Agenda item

UK Youth Parliament - Curriculum for Life


The Council gave consideration to the Motion on Notice (at pages 13-14) in respect of the UK Youth Parliament Curriculum for Life (“the Curriculum”) which should be read together with these minutes as a composite document.


Councillor R E R Morris advocated that the UK Youth Parliament and the Oadby and Wigston Youth Council agreed that a review of the current Personal, Social and Health Education (PHSE) forming part of the National Curriculum needed to be undertaken. This was said to be needed so to aid in the development of young persons’: citizenship and political education; sex and relationship education; cultural awareness; community cohesion; finance skills; sustainable living. It was further stated that teachers needed to be trained to a minimum standard to be able to deliver the proposed Citizenship and PSHE education under the revised Curriculum.


The Motion was moved by Councillor R E R Morris and seconded by Councillor Miss M V Chamberlain.




1.      This Council notes:


a)     That the UK Youth Parliament, during their sitting in the Houses of Parliament on 11 November 2016, and following 2016’s successful ‘Make Your Mark’ Ballot, have chosen to campaign for a ‘Curriculum for Life’ to be incorporated into the National Curriculum.

b)     That the purpose of the UK Youth Parliament’s campaign is to see the National Curriculum radically overhauled through a youth-led review that helps develop young people’s political knowledge, better sex and relationship education, cultural awareness, community cohesion, finance skills, and sustainable living.

c)     That nationally 142,471 young people aged 11-18 voted ‘A curriculum to prepare us for life’ as their main concern through the ‘Make Your Mark’ Ballot, the UK’s largest youth consultation, in which 978,216 votes were cast.

d)     That the Oadby & Wigston Youth Council, as the Borough’s voice for young people, are supporting the UK Youth Parliament’s campaign and have actively taken steps towards its realisation, including writing letters to local schools, our local MP Sir Edward Garnier, and the Secretary of State for Education seeking wider promotion and support of a ‘Curriculum for Life’.


2.      This Council believes:


a)     That Citizenship and PSHE education are important for young people’s growth and development, as they teach vital life skills and can be the first steps to engaging young people in political life.

b)     That a youth-led, UK-wide review of the place of Citizenship and PSHE education in the National Curriculum should be held.

c)     That teaching staff should be specifically trained to a national standard to deliver Citizenship and PSHE education following the findings of the above review, and the ‘Make Your Mark’ Ballot.

d)     That a revised National Curriculum should highlight the importance of the following subjects;


·      Political Education

·      Sex and Relationships Education (SRE)

·      Cultural Awareness

·      Community Cohesion

·      Finance Skills

·      Sustainable Living

·      Citizenship Education Test


3.      This Council resolves:


a)     To write to Sir Edward Garnier MP, and Justine Greening MP as Secretary of State for Education, indicating its support of the ‘Curriculum for Life’ campaign led by the UK Youth Parliament, and seek their support in ensuring the UK-wide, youth-led review indicated above takes place.

b)     To assist the Oadby & Wigston Youth Council in the lobbying of local Academies, who are not required to teach the National Curriculum, to pledge their commitment to teaching a ‘Curriculum for Life’, ensuring all young people in the Borough are afforded the same opportunities for growth and development.

c)     To raise awareness of the UK Youth Parliament’s ‘Curriculum for Life’ campaign in the Borough through appropriate means.

Supporting documents: