Agenda item

Proposed Revised Organisational Policies

Report of the Interim Corporate Resources Manager.

To be presented by the Director of Services / Monitoring Officer.


The Committee gave consideration to the report and appendices (at pages 127 - 227) as delivered and summarised by the Interim Chief Finance Officer / Section 151 Officer which should be read together with these minutes as a composite document.


A debate thereon was had whereby the Committee generally commended the revised policies. It was requested however that the proscription of recording equipment at formal meetings contained at part 8.1 of the proposed Grievance Policy and Procedure (at page 5/134) be reconsidered by Officers with a view to remove this from the Policy as such recordings were considered as acceptable by Members. Members stated that the maternity policy ought to be extended to include paternity matters. Access to similar corporate alert system was also said to be desirable to forewarn Members of the potential risks when arranging to meet with residents. 


The Committee was advised that in relation to the proposed Sickness Absence Management Policy and Procedure, employees with stress-related illnesses or suffering from bereavement were offered the necessary assistance and provision e.g. counselling from external professionals if required. All affected employees finding themselves in such circumstances were said to be treated by the Council with an appropriate measure of discretion and compassion as was to be expected. 


It was moved by the Chair, seconded by the Vice Chair and




(i)   The following Organisational Policies be approved:

(a)  Grievance Policy and Procedure 2017 subject to (ii);

(b)  Maternity Policy and Procedure 2017;

(c)   Sickness Absence Management Policy and Procedure 2017; and

(d)  Lone Working Policy and Procedure 2017

(ii)  The proscription of recording equipment at formal meetings contained at part 8.1 of the proposed Grievance Policy and Procedure (at page 5) be reconsidered by Officers with a view to remove.

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