Agenda item

Minutes of the Previous Meeting held on 11 September 2017 and Matters Arising


·         The minutes of 11 September 2017 were checked for accuracy and then agreed as a true record.

·         Page 1 - Residents are to note the gazebos mentioned in the minutes belong to the Friends of Peace Park and are merely on loan to the Lions Group.

·         Page 2 - Review of the Residents Fora Consultation.

·         On the matter of the residents Fora consultation update feedback, it was observed that Colin Towell’s submission was the longest of the five submitted for Wigston. A request was made for the full content of it to be shared with residents at this evening’s meeting. The content of the other four were also shared. The submissions raised concerns about resident forum money being granted with greater accountability and follow up on issues such as the timescales for getting feedback and action taken on requests made to the Council. The submissions along with those made by Oadby and South Wigston Residents Fora have all been received by the Council and will form part of the meeting the Council is to hold on Tuesday 5 December 2017. It is to cover issues such as funding and best value.

·         A five member panel has been formed to deal with grants and grant making. Following this meeting a new policy on funding through the Council will have been created.

·         It was agreed this topic is to form an agenda item for the next residents forum meeting and include information on how funding is to be awarded with a built in accountability trail on spend, how emergency funding can be awarded and project delivery and closure.

·         The Chair asked residents present if there was anyone who wished the current meeting venue to change. There were no residents who voiced a wish to change the current meeting venue. No alternative venue was put forward.

·         Residents enquired as to what action plan was in place for the forum and if it along with major planning applications and the Council budget and savings could be brought to the next forum meetings as agenda items.

·         The Forum meetings are currently advertised on the Council’s webpage, Facebook, Twitter, on electronic notice boards, in libraries, in Customer Services at Bell Street, by post to residents who do not have an email address but request notification, on notice boards across the town and in the Letterbox magazine. In 2018 advertising will be extended to some businesses and local meeting places.

·         Page 3 - Pride of the Borough and the Chair’s update are both on the agenda for discussion.

·         Page 3 - The Council Budget Options 2019 to2020 is on the agenda for discussion.

·         Page 3 - Capital Projects Update.

·         Sainsbury store in Bell Street has agreed to the defibrillator once purchased to be fixed to the external wall of the store.

·         The two bins for Meadow Way and Stanhope Road have been installed.

·         The Community First Responders award has been paid.

·         The funds for payment of the Girl Guides shed has been cleared, but the shed is yet to be installed.

·         The new cooker for Peace Park Pavilion is shortly to be installed.

·         Page 3 - The Wigston Residents Forum currently has £51,310 of funds remaining.

·         Page 4 - Wigston Pinfold furniture proposal and the first application for drawdown of funding. £385 to cover planning application has been requested.

·         Page 4 - A proposal by the Lions Group to customise gazebos, supported by an award from the Forum of £200 has been processed.

·         Page 4 - The spend for the laurel bushes has been approved. The project is still awaiting the repairs which are to be completed by the landlord. Once the repairs have been made the laurel bushes will be purchased and planted.

·         Page 5 - On the matter of the Old Crown Public House application to build two houses these were refused.

·         Page 5 - Messy fences on Little Hill Estate.

·         No complaints about messy fences on Little Hill have been received by the Depot Manager.

·         A request from a resident to extend the Litter Picker Operative tidying route along the Leicester Road was submitted to the Depot Manager. The Depot Manager has stated that at this point in time the Operative’s route cannot be extended.

·         Page 5 - Horse and Trumpet application for decking. Decking installed by the Horse and Trumpet Public House received planning permission for installation. The footpath should have got diverted before the decking was completed. The Borough Council was asked to do it. This has gone to the County Council for the diversion to be endorsed. Residents were informed they are within their rights to submit an objection to the footpath.

·         Planning permission was given for wooden decking and the wooden surface going over a tiled surface. The path can be diverted with the correct permission. Previously the decking was rejected. The application went back to County Council. The ramp is accessible for people who have disabilities.


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