Agenda item

Minutes of the Previous Meeting held on 13 September 2017 and Matters Arising


The draft minutes of the previous meeting were agreed as a true record subject to the amendments received. It was commented that the amendments were about accuracy and were supported by a number of people who were at the previous forum meeting. The amendments were proposed by one resident and accepted by the residents.

In response to a question as to whether there has been a discussion as to who is to chair the South Wigston Residents Forum meeting , the Chair responded that he was chairing the meeting and not the Forum. Once a review of the forum was complete this would be clarified.


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A new community centre for South Wigston

This item is on the agenda for discussion. A paper outlining information about the community centre was received to support tonight`s discussion

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Cutting of Blaby Road Park hedge and crack on the left-hand side of path

The hedge has been trimmed and the Depot is unaware of the crack and have received no reports about it.

Waste Survey Consultation Feedback

There was a meeting to discuss the Waste Survey on; Tuesday 9th November 2017.Further work is to take place next week. The car park is to be visited. There is a report coming on December 5th 2017.It will cover how much revenue is to be saved. A proposal will then be put forward and a consultation is to come next year to consult with residents.

Change to buses servicing the Fairfield Estate

This item forms a substantial item for discussion tonight.

Review of the Resident’s Forum Consultation- 3 Questions

A written report on feedback received from residents following the consultation which took place September 13th 2017, is attached with tonight`s Forum papers. It was circulated to South Wigston residents electronically. Three responses were received.

Residents were advised if they wish a further opportunity to complete a consultation card to, contact the Community Engagement Officer for a copy.

Christmas Capers

Funding for Christmas Capers is not to be taken from the Residents Forum monies. Its funding will be managed by the Town Centre Manager who will at intervals provide update reports on this.


A report on Christmas Capers is to be brought to the next Residents Forum.

Council Budget Options 2018/19 and 2019/20

A question was raised asking for clarification on what deadline the Council have when it knows what savings are to be made, The Chair stated some of the information can be brought to the Forum and some not.

Government expects turnover over a four-year period to be reduced by £1.8 million. 700k has already been saved. There is a list of about ten things which can be changed. A report is to be received by the Council on December 5th 2017. Some of the contents is non-contentious and some is internal. Waste is contentious and will be consulted on borough wide. The detail is not yet known as to what is coming to Council. Councillor S Morris added, the final figures are to come from the Government.

A comment was made that the big issues would give Councillors a further perspective on what things to consider.


The Chair stated he would try to place the Council Budget Options on the next Forum meeting agenda.

The Families Foodies Group

The Families Foodies Group has submitted receipts for its spend of funding awarded by the Forum.

It was suggested that the Families Foodies Group be requested to provide a written report to be presented at the next Forum meeting.

South Wigston Community Centre-Elliot Hall

A new community centre for South Wigston is on tonight`s agenda for discussion.

Cutting of Blaby Park hedge and crack on left hand side of path.

The hedge has been trimmed and the Depot is unaware of the crack and has received no reports about it.

Change to Arriva Bus services to the Fairfield Estate

Councillor Boulter is to provide an update on the working group deliberations in relation to the Arriva bus service tonight.

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A common framework for dealing with small and large funding applications, their monitoring and evaluation.

The Council now has a common framework in place, endorsed by Finance for dealing with small and large funding applications, their monitoring and evaluation for resident forums. To access a small grant award form or a large grant award form residents were advised to contact the Community Engagement Officer.

Forum Budget Update.

A budget update paper which outlines progress report on spend and the sum available to the Forum is on tonight`s agenda. The current funds available is: £21,956

Taxidermist and smell of dead carcasses

A resident raised a question as to what the Council was doing about the smell emitted from the Taxidermist`s residence.

The Chair pointed out a response was included on the Matter`s Arising sheet as follows:

Environmental Health have spoken to the resident regarding odour escaping the property which is having a detrimental effect to those in the locality of the area. The occupier/premises are checked by senior veterinary inspectors from Animal Plant Health agency (APHA) Saffron House, Tigers Road, Wigston, Leicester. LE18 4UY every three months to comply with regulations. The Veterinary inspector supplies a licence to the occupier which allows them to continue with their Taxidermy.

A further formal notice is due to be served on the resident of North Lodge Cottage under the Anti-Social Behaviour, Crime and Policing Act 2014. If the notice is not complied with i.e. it is breached by odour escaping the premises, Environmental Health will need to be contacted by the person who is affected by the odour to allow the service to make an independent assessment of the odour at the time. Environmental Health can be contacted via Customer services on (0116) 2888961. They will refer the call to Environmental Health.

There is no substance to the allegation there are dead animal bodies in the “ditch” that runs adjacent to North Lodge Cottage.

The Chair advised residents to ring the Council to report the smell.

Missing Benches

The benches were relocated into Blaby Road Park and not stolen.


Supporting documents: