Agenda item

Report of the Planning Control Team Leader

Report(s) of, and to be Presented by, the Planning Control Team Leader and

the relevant Planning Control Officer(s).


1.   Application No. 17/00070/OUT – Merano, 52 Stoughton Road, Oadby, Leicestershire, LE2 4FL


The Committee was advised that application no. 17/00070/OUT had been withdrawn.


2.     Application No. 17/00122/FUL – 1-80 Elizabeth Court, Wigston, Leicestershire, LE18 2AE


The Committee gave consideration to the application (at pages 17 - 20) as delivered and summarised by the Senior Planning Control Officer which should be read together with these minutes as a composite document.


In reaching a decision, the Committee were given express assurances that the new external cladding was a British Board of Agrément (BBA) certified “non-combustible” material that was fully tested to and complaint with all fire safety standards and regulations and that the fire-stop was to apply to all storeys of the building. These assurances were to be read in conjunction with the verbal statement delivered by the Interim Head of Community Services made in respect of fire safety in the Borough as minuted at a meeting of the Service Delivery Committee on 27 June (at min. ref. 9).


It was moved by the Chair, seconded by Councillor G A Boulter and




The application be GRANTED planning permission in accordance with the submitted documents and plans and subject to the prescribed conditions.


3.     Application No. 17/00151/FUL - 253 Aylestone Lane, Wigston, Leicestershire, LE18 1BE


Mr L Moore spoke upon the application as an objector who reiterated the same concerns raised at a previous meeting of the Committee on 15 June. Mr Moore stated that the footprint of the two ground floor flats provided inadequate levels of amenity to future occupants, that the development was not in-keeping with the existing street scene and there were insufficient parking spaces to effectively service three additional dwellings thus impacting on the adjacent properties and small slip-road. He further opined that the applicant had manipulated due planning process.


The Committee gave consideration to the application (at pages 21 - 29) as delivered and summarised by the Planning Control Team Leader which should be read together with these minutes as a composite document.


A debate thereon was had whereby it was agreed that there was no difference of opinion to that expressed at its previous meeting. It was agreed that the proposed development would, due to the number of units proposed and the confined space for parking provision, limited storage area for bins required by the dwelling-flats and the materials used in the construction of the two-storey side extension, represented an overintensification of the built form and site and the development, as a whole, was out of keeping with the visual character and amenities of the area.


The Committee requested that the Technical Housing Standards (Nationally Described Space Standard) published by the Department for Communities and Local Government (DCLG) on 27 March 2015 - including but not limited to introducing minimum floor area dimensions for dwellings - be adopted as a technical planning standard by the Council as a planning authority as soon as reasonably practicable.


In reaching a decision, the Committee was advised that, if it was minded to refuse planning permission against recommendations, the applicant enjoyed permitted development rights to covert the existing building into a house of multiple occupation (HMO) with upto six occupants and vehicles and, or, upon any successful appeal lodged by the applicant, the costs thereof may be awarded against the Council.


It was moved by the Chair, seconded by Councillor F S Broadley and




The application be REFUSED planning permission for the foregoing reasons.


4.     Application No. 17/00192/FUL - Horse & Trumpet, Bull Head Street, Wigston, Leicestershire, LE18 1PB


Mr M Roe, Planner at Marrons Planning, spoke upon the application on behalf of the applicant.  Mr Roe stated that the revised scheme had reduced the distance of pedestrian travel, retained and improved levels of access and safety to the site and proposed barriers between the diverted footpath and car park. It was reported that the walled area and decking incorporated a considerate palette of materials respecting local character and patterns of development. Mr Roe opined that the revised scheme addressed all concerns relating to visual amenity, pedestrian safety/accessibility and traffic impacts.


Mr C Towell spoke upon the application on behalf of the Wigston Civic Society (WCS) as an objector. Mr Towell stated that the walled area and decking would have an adverse effect on the street scene and visual amenity, intimidate pedestrians passing-by, distract road users and cause a nuisance to adjacent residents. It was said that it did not respect the Borough’s distinctive landscape of historical character particularly given site’s close proximity to conservation areas and a listed dwelling located nearby. Most notably, it was opined that the diversion of historic footpath Z17 would be detrimental to Wigston’s rich antecedents and heritage.


The Committee gave consideration to the application (at pages 30 - 39) and the agenda update (at pages 1 - 3) as delivered and summarised by the Planning Control Team Leader which should be read together with these minutes as a composite document.


A debate thereon was had whereby the majority of Members did not object to the application however expressed some provisional concerns regarding the height of the decking and its proposed hours of use insofar as it could potentially cause a nuisance to pedestrians passing-by and residents. In reaching a decision, the Committee was advised that the height of the decking from ground level to patrons’ feet was two feet and that, in addition to condition 4, other robust enforcement regimes were available to the Council to regulate any unauthorised and, or, nuisance activities.


Councillor G A Boulter stated he shared the concerns of the WCS and, for those reasons, could not support the application. Citing from ‘The Midland Peasant’ by historian W G Hoskins, the footpath Z17 was said to be of significant historical importance forming part of the ancient highway of the former road to London.


It was moved by the Chair, seconded by Councillor B Dave and




The application be GRANTED planning permission in accordance with the submitted documents and plans and subject to the prescribed conditions.


Votes For                  4

Votes Against          1

Abstentions             0

Supporting documents: