Report of, and to be Presented by, the Planning, Development and Regeneration Manager.
The Council gave consideration to the report (at pages 21 - 24) as delivered and summarised by the Planning, Development and Regeneration Manager which should be read together with these minutes as a composite document.
A debate thereon was had whereby although the principle of the development of a 3G all-weather sports pitch (“the 3G pitch”) in the Borough was welcomed by all Members, it was considered by some Members that the proposed location of the 3G pitch at South Wigston High School (“the High School”) was not a suitable site for such a development to be brought forward due to its close proximity to residential properties, safeguarding concerns and a number of legal implications associated with building on a school site. It was requested by some Members that other, more suitable locations should be surveyed, potentially including other schools’ sites across the Borough. Concerns were also expressed regarding the difficulties previously experienced in securing full access to, and by virtue of being, shared community-use facilities. It was said that development at Horsewell Lane, Wigston was preferential and therefore ought to be prioritised.
It was considered by other Members that the proposed location of the 3G pitch at the High School was a suitable insofar as it was an area serving deprived communities within the Borough. All other locations surveyed were said to have been deemed impractical and that the 3G pitch was to provide a facility accessible by all residents of Oadby, Wigston and South Wigston. It was noted that before any development commenced, the proper legal and governance processes had to be duly fulfilled, including the bringing back of a report to this Council for its consideration and approval the same. It was further noted that the report before Members was a balanced one addressing the need for development across all parts of the Borough.
Members sought further clarification as to: the initial allocations and balances of sums requested under agreements pursuant to section 106 of the Town and Country Planning Act 1990 (“the s106 sums”); the areas in which s106 sums were generated and intended for investment; and the deadline by which the s106 sums indentified at para 5.1 of the report (at page 22) needed to be spent by in relation to the 3G pitch.
The Planning, Development and Regeneration Manager advised the Committee that the recommendation at para 2.1 of the report (at page 21) primarily sought at this stage to approve the allocation of funds for the 3G pitch. It was understood that there was sufficient distance between the proposed site at the High School and residential properties and any safeguarding concerns could be addressed by way of an agreement between all stakeholders. He stated that all proposed development projects should be progressed equally and expediently, adding that the development at Horsewell Lane should be completed by the end of 2018. He noted Members’ concerns regarding the difficulties previously experienced in securing access to similar facilities and offered assurances that the Council was to work closely with its experienced leisure contractor to secure full and fair access arrangements. All alternative locations hitherto surveyed, including other schools’ sites, were said to have been deemed impractical and non-conducive to negotiation arrangements.
The Planning, Development and Regeneration Manager further advised that the s106 sums in relation to applications nos. 12/00313/FUL and 16/00025/FUL specifically related to sports provision from s106 Agreements in, and for, the Wigston area. The deadline by which these s106 sums needed to be spent was said to be end of 2018. He stated that an Officer Working Group had recently been commissioned: to collate all financials of all sums requested under all s106 agreements; to identify the areas in which s106 sums were generated; and to prepare a list of prospective projects for Members’ consideration in the autumn. He emphasised sums requested under all s106 agreements were highly prescriptive to the area to which they relate and did not collectively amount to an “open pot” pot to indiscriminately invest anywhere.
The meeting was suspended at 8:08 pm and reconvened at 8:14 pm.
It was moved by the Leader of the Council, seconded by Councillor Mrs S B Morris and
In accordance with Rule 21.1 of Part 4 of the Constitution, Rule 14.6(b) of the same Part be suspended for the purposes of disposing of the foregoing motions in an order that, as it appears and in the discretion of the Mayor, would better facilitate the proper conduct of the Council’s business only.
Votes For 18
Votes Against 2
Abstentions 0
It was moved by the Deputy Leader of the Council, seconded by Councillor J Kaufman and
The item of business be deferred for a period of between four to six weeks.
Votes For 9
Votes Against 12
Abstentions 0
It was moved by Councillor G A Boulter, seconded by Councillor R F Eaton and
The use of funding via the section 106 Agreements in order to build a 3G all-weather sports pitch be approved, subject to the proposed location upon which the 3G pitch was to built being determined at a subsequent meeting of the Council.
Votes For 9
Votes Against 12
Abstentions 0
It was moved by the Leader of the Council, seconded by Councillor Mrs S B Morris and
(i) The use of funding via the section 106 Agreements in order to build a 3G all-weather sports pitch be approved at South Wigston High School, subject to appropriate terms being agreed between the Council, South Wigston High School and the Council’s Leisure Contractor; and
(ii) The other aspects of the report be noted by Members.
Votes For 9
Votes Against 10
Abstentions 2
The meeting was suspended at 8:18 pm and reconvened at 8:36 pm.
The Director of Services / Monitoring Officer advised the Council that, in view of the unprecedented constitutional circumstances, the debate upon this item of business was herewith adjourned and Members would be advised outside of the meeting regarding the proper way to proceed with the same in due course.
Councillors M L Darr and D A Gamble left the Chamber at 8:39 pm.
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