Agenda item

Items Raised by Residents and Suggestions for Future Items


Speed Awareness Monitor On Dorset Avenue

The Speed Awareness Monitoring Device on Dorset Avenue has now been moved to Saffron Road. The monitor is battery operated. It does not work by solar energy.

Wigston also has one of these devices in Situ. Oadby is considering, based on the usage in Wigston whether one should be purchased. The Device will be returned to Dorset Avenue in a year`s time. It is to be noted that some residents view the device as a sound deterrent to speeding traffic.


An update on the effectiveness on the use of the Speed Monitoring Device is to come back to the Forum at least twice a year.

Care Of Trees On Blaby Road Park (Amendment)

A resident reported that the trees on Blaby Road Park are not well looked after. Some still have ties around them which need releasing. Posts also need removing. It was noted that there is nothing to prohibit voluntary public action on releasing the ties on the trees. The Chair emphasised it is preferable people join the tree protection volunteering scheme in addressing such issues. The Chair noted this is the job of the Tree Officer and a Tree Strategy for the borough is to be developed.?A resident enquired about the cost of felling a tree. The Chair clarified that if an application comes to the Council to fell a tree, it costs money to assess if the felling is needed. This is part of the Tree Officer`s role. Some cherry trees are protected, but not all.  Anyone who is unsure whether a particular tree is protected would have to write to the Council to find out.  There is no Council Jurisdiction to fell trees on Ministry of Defence land.


Councillor Boulter is to pass on the observation that the trees require some attention to remove ties and stakes to the newly recruited Tree Officer

GraffittiOn South Wigston Railway Bridge

Rail Track has been notified of the graffiti on the railway bridge. Graffiti on Aylestone lane has also been reported. The Council is not allowed to remove graffiti on the railway bridge. A Rail Track officer is looking at having murals placed on this bridge.

Fly Tipping On Clifford Street And Leopold Street

Fridges have been fly tipped on Clifford Street and Leopold Street. Residents have been informed the area of fly tipping constitutes a private road. This is a road way behind the shops.


The Council is to address what is to be done with regards to the fly tipping.

Countesthorpe Road -Recycling Is Overflowing

There is a fridge dumped at the back of the Bassett Street area. The Council noted this fridge is to be moved by Monday 13th June. There is a chair dumped at the back of the shops. Environmental health is to look into this.

Where there is fly tipping on front and back gardens of private property, the Council has no jurisdiction to act. If the Council does act re private land it would be open to be sued for stealing. If the Council was to lay down poison it could be prosecuted for possibly killing someone’s cat or dog.

The Cafe Oppopsite South Wigston College.

A resident enquired whether it was permissible for a very large wheeled bin to be situated on the pavement. The bin was described as belonging to a shop opposite South Wigston College. It was recommended the bin be placed at the back of a shop.

Parking On Pavements And Grass Verges

The Police can issue a ticket for parking on pavements and grass verges where there is an obstruction. It has to be proved that the parking is causing an obstruction.

Persistent Barking By Dogs

On the question of persistent barking by dogs, the Chair advised residents to keep a diary for a month, noting the times and duration of the barking. This information is then to be sent to the Council`s environmental health department for action.

Hanging Baskets In South Wigston

The Chair confirmed hanging baskets will be going up in South Wigston. Some are to be placed along Blaby Road.

A health and safety statement has been issued. It states hanging baskets placed on the roundabout in South Wigston are too dangerous to be manually watered. This issue is being resolved by Councillors.

On the 15th June, at Blaby Road Methodist Church, the Green Space Group meets to discuss planting flowers on adhoc areas of land around the Borough.

For further information on this project contact;

The Council is not encouraging residents to plant flowers on adhoc areas of land.

The Chair suggested discussion on this matter would be best taken up with the Friends of Blaby Road Group.

Callanetics Class 14 June 2016

A Callanetics class is to begin on; Tuesday 14th June at Fairfield Community Centre, Cheshire Drive, South Wigston.

The date of the next meeting of South Wigston Residents’ Forum is: Tuesday September 7th 2016 @ Bassett Street Hub, Bassett Street, South Wigston, LE18 4PE.Time7.30pm.