Agenda item

Community Service Update


The Committee gave consideration to the report and appendices (at pages 31 - 43) as delivered and summarised by the Interim Community Services Manager which should be read together with these minutes as a composite document.


The Interim Community Services Manager added that:


(i)        The switchover of the call monitoring service to Charnwood Borough Council had been delayed due to issues regarding the reprogramming of equipment. It was said that switchover was scheduled to start on Monday 17 October and would take approximately 2-3 weeks to complete;

(ii)       Another private-sector empty property of concern was 37 Newton Lane, Wigston. It was said that a rate of 150% Council Tax was being paid on the property and that the owner had been written to, to ascertain his intentions as to the future of the property;

(iii)      Works to clear the asbestos from the incident at Kenilworth Drive, South Wigston were now complete and awaiting the final completion certificate from the contractor. The Council’s Environmental Health Team was said to be shortly undertaking monitoring tests to the individual properties affected; and

(iv)      The final business case for the Lightbulb Project (LbP) had since been received and was currently being assessed.


Councillor Mrs L M Broadley enquired as to whether tenants at William Peardon Court, Wigston (a sheltered accommodation) were required to maintain a telephone phone line to access the warden call monitoring service. She further requested an update regarding the external works at Junction Road, Wigston.


The Interim Community Services Manager advised that only tenants in dispersed properties required a phone line and that, although no tenants were known not to have a phone line, measures in respect of tenants who did not would be taken to ensure the installation and maintenance of the same.


The Chair advised that the external works at Junction Road were out to tender.


Councillor D M Cater enquired as to whether the notice periods in respect of the Notice duly served on the property known as 114 Uplands Road, Oadby had since expired.


With reference to the four items served in the Notice as set out at paragraph 3.11 of the report (at page 34), the Interim Community Services Manager advised that items one, two and three had since expired and item four was due to expire imminently.


Councillor J W Boyce enquired as to:


(a)       whether the boiler system at Chartwell House, Oadby had been repaired;

(b)       if the Council remained statutorily-responsible for delivering DFG’s;

(c)       if the LbP business case had been assessed as being comprehensive and genuine as a robust service-delivery mechanism.


The Member further stated that the LbP could not be progressed until discussions with LCC regarding the distribution of DFG’s were satisfactorily concluded.


The Interim Community Services Manager advised that the boiler system had been repaired. He advised that North West Leicestershire District Council had sought legal advice upon the matter of the distribution of DFG’s which concluded that LCC had acted illegally. The matter was reported to be the subject of a meeting due to be held between the Chief Executives of the Leicestershire Districts and Boroughs. It was said that no opinion had yet been formed on the LbP business case ahead of a meeting with the Interim Finance and Accountancy Manager to review the same.


The Chair moved the recommendations en bloc set out at paragraphs 2.1 to 2.4 of the report (at page 31).


Councillor K J Loydall seconded the recommendations.




(i)        The contents of the report be noted by Members;

(ii)       The Homelessness Strategy be adopted;

(iii)      The Chair of the Committee write to the Minister of State for Housing and Planning requesting  the re-introduction of a fair rent scheme for new tenancies in the private sector; and

(iv)      Officers be given authority to negotiate a new Lease in respect of the telecommunications equipment at Chartwell House, Oadby.

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