Issue - decisions

Planning Enforcement Activity Report (2017/18)

24/05/2018 - Planning Enforcement Activity Report (2017/18)

The Committee gave consideration to the report (at pages 15 - 17) as delivered and summarised by the Planning Control Team Leader which should be read together with these minutes as a composite document.


The Committee commended the work undertaken by Officers to date. It was emphasised that the number of breaches of control in lieu of the relevant planning permission(s) was a serious matter which warranted prompt and robust action.


It was raised by the Committee, and accepted by Officers, that the statistics provided at paragraph 2.1 (at page 16) were mathematically incorrect and required updating.


It was moved by the Chair, seconded by the Vice-Chair and




(i)       The contents of the report be noted by Members;

(ii)     The meetings of the Development Control (Enforcement) Sub-Committee be herewith suspended for a further period of one-year (i.e. 12 months); and

(iii)   The proposal for the next Planning Enforcement Activity Report to be written up to cover the period up to 31 March 2019, to be approximately in line with the end of the municipal year, and repeated annually thereafter, be approved.