that are parked on pavements.
A specific vehicle was raised concerning obstructive parking using a blue badge. PC Collins advised he was aware of the vehicle and has reported this to Leicestershire County Council regarding the misuse of a blue badge.
A question was asked regarding investigations that were completed and closed, and if there ... view the full minutes text for item 19. |
Leicester University / Botanical Gardens Minutes: Gavin Brown, Chief Executive Officer and Andrew Fletcher who manages the Attenborough Arts Centre of Leicester University attended to Forum to present changes to its licensing and upcoming events hosted at the Botanical Gardens.
Gavin Brown offered an update that Leicester University have submitted a planning application to serve alcohol to its customers who attend their events. Leicester University have, and will continue to consult with local residents to adapt the license and mitigate potential issues that hosting events may cause. The University has considered increased traffic congestion and noise as a result of hosting events and are looking to mitigate this.
No loud music is to be played, with wardens patrolling the perimeter in order to review how loud and far the noise is travelling. A noise management plan is also being reviewed to ensure the University work and support the local community.
There is an understanding that the University cannot control drivers parking legally on the highway, but to improve traffic congestion, will have traffic Wardens placed in areas such as Glebe Road to redirect customers to park in Leicester University car parks or other locations such as Leicester Racecourse.
Gavin Brown and Andrew Fletcher advised that the forthcoming events are not targeted at students, but the wider community to showcase the Botanical Gardens for those who are not aware of it.
Leicester University have a temporary event notice, but having hosted events, there was greater demand from customers than expected. As a result, some customers who had purchased tickets had to be refused and refunded due to exceeding its maximum capacity limit. The law surrounding temporary event notices have changed and have a legal limit in which cannot be exceeded. The new license should mitigate this.
Leicester University are wanting to attend the Oadby Resident Forum to develop a relationship with the community, listen and make full use of showcasing the Botanical Gardens with the local community a priority at its forefront.
Cllr Alam and Cllr Haq noted that they look forward to working with Leicester University and raised questions surrounding noise, Leicester Universities response as detailed above. |
Oadby & Wigston Local Plan Review Minutes: Ed Morgan and Lisa Chevallereau from the Council’s Planning Policy Team delivered a presentation surrounding the new Local Plan.
A public consultation has been undertaken as the Planning Team proceed with the second draft. The first draft and consultation took place in 2021. Thus far, over 200 comments have been received.
The Local Plan is a statutory document that the Council must produce with the intention of it running until 2041. A standard method is used to produce base housing need, where in the Borough this is 188 dwellings per year. The Council has a duty to cooperate with Councils bordering Oadby and Wigston, and as a result of Leicester City Council having no further land to build on, Oadby and Wigston will take a portion from the City which includes 52 extra dwellings. The total being 241 dwellings per year. This equates to roughly 5000 dwellings over a 20 year period.
The Planning Team are working with key stakeholders to find suitable, sustainable locations, initially looking at urban areas and car parks. Thereafter, the suburbs and the edge of the suburbs. There are also pressures around Oadby and Wigston’s green areas, known as a green wedge, in order for towns to remain separated.
The Local Plan is evidence led and influenced by local policy. Within the next 12 months, the Council is to produce key documents along with its neighbouring Councils. This will include an Infrastructure Delivery Plan after consulting with key stakeholders, such as education and highways. This will support the new infrastructures considered and built with any new housing build to mitigate the impact.
The Local Plan is to be submitted to the Planning Inspectorate in 2025. There may be a backlog where their review should take place in 2026 with it being adopted towards the back end of the year.
Ed Morgan highlighted that residents can be added to the Planning Policy database to be consulted about any future planning decisions.
Residents raised questions about wildlife and eco-spaces. Ed Morgan advised that there are relevant policies that reference these considerations and such spaces will also be assessed through a habitat survey.
Cllrs Haq, Kaufman and Ridley spoke of the important role a Local Plan plays in helping the Council retain control of where growth will go.
Cllr Alam suggested that the Planning Department could consider postponing the Local Plan until post 2025. Cllr Haq explained that the Council are legally obliged to work together with Leicester and Leicestershire Local Authorities and will with the process. |
Oadby Village Hall Fund / Oadby Education Foundation Minutes: Cllr Haq stood in for David Carter who was unable to make the Forum.
Cllr Haq advised that the Oadby Village Hall fund grants funding from £17,000 to £18,000 a year to charities and voluntary organisations. The bodies who are successfully awarded the money, can they provide this to individuals should they see fit to do so. The is primarily aimed for organisations in the Oadby area.
The Oadby Education Foundations provides funding to schools for educational purposes. Funding is also given to churches and individuals in the form of scholarships or book grants. There is history of the funding available not being utilised so appropriate organisations are encouraged to apply.
For further information, please contact Cllr Haq -
Residents asked if these schemes can be on the Council website. |
Chair's Updates Minutes: There are no updates from Chair, Cllr Kaufman due to Chairing the Forum with late notice in Cllr Gamble’s absence. |
Items Raised by Residents Minutes: Refused Planning Application, Washbrook Lane The recent refused planning application was discussed for 5 a side football pitches next Washbrook Lane. The refusal has been appealed to the Planning Inspectorate with a deadline on 29 May for the public to raise any concerns. The public can enter new information to the Planning Inspectorate with regards to the appeal.
Cllr Ridley confirmed that individual representations can be sent and encouraged those as the Forum to do so if they wished.
‘Friends of Brocks Hill and Washbrook Lane’ were grateful for the Council’s refusal of the planning application and will be meeting on 18 May to raise awareness.
Both Cllr Ridley and Cllr Kaufman acknowledge the group, advised that they would work together and support ‘Friends of Brocks Hill and Washbrook Lane’ where possible.
‘Washbrook Wombles’ also made representation regarding the appeal and will work collectively with the ‘Friends of Brocks Hill and Washbrook Lane’. Their mission, to keep the brook clear.
A resident noticed that part of the land had been cleared and noticed a disturbance in the natural habitat with the animals.
Cllr Ridley advised that around 400 representations thus far have been made to the Planning Inspectorate to review.
Lyn House Concerns were raised with the poor state of Lyn House. Cllr Kaufman advised that currently, the Council are taking an informal approach with the owners. If this fails, the Council may consider formal action.
Former Oadby & Wigston Council Offices The old Council Offices in Wigston still has signs identifying it to be Oadby and Wigston Council Offices. A resident has asked if this can be rectified. A resident also noted that he has received generic emails from the Council will contain the old Council Offices address at the bottom. |
Suggestions for Future Agenda Items Minutes: None raised. |
Date of the Next Meeting Minutes: Thursday, 11 July 2024 – 18:30 – Brocks Hill Council Offices |