Agenda item

Community Services Update


The Committee gave consideration to the report and appendix (at pages 20 - 31) as delivered and summarised by the Interim Community Services Manager which should be read together with these minutes as a composite document.


The Interim Community Services Manager added that:


(i)     Access had since been gained to one of the two outstanding properties where the gas safety certificate had expired and that the gas supply to the other property had since been capped-off due to inoccupation and the improbability of the tenant returning. A 100% compliance rate was, therefore, reported; and

(ii)    A total of 12 initial expressions of interests had been received in respect of the Borough Wide Cleaning Contract (BWCC) from which, and subject to Members’ approval, a shortlist of 6 companies would be compiled to invite to tender.


Councillor J W Boyce moved the recommendations en bloc set out at paragraphs 2.1 to 2.3 of the report (at page 20).


Councillor D M Carter seconded the recommendations.


Councillor K J Loydall seconded the recommendations.


Councillor L A Bentley enquired as to: (a) why the second property had been capped-off; and (b) whether the existing cleaning staff were protected under the BWCC tendering process. He stated that there was insufficient information contained in the report regarding dog fouling and fly-tipping to make a full assessment. The Member suggested that the Council ought to make better use of its prosecutorial powers towards irresponsible dog-owners, explore feasible methods to identify dog-owners and introduce a singular means for the public to report dog-fouling incidents.


The Interim Community Services Manager advised that the tenant of the second property had been admitted to the Bradgate Mental Health Unit, Leicester and that the gas-supply unit was capped in accordance with gas safety regulations. He confirmed that the existing cleaning staff had been informed of the BWCC tendering process and were to be employed by any external contractor upon the same terms and conditions. He stated a full report regarding dog-fouling and fly-tipping would be brought to the next meeting of the Committee.


 Councillor L M Broadley commended the prospect of a BWCC in-house bid. The Member denounced the decision taken by Leicestershire County Council (LCC) to top-slice the 2016-17 funding for Disabled Facilities Grants (DFG’s) to whom responsibility for any service delay/failures ought to be imputed. The year-on-year discretionary top-up funding provided by this Council, although laudable, was said to be unnecessarily diverting resources from other essential projects in the Borough.


Councillor Mrs S Z Haq enquired as to the approximate timescale of a CPO approval.


The Director of Services / Monitoring Officer advised that, subject to the Secretary of State’s approval, the process could take between 6-18 months due to its complexity.


Councillor K J Loydall stated that there was an online reporting procedure for dog-fouling via the Community Safety Partnership page(s) and suggested that a record of all reported incidents ought to be collated to indentify problem-areas. In respect of the BWCC, he noted the historical failures of awarding contracts to private contractors and hoped to see small contractors afforded the opportunity to tender vis-a-vis larger contractors under the use of the Official Journal of the European Union (OJEU). The Member further raised a concern as to limited 1-year protection to be provided to existing cleaning staff working under present terms and conditions.


Members requested that no decision was to taken on the BWCC until such time as a full report had been considered at a subsequent meeting of the Committee.


The Interim Community Services Manager and Director of Services / Monitoring Officer jointly-advised that the advertising undertaken regarding the BWCC was to gauge initial levels of interest only. They advised that the bulk of existing cleaning services (c. £180,000) were presently externalised and, as such, in accordance with the Council’s Financial Regulations, must go to tender  and to obtain the best quality service at the best possible price. It was reported that Human Resources and Operations departments were in the process of compiling an in-house bid. Members were assured that steps would be taken to mitigate the risk(s) posed to existing cleaning staff in respect of the continuation of their terms and conditions.


Councillor Miss A R Bond stated that it was important to secure expressions of interest/bids from British-based, as opposed to European-based, firms.


The Interim Community Services Manager advised that all expressions of interest hitherto received had been from British companies and that it was doubtful any expression of interests would be received from European companies.


Councillor D M Carter commended the prospect of a BWCC in-house bid. He further commended the progress made on 114 Uplands Road, Oadby and hoped it would set a precedent in relation to other void properties. In respect of the telecommunication site at Chartwell House, Oadby, the Member welcomed the removal of the outdated equipment to address Members’ visual amenity concerns. He further acknowledged the importance of effective emergency communications within the Borough and beyond and supported the proposal to seek limits as to the use etc. of any secondary/back-up generator to be installed on the rooftop site.


Councillor J W Boyce commended the proposed CPO. He stated that it was to be prudent to refurbish hard-to-let sheltered properties to garner more interest from prospective tenants. He reiterated the need for a full, separate report on dog-fouling and fly-tipping so that a full appraisal of the situation(s) could be undertaken. In respect of the BWCC, he stated that it was incumbent upon Officers to widely survey all the available options to provide the best value-for-money, particularly in light of the £1.4m of efficiency saving s required to be delivered by the Council.


The Chair confirmed that a refurbishment programme was currently being undertaken and would feature in a report to a subsequent meeting of the Committee.




(i)        The contents of the report be noted by Members;

(ii)       A Compulsory Purchase Order in respect of 114 Uplands Road, Oadby be pursued

(iii)      The tendering of the proposed new Borough Wide Cleaning Contract be approved.


Votes For                   10

Votes Against            0

Abstentions               3

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