Agenda and minutes

Health & Wellbeing Board - Wednesday, 11th April, 2018 1.30 pm

Venue: Council Offices, Bushloe House, Station Road, Wigston, Leicestershire, LE18 2DR. View directions

Contact: Avril Lennox MBE  Email:

No. Item


Welcome by Chairman, Councillor Jeffrey Kaufman


The Chair, Cllr Jeffrey Kaufman, welcomed attendees to the meeting.


Apologies for Absence


Sharon Aiken (Commissioning Officer, Mental Health & Dementia)

Claire Bradshaw (Leicestershire County Council Libraries)

Malcolm Brown (Master Gardeners)

Garry Burnside (Manager Age UK)

Ruth Mann (School Sports Partnership)

James Naylor (Everyone Active)

Amy Perry (Supporting Leicestershire Families)

Julia and Suzanne (J&S Day Services)

Debbie Preston (First Contact Plus)

Dr Vivek Varakantam (GP Lead for O&W)


Minutes of the Previous Meeting held on 24 January 2018 pdf icon PDF 101 KB


The minutes of the meeting of the HWBB held on 24 January 2018 to be taken as read, confirmed and signed by the Chair.


Actions from the Last Minutes


Item 21, page 3 from the previous minutes has been actioned. This was in relation to setting up a meeting with Debra Cunningham, Public Health Lead for Commissioned services, to discuss Turing Point, particularly how it integrates into other work streams and how it fits locally. The meeting was held on 20 March 2018. Outcomes: DC to forward Data Compendium in relation to Community Safety Partnership. Turning Point to share data where possible and OWBC to provide relevant local intelligence to Turning Point. Kevin Loydall to forward contact details for LAMP (mental health advocacy). AL to invite DC to the next HWBB.


Update on Achievements and Outcomes From the 2017/18 HWBB Priorities


This workshop provided an opportunity for attendees to feedback on achievements and outcomes from the HWBB’s 2017/18 list of priorities. Those unable to attend were invited to complete the information gathering sheet for inclusion. Feedback can be found in Appendix 1.


Presentation- Public Health Statistics


Natalie Greasley, LCC PH Business Partner and Dr Katherine Packham, LCC Specialist Registrar in PH.


This presentation covered the key health areas for Oadby and Wigston as identified by Public Health. The key findings were that Diabetes continues to be a ‘Red’ rating for the borough, Natalie confirmed this could be related to population make up as well as better awareness and diagnosis/campaigns by GP’s. Mental Health and looking after older people were also other key areas the Board should consider for 2018/19. The presentation slides can be found in Appendix 2.


Workshop - Discussion on Health Priorities for 2018/19 (Rationale and Need)


Attendees were split into three groups to feedback on their organisation’s key priorities, including rationale and need. Those unable to attend were given the opportunity to complete the information gathering sheet for inclusion. Feedback can be found in Appendix 3.


The Chair and Health Lead for Oadby and Wigston Borough Council will meet to discuss the proposed priorities prior to the next planned meeting in July 2018.


Any Other Business


Health Promotion Day


It was suggested that a Health Promotion day be arranged, collectively, possibly at Customer Services in Bell Street. This will provide an opportunity for the public to find out and access relevant services or information.  This could be held on the last Friday of the month, each quarter. Those organisations interested in attending should contact AL.




It was recommended that websites be kept up to date with relevant information. AL requested that organisation/agencies provide updates to their current information on the Active Oadby and Wigston website, when new information is available. Any new agency or organisation wishing to promote their service on the Active Oadby and Wigston website should forward their information, preferably in the form of a poster, to AL.


Directory of Services


Discussion took place about a printed version of a directory of services; however it was discussed that this would be out of date as soon as it was printed. The other concern is the resource for someone to put such a directory together. The Active Oadby and Wigston website has a link to the Public Health Directory therefore as a trial the Council’s Leisure Team will print out some hard copies and distribute to local libraries etc. It was also identified that First Contact Plus has a list of services on its website; all organisations can use this as a signposting point of contact as required.


HL, who leads the Borough’s Senior Citizen Forum is able to distribute partner information in the form of an A5 leaflet for older people. Please forward hard copies to HL or AL.


Future Meeting Dates


Future meeting will be held in July & October 2018, and January & April 2019. Actual dates to be confirmed following the Council’s AGA in May.


Appendices pdf icon PDF 11 KB

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