Agenda item

Horsewell Lane Pavilion and 3G Artificial Pitch


The Council gave consideration to the report and appendices (at pages 1 - 15) as delivered and summarised by the Head of Planning, Development and Regeneration which should be read together with these minutes as a composite document.


A debate thereon was had whereby Members commended the recommendations as set out in the report (at paragraphs 2.1 to 2.5) towards increasing and diversifying sporting provision across the Borough and the bringing forward of redevelopment at Horsewell Lane Recreational Ground, whilst acknowledging the limitations regarding the Council in not being able to progress with developing a 3G pitch itself.


Members said that in respect of the new pavilion building, the needs and requirements of the recreational ground’s existing users should be considered in terms of the facilities and amenities to be provided to ensure those users remain viable and sustainable. As such, the Council requested that a management plan be implemented in respect of the design and construction of the new pavilion building and that Members be kept appraised on the timetable. It was also requested that a much increased rent be demanded in any lease renewals granted to tenants currently leasing parts of the recreational ground.


The Council was advised that the risk in terms of financing the revenue costs of the new pavilion was minimal due to it being purpose-built and in anticipation of existing site users making use of the facility once constructed and operational. It was said that a detailed specification of the new pavilion building would continue to be re-worked during the design process to accommodate users’ requirements. It was also reported that the existing pavilion building would remain in situ until the new building has been constructed and that pro-active steps were being taken to regularise the arrangements with existing tenants of the recreational ground with whom a formal lease was not currently in place.


It was moved by Councillor L A Bentley, seconded by the Deputy Leader of the Council and




(i)       Due to the difficulties of cost, viability, ongoing management and limited support of the local and national governing bodies and the resultant risks to the Council (as set out in the report), the Council does not itself progress with developing a 3G pitch;

(ii)     The Unilateral Undertaking for a sum of £150,000 as referred to in paragraph 3.2 be reserved as match funding for a 3G pitch bid initiated by Oadby Owls Football Club (as referred to in paragraph 4.7 in the report);

(iii)   The Sports Facilities Contribution of £544,000 (as referred to in paragraph 3.1 of the report) be spent on alternative sports facilities in Wigston and/or South Wigston (as referred to in paragraph 5.3 in the report);

(iv)    Of this sum, approximately £25,000 be set aside for the consultancy work to assess the options for alternative sports facilities and to provide recommendations and a costed assessment of the options.

(v)     A tender to appoint a contractor for a design and build contract to deliver the new pavilion at Horsewell Lane under the Council’s Contract Procedure Rules (on the basis of the details as set out in paragraph 6.1 to 6.5 of the report) be proceeded with.

Supporting documents: