Agenda item

Housing Related Support


The Committee gave consideration to the report (at pages 46 - 49) as delivered by the Head of Community which should be read together with these minutes as a composite document.


She reported that the Supporting People Funding, supporting the Council’s on-site Warden Provision, ceased in September 2015. It was stated that there was no financial scope to continue to deliver this provision unless a charged-service was introduced: this proposal was said to be rejected by tenants when consulted, with reference to the results of the consultation as outlined in the report (at page 46). It was proposed that this service-area ought to be remodelled so as to provide inclusive support to all affected tenants, most notably to the elderly, whilst maintaining some on-site presence and by redefining existing officers’ job descriptions, as detailed in the report (at pages 47 - 48).


The Head of Community reported that referrals for adult respite accommodation were now to be accepted by the Falcon Centre in Loughborough. It was also confirmed that a protocol was in place for 16-17 year olds in terms of providing secure accommodation, noting that no duty was owned to any such young person at the present time.


Councillor L A Bentley asked whether the results of the October 2014 consultation (at page 46) accurately reflected the up-to-date and inclusive views of all tenants. The Head of Community advised that the consultation did rigorously engage with tenants in an all-encompassing manner, noting a response rate of 47%. It was said that the results of the consultation still held currency given the ongoing efforts to keep tenants well-informed and the need for finality. The introduction of any legal service-change was said to require 80% tenant agreement.


The Member continued to enquire as to what format the proposed morning calls would be provided (at page 47), and what measures were being taken to ascertain tenants’ genuine needs. The Head of Community said that morning calls were to be provided through the individual alarm system and that tenants’ support needs were assessed via partnership-work whilst being mindful of respecting tenants’ wishes.


Councillor Mrs A R Bond asked whether an emergency pull-cord system was installed in affected properties and too noted that a more up-to-date consultation ought to be conducted. The Head of Community advised that such technology was installed and available to tenants.


Councillor R H Thakor enquired as to whether Leicestershire County Council was to fund the proposed purchase of a young people’s secure-unit in Oadby. The Head of Community confirmed this stating further information was to be received. The Member further raised a concern about the long-term financial viability and sustainability of the service.


Councillor J W Boyce recognised that this service-area was fraught with complexities yet endorsed a preventative approach. He further noted that affected individuals ought to be encouraged to prudently invest any direct receipts in housing related support, further lending to the need for a gap-analysis of advisory services. He stated that the proposed re-structure was the best that could be achieved within this Council’s limited financial capacity and invited further work to be completed.




The proposals to re-structure the Housing and Community Support services and roles as set out in the report be approved.

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