Venue: Trinity Methodist Church, Worship Centre, 60 Harborough Road, Oadby, Leicester, LE2 4LA
Contact: Veronika Quintyne - Email:
No. | Item |
Local Policing Issues Minutes: The Police were not in attendance at this meeting. In future the Police are to meet with Residents Forum Chairs to brief them on crime issues which have taken place in the Oadby, Wigston and South Wigston areas.
Issues presented by residents to report to the Police are as follows:
· Cannabis smoking in the Churchill Close area, as Young people are trespassing on the flat roofs of Boots Store and are kicking off the hanging baskets. · Request for the mandatory ‘Access Only’ sign at the beginning of Churchill Close to be enforced. It was stated that this sign must be enforced by law and yet this appears not to have been actioned. It was noted that 25 on-street parking spaces are available and non-residents are abusing the parking. Action:
· Councillor J Kaufman will write to the County Council to obtain clarification on the road traffic signage, which enforces parking rights. |
Minutes of the Previous Meeting Minutes: The minutes were agreed as a true record subject to the following amendments.
· Oadby Lights Switch-On takes place on Saturday, 9 November 2019. · The previous minutes provided on recycling should have noted that shredded paper can be placed in a paper bag and placed in recycling. · If plastic is screwed up and it subsequently springs open, do not place it in recycling. · Broken glass must be carefully wrapped in paper before being placed in bins. Action:
· Invite Jayshree Patel (Oadby and Wigston Borough Council) and Sallie Butt (Leicestershire County Council) to the next Oadby Residents’ Forum meeting to provide an update on recycling.
· The Chair reminded residents to initially report any issues of concern occurring in their ward directly to the Council rather than waiting until the next Residents Forum, and that the first half hour before the meeting opens is for residents to speak to Councillors one to one in confidence. |
Minutes: Page 4 - Item 40 Housing Developments Implications Update:
· The Chair stated that the decision on housing development relating to the building of 300 homes in Oadby has been made. Two public meetings have been held, plus an open meeting to determine the application. Within this context people have also received a briefing link.
The Section 106 agreement involves stakeholders
bidding for funds to mitigate the impact of the
development. · Residents expressed concern over mitigations being put in place via the Section 106 agreement and how it can be ensured to be a “tablet of stone”. As section 106 is a legal document the County Council and CCG could sue the developer for breach. Payments by the developer are phased in with the build. · Questions were raised as to where the extra development is to happen Cottage Farm site and will the CCG carry out further consultation to enable residents to become engaged in the process.
· Neil O’Brien MP was invited to attend this evening’s meeting. An apology for non-attendance was received. Non-attendance was due to the overrunning of a Parliamentary meeting. · Page 6: The Ice Cream Trader must hold a licence to trade in the Borough. A resident may request the Trader to show this licence. On the matter of rubbish dropped; those caught dropping rubbish may incur a fine. It is also difficult to identify at what point rubbish is dropped. The Principal of Beauchamp College is also at liberty to inform students that they can help decrease the level of rubbish around the institution by picking it up and binning it. Citizens’ Panel Update:
· The Community Engagement Officer provided a brief update on the Council’s development of a Citizens’ Panel; a tool for developing community engagement open to all residents, including children and young people over 13, a cross section of adults within the Equality Act 9 Protected Characteristics, businessesand college and university students, to represent the full diversity of the Borough. · Citizens’ Panel is a means, through a database of a minimum of 1000 people, of accessing a diverse range of backgrounds, ages and ability. The groupings would be used for consulting on and involving in a range of Council policies, plans, strategies and services online. An inclusive means to help the Council to improve its engagement on shaping Council services. · There might also be opportunities to attend focus groups, take part in telephone interviews, surveys and be rewarded for input in the form of gift vouchers. · Those interested in signing up to the Citizens Panel ... view the full minutes text for item 50. |
Oadby Traders' Update Minutes: The Chair of Oadby Traders sent apologies for non-attendance to this evening’s meeting.
A short update was provided which the Chair shared as follows;
· The Oadby Motor Fest takes place on Sunday, 11 August 2019. · Oadby Light Switch-On takes place on Saturday, 9 November 2019. · South Leicester Litter Wombles have engaged in a Litter-pick. |
Pride of the Borough Minutes: Mrs I Sibley provided the following update on behalf of Pride of the Borough (POB):
· POB has 1,403 Loyalty Card members. · Volunteers provide around 12,000 hours of input. · The sale of the Loyalty Card supports local business and the money raised funds local projects. · Judging for East Midlands in Bloom took place on 4 July 2019. · For the past nine years, the Borough has been awarded a gold medal. · 18 September 2019 sees the results for East Midlands in Bloom released. · There are five large planters in Oadby. The Rotary Club keeps them well tended. · Oadby Civic Society has replaced the old bench on the entrance to The Morwoods. Two steel plaques have been placed next to the bench, which tell the story of what a Pinfold is. POB appealed for anyone to suggest to them where bulbs can best be planted. Residents were informed that Mrs Sibley is a contact to speak with should they wish to engage in bulb planting. The Chair thanked Mrs Sibley for providing the update. |
Chair's Updates |
Capital Projects Update Minutes: The Sandhurst Street Commemorative Stones framework and Interpretation Board is in the process of being installed. £1,000 was allocated to support this project.
The lockable notice board for St Paul’s Residents Association, awarded £200, is in the process of being ordered for installation. |
Forum Budget Update Minutes: The current Oadby Resident Forum budget funding is £42,678.
Spending Requests Minutes: The Chair outlined how residents are to make requests for funding street furniture and other projects.
Requesting Residents’ Forum Funds to Purchase Street Furniture:
· To request an item of street furniture a resident first raises the request at a forum meeting. · The Council’s Street Furniture Officer is then asked to clarify the feasibility of placing the item where the resident suggests and provides a cost for the item and its installation · The suggested item then comes back to the Forum for a decision to be made.
Requesting Funds for a Project:
· To request funds for a project, the proposer asks the Residents’ Forum for support for the project The Chair suggests the proposer provides an outline presentation and obtains a view in principle. · It is helpful to notify the Chair and Community Engagement Officer in advance if a presentation is required. · The proposer then goes away and makes a detailed proposal to bring back to the Forum using the Resident’s Forum application form. Residents then vote on the proposal. The proposal is then taken to the Council’s PFD (Policy Finance and Development Committee) for endorsement. The final decision on acceptance of the project rests with PFD. · The budgets of the three residents’ forums are topped up by the Local Authority. Budgets are carried over annually. Previous Proposals:
· A request for a bus shelter opposite Waitrose, on Harborough Road was rejected due to the depth of the pavement. · The proposal to install a bus shelter near to Highcroft Avenue was approved at a cost of £4,000. 7 people voted in favour, 12 abstained and 1 voted against. · The bus shelter at Hursley Close was not approved by the Street Furniture Officer. This is where the flood basin occurs, the pavement is not wide enough to accommodate the shelter on OWBC land. · A litter bin is to be installed on Uplands Road, by the Launde School bus stop, as requested.
The proposal to place a litter bin in the alleyway
between Abington Road and Launde Road
at a cost of £400 was approved. The actual site however for
installation is to be at the Launde
Road end · The Chair of the Traders Group requested a Litterbin to be placed near the bus stop on Wigston Road, Oadby. The site identified is the area near to the Oadby Depot. The usual Council Litterbin with the Council logo will be installed.
· The Chair of the Traders Group is to speak to this request at the next meeting. The cost of a litterbin is £450.00. |
Items Raised by Residents Minutes: The Chair extended an invitation to key forums/groups, two of which receive funding from the Local Authority. This is in order to share information with the residents as to what they do, why they do it and the impact they have on the residents of the Borough. These groups/forums were:
· The Senior Citizens Group: This is chaired by Councillor Helen Loydall, who gave apologies for non-attendance at this evenings meeting and a brief written update. · Oadby, Wigston and South Wigston Multicultural Group: This is Chaired by Jan Bryars who gave apologies for non-attendance at this evening’s meeting, and, · Urgent Care Service in Oadby, CCG (Community Commissioning Group): Apologies were provided at this meeting and a brief written update given.
· Circulate the updates provided and invite the representatives to attend the next meeting of the Oadby Residents’ Forum.
The issue of how often litterbins were emptied was raised. The Chair clarified that litter bins became full very fast particularly when people stuff square pizza boxes into round openings.
A resident queried when Fludes Lane is to be repaired. Part of it becomes very muddy and impassable winter. It was supposed to be on the Council’s list of repair works.
· Councillor S Haq is to find out when the repair to Fludes Lane is to be carried out and report back to residents at the next Residents’ Forum meeting. It was clarified that the County Council is responsible for keeping footpaths clear. If the landowner allows vegetation to cause an obstruction then the County Council can take action against the landowner and charge for providing a service dealing with the removal of that growth. There is an area beyond Manor Road which is overgrown.
· Councillor J Kaufman is contact the County Council to ask it to address the overgrown area.
It was reported that the lower end of the Southmeads area is the location of fly-tipped of building detritis. Once one enters the tree-lined avenue this is where the fly tipping was said to be occurring. The University of Leicester was responsible for this rubbish and has subsequently removed it. The Chair has requested resident’s report any fly tipping noticed. If fly tipping takes place on private land, it is the responsibility of the landowner to remove it. The County Council charges for removing fly-tipped rubbish from private land.
A resident observed that the signage on the outdoor gym equipment appeared to be too small, plus people were allowing young children to play on it, therefore the signage should instruct parents that it is not for use by children.
· Councillor L Kaufman is to report to the next Residents’ Forum as to whether the signage meets the legal requirements for use.
The Oadby Remembers Group received congratulations on the work it has done over the past four years. It was identified that the stonework in front of the Memorial could do with being cleaned up. This could make the basis of a service-funding request. |
Suggestions for Future Agenda Items Minutes: · South Leicester Litter Wombles. · Recycling and clarification on what can and cannot be recycled – update. · Urgent Care Service in Oadby CCG enabled. · The Senior Citizens’ Group. Councillor Helen Loydall, who gave apologies for non-attendance at this evenings meeting, chairs this. · Oadby, Wigston and South Wigston Multicultural Forum. This is Chaired by Mrs Jan Bryars & Oadby Stakeholders) who gave apologies for non-attendance at this evening’s meeting. · Arriva Transport Company – development of bus routes. |
Date of the Next Meeting Minutes: Tuesday, 15 October 2019 Time: 6:30pm Venue: The Barnabas Centre, Hamble Road, Oadby, LE2 4NX