Agenda item

Police Update


PC Collins updated residents that within Oadby, there were 7 burglaries in February, 3 in March and 1 in April. This is a 33% reduction from the previous year.


In respect of burglary other than dwellings, there were 0 in both February and March and 3 in April. The premises affected were in the Oadby Industrial Estate.


There has been 1 theft of motor vehicle in February, with 0 in March and April.


Regarding theft from motor vehicles, there was one in February, 6 in March and 3 in April. Some of the offences are under investigation with suspects identified.


There have been some reports of anti-social behaviour across the three months. Leicestershire Police received 3 in February, 4 in March and 4 in April. The anti-social behaviour includes trouble with youths in Asda and car cruising in the Oadby Industrial Estate. Local Police Officers are liaising with the Blaby Policing Team to discuss best practice with how they have tackled similar issues in their area.


Theft from stores has seen an increase from the previous year, mainly around The Parade. The true figures may be higher due to underreporting. There have been 11 in February, 9 in March and 5 in April.


Police Officers have been using their Stop Seach powers in the Oadby area. 6 Stop Searches were conducted in February, 7 in March and 2 in April. These Stop Searches had a 50% success rate. Success includes recovering an illegal item, where this be weapons and drugs or the individual was arrested.


There were 0 robberies across the three months.


PC Collins advised that cannabis factories have been discovered on Briar Meads, Brocks Hill Drive and Nene Drive. Police Intelligence suggests the three addresses are linked.


Residents raised concerns of speeding on Wigston Road, London Road and other areas in Oadby. Thomas Maccabe advised that the Council received funding from the Home Office in respect of the Community Safety Partnership. Part of this funding in being utilised to purchase two ANPR cameras. 65 lampposts are in the process of being structurally tested where the ANPR cameras can be redeployed to areas where speeding is a concern. The ANPR cameras will show the driver how fast they are going, whilst obtaining their registration plate and possibly an image of the driver.


Recommendations were made by a resident to consider purchasing mirrors that can be placed in areas so drivers can see when vehicles are pulling onto the highway.


Concerns with also raised with illegal, obstructive parking. The Chair advised that there are Traffic Enforcement Officers to manage illegal parking within their powers. PC Collins advised that Leicestershire Police are unable to move vehicles that are parked on pavements.


A specific vehicle was raised concerning obstructive parking using a blue badge. PC Collins advised he was aware of the vehicle and has reported this to Leicestershire County Council regarding the misuse of a blue badge.


A question was asked regarding investigations that were completed and closed, and if there was any data surrounding this. PC Collins advised he did not have the data to provide the Forum, but will see if this is something that can be provided for the next.