The minutes were accepted as a true and accurate record following being checked for points of accuracy. No points of accuracy were raised.
DEFRA Air Quality Annual Status Report - Update
Defra figures as yet are not available. Once they are, an update will be provided.
Guidance on the Commemorative Stones
Guidance on the Commemorative Stones and what is to be done about placing them is being sought from Councillor Kaufman.
An update on this item will be provided at the next meeting.
Oadby Swimming Pool Site
The options of housing and a big medical centre are being looked into by Officers. Before there is any final agreement the options will be shared with residents. A medical centre would not be of the walk in type. A further update will be brought back to the Forum when available.
Oadby Cemetery
The Officer responsible for maintenance fed back that, there are no serious problems with the cemetery. Grave stones have fallen over and these are being put right. The cemetery has grown larger than it originally was and is maintained by two workers.
It was said that fencing is falling onto the grave stones and in it is also splayed out and now forms an improper barrier requiring repair.
Proposal for a Refurbished Bench by the A6
A request to refurbish an old bench was brought to a previous meeting. The cost of the refurbishment was listed as £150. Discussions have taken place with the officer responsible for street furniture, and is being taken forward.
Two Bins Requested on the A6
The proposal for the benches required information on the cost, which the resident has received. The bins are now being ordered and will be fitted.
A Dustbin Proposed for Mounting on a Lamp Post on Fairfield Road
The Council no longer mounts dustbins on lamp posts as this could prove to be a health and safety issue to street cleansing. When it has rained in the past dog waste poured out of the bins. All Council bins are now fixed to the pavement. The bottom of the jitty area is not appropriate for a pavement standing bin.
Fludes Lane
Fludes Lane is not going to be in the Capital Programme. Money has been found from the Section 106 funding to address it. Sections are to be dealt with. From the A6 to Seven Road. The potholes will be repaired. The residential area will be given some hard standing.
Parking Issues on the 31 and 31a Bus Routes
A letter was sent to the Director of Transport and Highways at Leicestershire County Council expressing concern at the inconsiderate parking of some residents and the concern of the impact on bus delays and the potential loss of life due to delay caused to emergency service vehicles.
Damaged Equipment in the Little Park at Morwoods
It was reported at a previous meeting that the state of some equipment in the play area, where metal was sticking out could be harmful to children. This was reported to the Clean and Green Team.
A manager visited the site, noted minor damage to fencing which has been put right. No equipment was found which could cause damage to children.
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