Changes to Bus Routes 44 and 49a
A Resident said that the bus services cuts have affected the South Wigston area creating a travelling divide and community isolation.
The general sentiment was that Arriva Bus Company did not care about the travel needs of South Wigston Residents or the impact of cuts on local business.
A Resident said that without the service some elderly Residents were, having to use taxis or were stranded.
South Wigston Traders were said to be contacting the Arriva Bus Company Services Manager to discuss the transport cuts and the impact on the Town.
The Chair said Councillor Boulter was in dialogue with the Arriva Bus company.
Changes to the Forum
The following questions, observations and exchanges of information were shared under this heading as follows.
A Resident said the draft minutes of March 7th 2017were inaccurate. A typed sheet of amendments were proffered as the amendments .The Chair said the minutes were not meant to be verbatim and long. The Resident requested putting the proposed amendments to the draft minutes to a vote. The Chair stated this was not necessary and to note they were accepted.
The Chair said a hard copy of the Local Government Association Peer Review was available for residents to take. The link to an electronic copy was also included in the Chair`s Update paper.
A Resident questioned whether matters arising from the last meeting were completed; namely consultation with the conservatives and why the changes requested by Residents at the last meeting could not be voted on in the meeting.
A Resident stated each Forum was different and the Resident was merely asking for the suggested changes to South Wigston Forum be agreed.
Councillor Boyce stated that, as all the forums all worked the same any changes to the Terms of Reference would require the other two Forums be consulted on any changes.
A resident replied to Councillor Boyce that the changes residents had asked for didn’t need any change to the Forum Terms of Reference, and read aloud from the constitution that the remit for the Forum is to:
‘’...give local residents a greater say in Council affairs; increase public involvement in public services; help shape council policies; challenge and give feedback on performance; and promote community cohesion.”
The resident also said that the changes to the Forum that residents had asked for were consistent with the Council’s new Corporate Vision, which read,
‘Work with existing forums and forge new relationships in order to strengthen community engagement and cohesion throughout the Borough.’
A Resident said that as it was only minor changes that were asked for and the changes did not need to go to the other Forums.
A Resident from Oadby said, in the past he had attended all three Resident Forums. He said that a change in the way South Wigston’s Forum ran its business could lead to a change in the Terms of Reference for Oadby and Wigston Resident Forums. He further stated that sometimes proposals for funding were brought to the three Forums and change could make it difficult in the future for people to access funds for joint projects.
A Resident said money must be properly accounted and applied for. If this was not the case a Forum would not be needed.
A Resident said, at the previous meeting the manner of how the agenda was set was questioned. Local issues tended to be “bunched up” under any other business and presentations took away time from proper discussion.
A Resident queried why Councillors were seated at tables, when it was agreed for this meeting they would not be.
For the September meeting , the Chair has agreed to sit in front of Residents and the other Councillors have agreed to sit amongst the Residents.
On the query raised by a Resident as to why the previous changes put to the Forum in March were not implemented; the Chair said this would be addressed following the consultation on change going to Wigston and Oadby Forums on the 12th and 27th of July. Following collation of the results on 4th September, 2017, they would be shared.
A Resident expressed some confusion as to what item had been reached on the Agenda .The confusion was caused because the Chair had moved around some items to allow the DEFRA Air Quality item to be placed further up the agenda. This was to allow the presenting Officer to leave the meeting, to make a three hour journey home.
A Resident said neither the Chair nor Councillor Boyce had attempted to contact anyone about the changes requested and added, where do Residents move forward with this agenda.
The Chair said the issue had gone to the Oadby and Wigston Forums. A report following the consultations in July would be shared in September This would help clarify next steps.
A resident stated that a Freedom of Information request had been made to the Council on the costs of the staffing, and management problems. The costs from May 2015 to the end of March 2017 were £793,000 – including legal and investigation costs, staff suspensions and agency staff, and the Change Management Programme to improve the organization and management.
The resident went on to say since asking for information about the grievance, there was a sense of the Council “closing down” on Residents and “things” having become more difficult. A question was then raised on when an update was to come to the Forum on the crisis in the Council.
Councillor Boyce challenged anyone to show where Council services have not been delivered. It was promised that public services would not suffer due to the grievance and they have not.
The issue was still ongoing and other issues which predate the grievance. Information placed in the public domain was said to be more than the lawyers had agreed there should be. The Local Government Association (LGA) Peer Review report was on the website.
The Chair added, once there was a conclusion to the Grievance a meeting would be called.
Councillor Boyce said, the Council would share what it could when it could. Savings other than £700,000 will be the cut to be met.
The Council was already thinking of how to raise revenue. The accounts showed the Council had turnover money in reserve, plus £2 million.
A Resident questioned when the outcome of talks with Councillor Dave, about changes to the Forum would be shared with this Forum.
The Chair agreed to update Residents on the outcome of talks held about changes to the Forum, with Conservative Councillor, Bhupen Dave.
Three Seats Are Missing In The Park
A Resident said three seats were missing from the Park .He gave photographs of the seats to the Chair.
The Chair assured the Resident she would pass the photographs to the Operational Team to investigate.
Taxidermist Practice Generating Unpleasant Smell
A Resident observed that on Saffron Road, where North cottage is located, a taxidermist has disposed of dead carcasses into a ditch. This smelt dreadful and was a potential hazard to people and motorists. There was a risk of people falling into the ditch.
The Resident suggested the smell be placed on the list of DEFRA monitoring of pollution sites.
The Resident asked why the carcasses could not be incinerated.
The Chair agreed to address the Resident`s concern on this matter.
Blocked Drainage on Gloucester Road
A Resident reported there was blocked drainage at Gloucester Road. The Resident requested the County Council be instructed to remove the blockage. This blockage was viewed to be a danger to both the public and motorists.
Councillor John Boyce agreed to raise this at the next County Council Meeting.
Parking By Fairfield Primary School
Between the hours of 3pm till 4pm a fire engine will be requested to park partly on the pavement. This is in order to show parents how the current blockage of the road affects the flow of traffic. Councillor Richard Morris was working on organising this. He has spoken to the police about parents’ inconsiderate parking which was causing obstruction to the flow of traffic. The school was also working to address this issue.
Items to be Raised for the Next Forum Agenda
Residents and Decision-making.