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Contact: Andrew Dingley Tel: (0116) 257 2651 Email:
No. | Item |
Welcome by Chairman, Councillor Jeffrey Kaufman |
Apologies for Absence |
Minutes of the Previous Meeting Minutes: The minutes of the meeting of the HWBB held on 25 May to be taken as read, confirmed and signed by the Chair with the below changes.
Cllr J Kaufman advised that the Arriva had confirmed that the full route of the 31 would return to normal service and route but no time frame had been confirmed.
It was noted that Ms Renton’s position was incorrect and should have read Oadby & Wigston PCN rather than Leicestershire County Council.
It was noted that A Dingley’s position was incorrect and should have read Community and Wellbeing Manager rather than Economic Regeneration Officer.
It was noted that it was M Flynn not S Jagot that asked to be a part of the Community Centre going forward. |
Community Champions Update Update by the Community Health Improvement Offficer. Minutes: J Mackenzie shared a presentation on the Community Champions Program (see Appendix A). This provided;
· an overview of the program · the roles and responsibilities of volunteers being recruited to be Community Champions role · the distribution networks being currently used · current progress · future plans
Cllr J Kaufman thanked J Mackenzie for her presentation and asked for information to be provided on the good work that has been delivered in South Wigston to account for the dramatic improvement in the health inequalities. He said this had been presented to Councillors at Service Delivery.
M Flynn and S Renton both asked if these figures could be shared as they had not seen them.
Helping Hands Community Trust Update from the Chair of Trustee Directors. Minutes: N Swan shared a presentation about Helping Hands (see Appendix B) and how it has recently been awarded the contract by OWBC to be the nominated general advice server in the borough. They are based in South Wigston with surgeries in Oadby and Wigston.
Cllr J Kaufman said he is delighted by the offer and looks forward to the work moving forward.
S Renton asked about the potential move from the current South Wigston building.
N Swan understood the point made about the significance of the building and how it was recognisable to residents and represented the service.
Cllr L Kaufman thanked N Swan for the talk and the program, asking if it was accessed by only people within the borough.
N Swan stated that other areas do contact them and access the service but it is about 92% OWBC residents.
Cllr J Kaufman asked for service and contact details to be sent to all councillors.
C Lyon asked for Croft PCN to be included in the email so those residents are not forgotten about.
LRSport Covid Recovery Action Plan Update from the Active Partnership Director. Minutes: J Byrne shared the LRSport Covid Recovery Action Plan (see Appendix C) and asked is these issues resonate locally.
Cllr L Kaufman thanked J Byrne for his presentation and mentioned the Pride of the Borough program in the borough and mentioned that Green Exercise might be something worth investigating.
A Dingley agreed with Cllr L Kaufman, and said that Community and Wellbeing team has started working on projects with the community in South Wigston, Wigston and Oadby.
J Byrne asked H Khan whether any issues had become more noticeable in schools since Covid.
H Khan advised that a lot of mental health issues since Covid are being presented within schools.
Cllr J Kaufman said that Oadby Owls who do a lot of positive work with young people and children are experiencing financial difficulties and is there something we can do to support them.
A Dingley advised that conversations are ongoing with Oadby Owls including financial discussions.
J Byrne mentioned that there are funding services for these organisations, as Community Sports Clubs are major community assets.
Cllr J Kaufman asked for an update on the cricket situation at Uplands Park.
D Gill said that the Community Assets Manager is looking into this as it appears a third club are interested in the site and Councillor Boyce is involved.
M Flynn said that families had been contacting her, requesting more family and seated activities at Blaby Road park.
Cllr J Kaufman asked for an update on the situation at Wigston College in regard to their 3G pitch.
A Dingley advised that due to confidentially and legal privilege, information could not be provided at the moment but the pitch remained closed.
Cllr G Boulter asked for an update on the situation at South Wigston High School and access to their facilities.
A Dingley advised that due to Covid, conversations which had been positive had been delayed but remain positive with these recommencing in the new academic year.
Cllr J Kaufman advised that there had been discussions about the use of other sites for Everyone Active delivery and asked for an update.
A Dingley advised that due to Covid, services had ceased but would recommence hopefully on the 19 July 2021 in line with Government plans and these options would be reassessed.
Local NHS Mental Health Consultation Report of the Insights and Experience Officer. Minutes: S Prema shared a video titled Step up to Great Mental Health (see link in Appendix D presentation) about Mental Health and the consultation being carried out to improve mental health services for people living in Leicester, Leicestershire and Rutland. She then opened the floor for questions.
Cllr L Kaufman thanked S Prema for the talk and asked why under 18’s were not being asked for their opinions.
J Edwards explained that this was specifically for Adults and Older People and the services to support them.
S Jagot asked about the memory clinic and whether there was an update on improvements to that service.
J Edwards explained that Covid had delayed assessments on this service but work was now being done and the Active Improvement Plan was in place to reduce this with a lot more younger people being seen.
M Flynn asked about carers and if there would be more support available.
J Edwards said that historically this is an area that support does not go far enough and that so far it has been a theme that the consultation does not talk enough to carers. A more holistic approach and strengthening this area is something that is being considered.
J Edwards said that the consultation will finish on the 15 August 2021. |
AOB Minutes: S Renton talked about how she had spoken with her board about making the Locality meeting a more formal group underneath the HWBB and that this had received support. The next meeting for this group is on Thursday 14 July 2021 and this will be discussed further |
Next Meeting Date Minutes: 19 October 2021. |