Agenda item

Leisure Services Update


The Committee gave consideration to the report and appendices (at pages 112 - 114) as jointly-delivered and summarised by the Director of Services and Interim Health and Leisure Manager which should be read together with these minutes as a composite document.


The Interim Health and Leisure Manager added that there had been a disappointingly low uptake of tickets for outdoor performances staged at the Jubilee Amphitheatre at Brocks Hill Country Park during the Summer - notwithstanding extensive publicity - and that work was to be undertaken to ascertain why such was the case.


The Director of Services added that an additional option for increased car-parking capacity at Brocks Hill (BH) / Parklands Leisure Centre (PLC) included land at Oak Avenue at BH. She stated that Members’ views were sought so that a fully-assessed and costed report could be brought back to a subsequent meeting of this Committee for resolution.


Councillor Miss A R Bond congratulated the success of the small activity events recently hosted at BH which had attracted people from in/outside the Borough.


Councillor D M Carter commended the pro-activity at BH and PLC. In respect of increasing car-parking capacity, the Member expressed that BH’s Ridge and Furrow field was not an option owing to its historical antecedents being part of Oadby’s green wedge. He opined that the combination of small parcels of land was the most commonsensical solution in addition to the reconfiguration of the parking bays at BH and the inclusion of Oak Avenue. The Member also enquired as to whether the land situated immediately after the Oadby Town Football Club (OTFC) was a feasible option for inclusion and consideration. He further cited the promotion of sustainable travel plans by service-users under the Greening of the Borough Strategy.


The Interim Health and Leisure Manager advised that land to the right of Washbrook Lane, Oadby was mostly under the private-ownership of the OTFC however the land to the left (on the near-end of the Ridge and Furrow field) possessed the capacity for an additional 20-25 car parking spaces.


Councillor Mrs H E Loydall agreed with Councillor D M Carter. The Member stated that the open space at Wigston Road, Oadby was not a viable option given the potential for nuisance implications to the residents at The Oval, Oadby and instead advocated the opening of a footpath across the open space to provide a more convenient access route and to encourage more service-users to walk to the site.


The Chair clarified that the Ridge and Furrow field was unanimously considered by Members to be excluded as a viable option and the land to the left of Washbrook Lane and Oak Avenue were to be considered for inclusion. He further stated that any incorporation of land on Washbrook Lane was to avoid the use of tarmac surfacing.


Councillor K J Loydall requested that due consideration to pedestrian traffic and separation be factored into any subsequent report.


Councillor R H Thakor enquired as to whether any input had been sought from the Council’s Planning Control department in respect of mapping the car park’s layout. He further requested information as to the development costs of the Amphitheatre and asked whether local schools, community groups etc. were approached to offer the use of the same to them.


The Interim Health and Leisure Manager advised that the Geographical Information Systems (GIS) Officer had undertaken a mapping exercise which concluded that any reconfiguration of the existing PLC car park layout did not yield additional capacity. She stated that the requested information was not immediately available at the meeting but would be provided to the Member outside the meeting in due course.


The Chair confirmed that local schools and community groups has been approached.




(i)     The information provided within the report be noted by Members; and

(ii)    The need to increase car parking spaces at Brocks Hill / Parkland Leisure Centre, and Members comments thereon, be noted.

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