Agenda and minutes

Health & Wellbeing Board - Wednesday, 24th January, 2018 1.30 pm

Venue: Council Offices, Bushloe House, Station Road, Wigston, Leicestershire, LE18 2DR. View directions

Contact: Avril Lennox MBE  Email:

No. Item


Welcome by Chairman, Councillor John Boyce


The Chair, Cllr John Boyce, welcomed attendees to the meeting.


Apologies for Absence


An apology for absence was received from Councillors J Kaufman, Dr T K Khong, Mrs Helen E Loydall, Miss Anne R Bond, Debbie Preston, Dr Varakantam and Ruth Day.


Minutes of the Previous Meeting held on 11 October 2017 pdf icon PDF 81 KB


The minutes of the previous meeting of the Committee held on 11 October 2017 to be taken as read, confirmed and signed.


Presentation - Message in a Bottle


Mike Cawley and Kevin Loydall provided information about a new campaign, sponsored by the Oadby and Wigston Community Safety Partnership and the Lions Club, called “Message in a Bottle”. The campaign aims to ensure every elderly or vulnerable person has a “Message in a Bottle” in their home. The scheme, which is a development of the nationwide Herbert Protocol, encourages family, friends and carers to compile useful health and contact information, which can be used in the case of an emergency. A sticker is placed on the back of the resident’s front door, to indicate that a Green Bottle is stored in the fridge containing medical and contact details. All partners were asked to promote the scheme; free bottles and forms can be collected from the local Police Station and Libraries.


Update on Oadby & Wigston Health Priority 2. Diabetes / Healthy Weight


KR provided an overview of programmes that have taken place across the Borough since April 2017, in relation to this priority, together with those programmes planned up to the end of March 2018.




Leicestershire Nutrition and Dietetic Service (LNDS) has been contracted to run two 8 week family lifestyle groups each year which target inactive children and their parents. The sessions are divided into nutritional advice and physical activities. One programme has run this year with another planned in February.




LDNS is also contracted to run 4 blocks of 11 week lifestyle groups which target inactive and overweight adults. 3 programmes have run this year with a final block of sessions taking place. As with the FliC programme the session is a mix of information from a dietitian and physical activities.




Everyone Active deliver a very successful programme which allows adults with type 2 Diabetes the opportunity to learn more about managing their condition through nutrition and exercise.


Exercise Referral & Heartsmart


Everyone Active is contracted to deliver the Exercise Referral and Heartsmart programmes on behalf of the Council. This is a referral scheme, where GP are able to refer suitable patients, based on their condition, for exercise. The sessions are made up of 1 to 1 activities and groups.


‘One You’


A ‘One You’ Health Roadshow is planned for Friday 26th January between 10:00 am and 1:00 pm outside the Customer Service Centre in Bell Street, Wigston. There will be a range of health professionals on hand to distribute information. As well as an opportunity to play table tennis, there will also be a chance to win a prize by completing the ‘How Are You’ quiz.


Oadby and Wigston Hindu Community


This year funding has been provided to the Oadby and Wigston Hindu Community group to organise some Badminton sessions at Beauchamp College. These sessions were identified through consultation with their members on what physical activities they would like to try.


Parklands Running and Walking Groups


In partnership with the Council’s Health and Leisure team, Everyone Active has set up a very successful Women’s Running Group at Parklands Leisure Centre and a Walking group. Both programmes have brought new people to the leisure centre that wouldn’t ordinarily utilise these facilities’. This opportunity has made a huge impact on many of the participant’s lives.


School Sport and Physical Activity Programmes


‘Future Active’ is contracted to deliver school sport and physical activity programmes in the Borough which target inactive children. They have designed and delivered programmes both in and out of school, to children who don’t normally engage with traditional PE sessions and are inactive.


Falls Prevention


Everyone Active has been contracted to deliver our falls prevention programme Strong and Steady which targets adults over 65 who are unsteady on their feet. It is a 24 week structured programme which aims to build strength and balance and teaches participants exercises they can practice at home. Everyone Active also run weekly maintainer classes for participants who have finished the  ...  view the full minutes text for item 20.


Oadby and Wigston Health Priority 3. Substance / Alcohol Misuse / Stop Smoking Services


Unfortunately Ruth Day, Senior Recovery Worker from Turning Point, was unable to attend the meeting at the last minute. There was no representative available to attend on behalf of the Turning Point, and no progress report provided.


It was recommended that a meeting take place with representatives from this group with Debra Cunningham who is the Public Health Lead for this commissioned service.


Stop Smoking Service


ZaheeraChatra (LCC Stop Smoking Service Manager) provided a detailed overview of the first year anniversary of this new service. She discussed the district priorities and provided a copy of the Smoking/Tobacco control Action Plan (a copy of which is filed together with these minutes at Annex A) which detailed four strategic areas of work:


1.   Promoting and implementation of smoke-free homes, cars and open public places

2.   Reducing smoking prevalence in routine and manual workgroups

3.   Reducing smoking prevalence in pregnant women

4.   Reducing smoking prevalence in people with mental ill health


One current area of work, implemented by another LA, is smoke-free parks. Cllr Boulter to raise this topic at the next OWBC Service Delivery Committee, with the possibility of using Peace Memorial Park as a pilot. It is recommended work takes place in schools to educate individuals. The scheme would be on a voluntary basis as it is clearly not possible to police.


Zaheera distributed a poster advertising the Smoking Cessation and Mental Health Workshop which will be held on 21 February at Beaumanor Hall. Attendees were asked to promote this opportunity via their networks.


Zaheera is also working with local Leisure Centres on a reward scheme to encourage people to quit smoking. A total of 2,000 people have so far accessed the scheme so far county-wide, however Oadby and Wigston’s numbers are not as high as other districts. A 12 week programme has been designed; after 4 weeks of not smoking the individual will be rewarded with a free leisure centre pass or similar. JN and AL have already discussed this reward scheme. Zaheera to forward approximate numbers for the Oadby and Wigston area, then JN and AL can confirm the level of support.


MS provided information about the Zest Theatre group who have been commissioned to deliver productions in schools to inform the students about homelessness and the negative side of alcohol and drug misuse. The feedback from attendees in Oadby and Wigston has been positive. This topic is supported by and links to the Community Safety Partnership strategic plan.


MC confirmed there should be a statutory partner involvement from the CCG, with regards to the Community Safety Partnership.  Sharon Rose to take this action away, and confirm appropriate representative from the CCG.


Zaheera to provide AL with Debra Cunningham’s contact details in order to set up a meeting to discuss the commissioning details around Turning Point, in particular to gain a greater understanding of how this service integrates into other work steams and how it fits locally.  KL confirmed that Turning Point is also not attending meetings with  ...  view the full minutes text for item 21.


Any Other Business


Terms of Reference pdf icon PDF 43 KB


The proposed newly updated Terms of Reference for the Oadby and Wigston Health and Wellbeing Board were discussed. All agreed that these should replace the current version.


Next Meeting


Next meeting will be the Board’s Health Summit, to which all health partners will be invited, in order shape the 2018/19 priorities for the Borough and will be held on Wednesday 11 April 2018 at 1:30 p.m. at Oadby and Wigston Borough Council Offices.

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