Meeting attendance

Tuesday, 8th September, 2020 6.00 pm, Service Delivery Committee

Venue:   By Remote Video Conference

Contact:    Democratic Services
Tel: (0116) 257 2775 Email:

Meeting attendance
Attendee Role Attendance Attendance comment
Councillor Mrs Rosemarie H Adams Committee Member Present Present and participated remotely via Zoom
Councillor Naveed Alam Committee Member Present Present and participated remotely via Zoom
Samuel Ball Clerk In attendance Attended remotely via Zoom
Councillor Lee A Bentley Committee Member Present Present and participated remotely via Zoom
Councillor Garth (Bill) A Boulter Chair Present Present and participated remotely via Zoom
Councillor John W Boyce Committee Member Present Present and participated remotely via Zoom
Councillor Frank S Broadley Committee Member Apologies
Councillor Mrs Linda M Broadley Committee Member Present Present and participated remotely via Zoom
Councillor David M Carter Committee Member Present Present and participated remotely via Zoom
Councillor Michael H Charlesworth Committee Member Apologies
Anne Court Officer In attendance Attended remotely via Zoom
Philippa Fisher Officer In attendance Attended remotely via Zoom
Councillor Fula (Kamal) S Ghattoraya Committee Member Present Present and participated remotely via Zoom.
David Gill Officer In attendance Attended remotely via Zoom
Councillor Mrs Samia Z Haq Vice-Chair Present
Stephen Hinds Officer In attendance Attended remotely via Zoom
Councillor Miss Amandeep Kaur Committee Member Absent
Avril Lennox MBE Officer In attendance Attended remotely via Zoom
Councillor Kevin J Loydall JP Committee Member Present Present and participated remotely via Zoom
Councillor Mrs Sharon B Morris Committee Member Present Present and participated remotely via Zoom
Councillor Richard E R Morris Committee Member Present Present and participated remotely via Zoom
Adrian Thorpe Officer In attendance Attended remotely via Zoom
Steven Tucker Clerk In attendance