Agenda item

Empty Homes Strategy and Corporate Enforcement Update


The Committee gave consideration to the report (at pages 36 - 38) as jointly-delivered and summarised by Interim Community Services Manager and Interim Chief Financial Officer (Section 151 Officer), in the absence of the Director of Services, which should be read together with these minutes as a composite document.


Empty Homes Strategy


Councillor D M Carter welcomed the actions taken by Officers in seeking to bring back into occupation those 35 properties that have been empty for more than 2 years. He further enquired as to any targets set, and the timeframes in which those targets were to be achieved, in respect of the remaining 22 non-responding property owners.


The Interim Community Services Manager advised that the Environmental Health Team had been tasked with continuing to formally pursue the non-responders in question and that an enforcement action-plan was to be devised, accordingly.


With reference to the proposed delegated authority at paragraph a.3. (at page 37), Councillor J W Boyce enquired as whether Offices had a workable policy framework so to render any enforcement action safe and consistent and to ascertain realistic achievement levels within this policy area.


The Interim Community Services Manager stated that it was his intention to shortly formulate a sufficiently-robust, written Policy to expedite the enforcement process.


Councillor L A Bentley enquired as to the financial-viability, and the risks attached thereto to this Council, in so offering 100% discretionary grants under the Private Sector Housing Renewals (PSHR) Policy given the potentially indeterminate and unpredictable nature and extent of property renovation works.


The Interim Community Services Manager advised that grant applications under the PSHR Policy would be carefully considered upon merit and on a case-by-case basis and that the necessary funds would be made available, accordingly.


The Interim Chief Financial Officer reiterated the need for a like-for-like approach in respect of any grant offers made whilst taking a holistic assessment of the totality of the costs, the revenue streams available and the measure of beneficial occupation likely to be achieved.


Councillor Mrs L M Broadley enquired as to whether the 150% council tax rate levied against empty properties had proved successful insofar as encouraging their reoccupation and if any counter provisions were in place to prevent the dual-occupancy of properties serving as a loophole to avoid the increased  levy.


The Interim Chief Financial Officer advised that all the 35 properties aforementioned have been, or continue to be, subject the increased levy. He added that options were available to close the loophole to which the Member referred and that information on the same would be brought back to a sequent meeting of this Committee.


The Vice-Chair enquired as to whether the option of a CPO was still available against properties that had been empty for two years or more.


The Interim Community Services Manager answered affirmatively,


Corporate Enforcement Update


With reference to the costs of electrical rewiring at paragraph b.3.2 (at page 37), Councillor K J Loydall enquired as to the realistic prospect of recharging the costs to the private landlord.


The Interim Chief Financial Officer advised that a sundry debtors bill could be raised and that it was always this Council’s intention to enforce upon its debts owing. 


The Chair further advised that the monies owing may well be recuperated by way of an entry on the Local Land Charges Register against the property in question.




(i)     The report be noted by Members; and

(ii)    Delegated authority to Officers to take appropriate enforcement action in pursuance of the Empty Homes Strategy (as set out at paragraph a.3. of the report) be authorised.

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