Agenda item

Matters Arising


Page 4 - Item 40 Housing Developments Implications Update:


·         The Chair stated that the decision on housing development relating to the building of 300 homes in Oadby has been made. Two public meetings have been held, plus an open meeting to determine the application. Within this context people have also received a briefing link.

·         The Section 106 agreement involves stakeholders bidding for funds to mitigate the impact of the development..Education Services will bid for funding. The CCG (Clinical Commissioning Group) will bid for funding for more doctors’ spaces, the County Council will bid to make changes to roads and therefore these actions will seek to mitigate any negative impact.

·         Residents expressed concern over mitigations being put in place via the Section 106 agreement and how it can be ensured to be a “tablet of stone”. As section 106 is a legal document the County Council and CCG could sue the developer for breach. Payments by the developer are phased in with the build.

·         Questions were raised as to where the extra development is to happen Cottage Farm site and will the CCG carry out further consultation to enable residents to become engaged in the process.

·         Residents were informed that Patient and Public Liaison groups, which meet monthly, can make representations to CCGs. On the matter of public transport, the Chair added that the transport system requires specialist input on likely impact.

·         Neil O’Brien MP was invited to attend this evening’s meeting. An apology for non-attendance was received. Non-attendance was due to the overrunning of a Parliamentary meeting.

·         Page 6:  The Ice Cream Trader must hold a licence to trade in the Borough. A resident may request the Trader to show this licence. On the matter of rubbish dropped; those caught dropping rubbish may incur a fine. It is also difficult to identify at what point rubbish is dropped. The Principal of Beauchamp College is also at liberty to inform students that they can help decrease the level of rubbish around the institution by picking it up and binning it.

Citizens’ Panel Update:


·         The Community Engagement Officer provided a brief update on the Council’s development of a Citizens’ Panel; a tool for developing community engagement open to all residents, including children and young people over 13, a cross section of adults within the Equality Act 9 Protected Characteristics, businessesand college and university students, to represent the full diversity of the Borough.

·         Citizens’ Panel is a means, through a database of a minimum of 1000 people, of accessing a diverse range of backgrounds, ages and ability. The groupings would be used for consulting on and involving in a range of Council policies, plans, strategies and services online. An inclusive means to help the Council to improve its engagement on shaping Council services.

·         There might also be opportunities to attend focus groups, take part in telephone interviews, surveys and be rewarded for input in the form of gift vouchers.

·         Those interested in signing up to the Citizens Panel were directed to contact the Community Engagement Officer, Veronika Quintyne, via

·         The following links can be used to open the FAQ (Frequently Asked Questions) document, and sign up to the Citizens’ Panel.


Supporting documents: