Agenda item

Disabled Facilities Grants and The Lightbulb Project


The Committee gave consideration to the report and appendix (at pages 21 - 27) as delivered and summarised by the Interim Community Services Manager which should be read together with these minutes as a composite document.


Councillor Mrs L M Broadley stated that there were no specified timeframes contained within the report in view of concerns that most adaptations, due to their very nature, applied for under Disabled Facilities Grants (DFG’s) were required soon as possible. She further enquired as to what written assurances had been received from Leicestershire County Council (LCC) confirming that the full amount allocated by the Government for 2017/18 for DFG’s would be received by this Council.


The Interim Community Services Manager advised that Lightbulb Project (LbP) had run several pilot schemes and the results, compared against other Borough and District Councils, were completed in a shorter timescales primarily due to the LbP having direct access to Occupational Therapists (OT’s). He stated that not all delays in commencing and, or, completing DFG’s were solely attributable to the Council but involved other factors, most notably awaiting receipts of details from the applicant. He advised that adaptation turnaround times were to be monitored monthly as a Key Performance Indicator (KPI) and reported back to this Committee every six months. He advised that assurances, albeit not in writing, had been provided by LCC but this could not account for subsequent policy changes in the changing political landscape.


Councillor J W Boyce stated that the LbP and OT’s ought to have a close, working relationship to commission adaptations that are both affordable and appropriate. He opined that turnaround times for adaptations were also affected by the comparative age of the applicant, insofar as the requirements of older applicants were generally more easily and quickly met vis-a-vis younger applicants. He emphasised the importance of a bespoke model of service-delivery in respect of each applicant.


Councillor L A Bentley sought assurances that this Council’s initial contribution (of £25,640) was ring-fenced and that no subsequent contributions would be sought during the first full year of operation if, for instance, another Leicestershire Borough or District withdrew from the LbP. He said he was uneasy about this uncertainty.


The Interim Community Services Manager advised that the withdrawal of a constituent authority could entertain the possibility of an increased figure-share contribution from this Council towards the administration costs of the LbP.


Councillor K J Loydall raised concerns in respect of: the holding and ownership of the LbP contract(s), the responsibility of the client-facing function; the restricted access to information to properly carry out governance checks; and the potential liabilities arising from the termination of the existing contract. He noted that no answer had been received to his question put at an earlier meeting of the Committee (held on 05 July 2016) in respect of whether the £1m start-up grant awarded to the LbP was still current. The Member further enquired as to: whether the discretionary top-up funding provided year-on-year by this Council was permissible; who was to be responsible for reporting back and the associated-costs thereof; and the potential for hidden costs.


The Interim Community Services Manager stated that LbP was said to be a single-access point service that sought to provide an assessment of service-users’ needs from the outset so to transform and maximise the delivery of housing support to targeted groups whilst providing a scope for savings. It was reported that Leicestershire County Council (LCC) was to make a contribution to the central LbP fund. It was said that the central LbP hub was to be based at Blaby District Council but a local presence in the Oadby and Wigston area would maintain a level of administrative control. The termination date of the existing contract (31 March 2017) was reported to be finite and engendered no liability implications. He stated that no additional or hidden costs were envisaged by the rolling-out of the first LbP phase.


Councillor Mrs S Z Haq enquired as to whether priority would be given to hospital outpatients over other applicants, and if so, how this would be determined.


The Interim Community Services Manager advised that Housing Support Workers were to liaise with various the healthcare institutions to ensure that the appropriate care packages were in place upon outpatients’ discharge based upon a needs-assessment. He stated that every applicant was to be treated on an equal basis.


Councillor J W Boyce moved that:


(i)        The contents of the report be considered by Members;

(ii)       Approval to be given for the Council to formally enter into the Lightbulb Project for the delivery of Disabled Facility Grants and associated works with effect from 1 October 2017; and

(iii)      Delegated authority be granted to the Community Services Manager, in consultation with the Chair of the Service Delivery Committee, to approve the Council entering into an earlier pilot scheme before 1 October 2017 subject to written assurances being provided by Leicestershire County Council and, or, the Lightbulb Project in respect of a model contract, reporting procedures and all other costs associated therewith in accordance with its business plan.


The Chair seconded the motion.




(i)        The contents of the report be considered by Members;

(ii)       Approval to be given for the Council to formally enter into the Lightbulb Project for the delivery of Disabled Facility Grants and associated works with effect from 1 October 2017; and

(iii)      Delegated authority be granted to the Community Services Manager, in consultation with the Chair of the Service Delivery Committee, to approve the Council entering into an earlier pilot scheme before 1 October 2017 subject to written assurances being provided by Leicestershire County Council and, or, the Lightbulb Project in respect of a model contract, reporting procedures and all other costs associated therewith in accordance with its business plan.

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