Venue: Trinity Methodist Church, 60 Harborough Road, Oadby, Leicester, LE2 4LA
Contact: Veronika Quintyne Email:
No. | Item |
Apologies for Absence Minutes: Apologies were received from Councillors B Dave, J Kaufman and D Carter.
Prior to the start of the meeting the Chair reminded residents that there is a by election taking place for the Oadby Uplands Ward. The agenda items would also be taken in a different order than numbered. |
Pride of the Borough Minutes: The Pride of the Borough representative apologised for having to leave the meeting early. This was due to family circumstances.
A notice was accorded to the Letterbox magazine. The last three pages were devoted to Pride of the Borough. Residents were encouraged to read the magazine and place information in it to share with all borough residents.
Monthly working parties are being held. The next working party is to meet in William Gunning Park.
Ten to twelve volunteers are required to assist with bulb planting.
A number of large planters have been installed around the Borough. Parklands maintain the planters around Brocks Hill Park and Conservation Centre. Zeph`s cafe maintain one. There are two granite planters; one by Epic Accessories and one outside the British Legion in Oadby. The Village Hall Trust awarded a grant to supply both.
A mention was made of the floral display competition winners. Leicester Race Course`s flower stands were praised for their attractiveness and noted as winners.
The Pride of the Borough discount card now boasts 710 members. Annual card membership is £5.00. The next card is available from 1 December 2018. The cost will remain at £5.00. Discounts can be claimed from some 48 shops in the Borough.
It was suggested that advertiser space be added to the card. |
Local Policing Issues Minutes: Prior to the start of the meeting the Chair reminded residents that there was a by-election taking place for the Oadby Uplands Ward.
The agenda items would also be taken in a different order than numbered.
The Police informed residents that crime figures could now be accessed online but the Oadby figures have not yet been released. The July figures however are available online.
There are no immediate police concerns for Oadby. The Police focus in this area is to be proactive.
Good quality surveillance cameras are to be installed strategically to deter crime. They will be placed on brackets on selected lamp posts. The Police and the Council will agree where they are to be located. The cameras will monitor the areas and they can record activity. The Chair thanked the Police representatives for their updated. |
Oadby Traders' Update Minutes: The Chair of the Traders Group thanked all those who contributed to pulling the car event together and making it a great community event. Signs will be placed on posts at bus stops two weeks before the Festive Light Switch On to inform residents of where they can access redirected buses from the Brabazon Road to the City. The event will take place on November 3rd at 7pm. The road will be closed from 9am till 8pm. This will allow for safety checks to be made before the event begins at 3pm. Some residents on Chestnut Avenue were disappointed that some drivers parked in front of their driveways. They expressed the wish that this would not be repeated at the forthcoming Festive Lights Switch On. Chris Swan and Knights Bridge Estate Agents were given an appreciation of thanks for the excellent co-ordination of last year`s event. |
Minutes of the Previous Meeting held on 27 July 2017 Minutes: The minutes were accepted as a true and accurate record following being checked for points of accuracy. No points of accuracy were raised.
DEFRA Air Quality Annual Status Report - Update
Defra figures as yet are not available. Once they are, an update will be provided.
Guidance on the Commemorative Stones
Guidance on the Commemorative Stones and what is to be done about placing them is being sought from Councillor Kaufman.
An update on this item will be provided at the next meeting.
Oadby Swimming Pool Site
The options of housing and a big medical centre are being looked into by Officers. Before there is any final agreement the options will be shared with residents. A medical centre would not be of the walk in type. A further update will be brought back to the Forum when available.
Oadby Cemetery
The Officer responsible for maintenance fed back that, there are no serious problems with the cemetery. Grave stones have fallen over and these are being put right. The cemetery has grown larger than it originally was and is maintained by two workers.
It was said that fencing is falling onto the grave stones and in it is also splayed out and now forms an improper barrier requiring repair.
Proposal for a Refurbished Bench by the A6
A request to refurbish an old bench was brought to a previous meeting. The cost of the refurbishment was listed as £150. Discussions have taken place with the officer responsible for street furniture, and is being taken forward.
Two Bins Requested on the A6
The proposal for the benches required information on the cost, which the resident has received. The bins are now being ordered and will be fitted.
A Dustbin Proposed for Mounting on a Lamp Post on Fairfield Road
The Council no longer mounts dustbins on lamp posts as this could prove to be a health and safety issue to street cleansing. When it has rained in the past dog waste poured out of the bins. All Council bins are now fixed to the pavement. The bottom of the jitty area is not appropriate for a pavement standing bin.
Fludes Lane
Fludes Lane is not going to be in the Capital Programme. Money has been found from the Section 106 funding to address it. Sections are to be dealt with. From the A6 to Seven Road. The potholes will be repaired. The residential area will be given some hard standing.
Parking Issues on the 31 and 31a Bus Routes
A letter was sent to the Director of Transport and Highways at Leicestershire County Council expressing concern at the inconsiderate parking of some residents and the concern of the impact on bus delays and the potential loss of life due to delay caused to emergency service vehicles.
Damaged Equipment in the Little Park at Morwoods
It was reported at a previous meeting that the state of some equipment in the play area, where metal was sticking out could be harmful to children. ... view the full minutes text for item 16. |
SLM (Sports & Leisure Management) Everyone Active Update Minutes: The representative of SLM (Sports and Leisure Management) gave a brief update on the future development of Brocks Hill Centre.SLM outlined some of the future developments.
Manage the Brocks Hill centre and not take any of the Park for car parking.
· The Council has agreed to work with SLM to extend the Parklands contract as an option. · TUPE in the staff. · Modify the building and extend the centre. · Add a state of the art rock wall climbing facility. · Add a soft play centre. · Maintain a commitment to working with community groups and voluntary organisations. · Honour existing events, maintain and enhance the cafe opening it up externally. · Increase service provision to include conferencing facilities and turn the facility into a leisure village. · The Centre will not be demolished or sold. · The Council has agreed nothing is to be done to alter the Park. · The Chair assured residents that Brocks Hill building will still be owned by the Council and be maintained by SLM. · On the question of funding arrangements the Chair said that in 2016, £100k was spent on the building. Last year a paper was received by the Council looking at various options for developing the Centre. Work with Parkland as an option was agreed. · SLM will take over the maintenance of the building. The Council has agreed to run with this option. A planning application for car parking will need to be submitted. · A foot path from Oadby Road to Parklands will also be considered in the tendering process. · Bins and potholes at Parklands will also be addressed in the improvements. · Discussion is in place regarding access to buses.
Still photos outlining the Brocks Hill development are to be presented at the next Resident Forum meeting. |
Review of the Residents' Forums Consultation Additional documents: Minutes: The agenda item attached as item 4, entitled; Review of the Residents` Consultation was discussed at a full Borough Council meeting on 5 September 2017.
The Chair shared residents’ responses to the three questions asked of residents from a consultation card circulated at the July 2017 Residents Forum meeting. A paper summarising the responses received was circulated at this meeting. The three questions have also been shared with Wigston and South Wigston Resident Forums attendees.
Following discussion at tonight’s meeting it was confirmed that:
· Oadby Residents wished the Council to continue to fund the three Residents’ Forums · Funding will not be accessible to businesses · Have the Council provide a clear and simple form filling process for organisations requesting large sums of money. This should include monitoring, evaluation and a check on the efficiency of the organisation including accounts, as part of the process · Funding applications for sums as small as £200 to £300 should have a shorter application form process made available · Questions on funding proposals be placed in writing with the Community Engagement Officer before the Forum meets and it be placed on the agenda · Draft minutes be made ready within 10 working days and placed online within 15 working days · Have an accessible copy of the agenda and minutes placed in the library · The terms of residents are to be brought to the next meeting · Have fewer presentations · A motion regarding chairing of the Forum meetings was brought. It was agreed that the Forum meetings should be chaired by an elected Member and not a local resident. On a show of hands 15 residents voted in favour and none voted against · It was also agreed that the minutes be written in the present format · Residents requesting a bin, bench or bus shelter should not be required to fill in a form as the money was Council money and was not being given to an individual resident · The Chair stated that there could be a case where other Oadby & Wigston Borough Councillors not representing Oadby, could Chair the Forum meeting. |
Chair's Updates |
Council Budget Options 2018/19 and 2019/20 Minutes: The Council is addressing a range of budget saving options. These will involve resident consultation, for example, the Waste and Recycling survey which currently is being evaluated and Brocks Hill Centre.
Bring a breakdown of the funding arrangements paper to the next Resident’s Forum meeting. |
Capital Projects Update Minutes: PHOENIX THERAPIES
· Phoenix Therapies Group were invited verbally and in writing to provide an update report to this month`s Forum meeting. The Group did not respond to any of the invitations · The Council will take steps to recoup the funding awarded. The County Council has also taken steps to recoup the funding awarded to Phoenix Therapies for which no update reports have been forthcoming · Residents expressed concern that money had been awarded to a group which was dealing with fragile people to whom they said the Council had a duty of care. It was also questioned if it was appropriate for the Resident’s Forum to have awarded such funds without checking the efficiency of the organisation · The Chair affirmed that the Council would take this point onboard more closely before authorising future awards COMMUNITY FIRST RESPONDERS
A check is to be made as to when the Community First Responders award would be concluded for the purchase of two high visibility jackets, costing £180.
It was questioned whether the award had been used to purchase and fit the Defibrillator.
An update is to be provided at the November meeting.
The bins were installed June 2017. |
Forum Budget Update Minutes: The Forum currently has funds available of £50,397.
A request is to be made for a Council Officer to attend the November Forum meeting to clarify areas of the budget spend noted as allocated but not paid. |
Capital Project Guidelines & Application Form Additional documents: Minutes: Action:
A second draft of the Capital Projects application form has been requested to be brought to the November Forum meeting. It was suggested the Forum terms of reference be added to it. |
Spending Requests Minutes: A proposal was brought for the adult sized exercise equipment to be improved in Uplands Park. Similar equipment can be viewed in Evington Park. There were a series of colour photos of the equipment circulated at this meeting. The County Council holds funds for the purchase of such equipment, following received written suggestions from residents. It was suggested the Forum access these funds to help purchase the equipment. The current equipment is stated to not offer enough resistance and is insufficiently challenging for use by reasonably fit people.
A suggestions list for the type of equipment which might be purchased was submitted.
Bring back the estimated cost of the equipment to the next Forum meeting. |
Items Raised by Residents and Suggestions for Future Items Minutes: Council Allotment Allocation Policy
Bring the Council Allotment Allocation Policy to the next meeting. |
Date of the Next Meeting Minutes: Wednesday 15 November 2017 |