Agenda item

Brocks Hill and Operations Update


The Committee gave consideration to the report and appendices delivered by the Director of Services as set out in the report (at pages 56 - 62) which should to be read together with these minutes as a composite document.


Brocks Hill


The first part of the report was said to provide an update on the activity at Brocks Hill Country Park and Centre as was reflected at the Greening of the Borough Working Group (at pages 56-57).


A Member enquired as to the progress made from the interim arrangements for SLM and café delivery to cater events. The Director of Services stated that the procurement was due to begin imminently.




The issue concerning bus shelters were raised before Members in considering alternative provisions and shelter designs for the future. She reported that research had been undertaken in respect of a proposal for an advertising company to install and maintain bus shelters in the Borough at minimal or no cost to the Council, in return for advertising rights granted to the company on the shelters installed (subject to content approval). Further enquires made confirmed that a Council contribution to the capital cost of the shelter would return a negotiable proportion of the advertising revenues generated and multiple shelter designs were available for Members to consider.


Three options were outlined, namely:


(i)         to continue with the current, bespoke corporate design;

(ii)        to continue with the refurbishment of existing shelters, installing new-design shelters on an ad-hoc basis endorsed by Leicestershire County Council; or

(iii)       a combination of the above two options. It was noted that more information was needed before a final decision could be made, particularly in respect of revenue-sharing if Members wish to pursue the advertising company’s option.


The Chair stated that although the advertising company had given some indication of sites that may be suitable with further information to be obtained from the company on further sites across the Borough. It was suggested that the standard Borough design be used on such sites due to its proven vandal-proof properties with ongoing maintenance work to be assigned to offenders under the Community Payback Scheme.


A Member agreed that more information was needed regarding inter alia longevity, resilience and repairs/maintenance before a final decision was made. He agreed with the Chair’s recommendation for the interim period.  


A Member also agreed although queried the vandal-proof qualities of any alternative design given the amount of glass incorporated: the report did not specify if the advertising company would meet any of the replacement costs.


A Member stated that adequate seating provision must be provided for in any new design to accommodate the needs of those who were unable to stand for long periods of time (i.e. the elderly). It was also said that any new bus shelters ought to be correctly installed (i.e. inwardly facing the road).


The Chair stated that all new bus shelters were now provided with seating-perches with existing shelters were being retrofitted with seats resourced via the Residents’ Forums and confirmed that existing shelters were outwardly installed to prevent commuters from being “splashed” by passing traffic.  


The Chair requested that a report be brought to the next meeting of this Committee detailing further information regarding the areas upon which the advertising company’s wished to operate, the revenue-sharing options and repairs/maintenance, defining who would bear the cost implications thereof.


The Director of Services reported that requests for wheeled bins for garden waste were continuing to be received. The new vehicles were said to be easing the method of refuse collection and had been positively received in conjunction with the opting-in scheme. Notwithstanding this, it was noted that there were several outstanding issues surrounding dual-collections of bins and bags for garden waste predominately in relation to Health and Safety. The recycling participation rate for across the Borough was cited at 70% with 50% of materials collected being of a recyclable quality. It was reported that the closure of the pre-dominant paper mill had impacted on the paper-recycling industry. It was said that the Council has since contracted with a new provider still giving a favourable rate.


The Director of Services stated that the report outlined the cycles undertaken in terms of street cleansing and grounds maintenance in the Borough.


A Member enquired as to what arrangements were in place for the cutting of grass verges and weed-control in gutters in the Borough having received complaints from residents.


The Chair advised that it was this Council’s decision not to return grass verge maintenance back in-house subsequent to out-sourcing the contract to Leicestershire County Council. It was confirmed that Blaby District Council currently maintains grass verges on the Council’s behalf. It was reported that the weed-spraying contract commenced late this year and spraying was now completed in Oadby, Wigston and South Wigston. Two spraying sessions were said to take place a year.


A Member stated that members of the public could no longer access the canal around the Ervins Lock footbridge, impacting on the amenity of leisure facilities, and enquired as to the progress made on the building of the bridge.


The Director of Services stated that a meeting request with the Canal and Rivers Trust made subsequent to the closure was yet to be agreed to by the Trust to discuss particulars and secure approval. The Regeneration Team and Facilities Manager were working in partnership to progress this matter.


The Member raised a concern in respect of the outstanding health and safety issues around the continued bag opt-in and enquired as to what course of action the Council was pursuing to eliminate the same and if extra resources were to be invested to expedite the dual-collection system. Further clarification as to the recycling participation rates/figures was also sought.


The Director of Services advised that the health and safety issues would continue as long as the opt-in remained (as confirmed by the Health and Safety Officer) with no mitigation possible other than to continue to promote the advantages/availability of wheeled bins for garden waste. The recycling participation rate was clarified as the percentage of residents in the Borough who engaged with the scheme. The recycling rate was clarified as the percentage of all materials collected being of a recyclable quality. It was noted that the Council remained the third top-performing authority in the country in terms of weight per resident deposited in landfill.


A Member requested that further evidence be provided to support the health and safety concerns. He stated that a proper conclusion could not be made unless the evidence first suggested that the appropriate training was implemented and that best-practice was being monitored during collections.


A Member enquired as to whether the services provided by Blaby District Council extended to the Oadby area and requested that litter-picking be continued along the A6 central reservation, with a suggestion of litter patrols. The Chair confirmed that the services did extend to Oadby, however a separate arrangement existed in respect of the A6 as an arterial route. It was advised that any concerns regarding litter should be reported to Operations and The Depot.  


A Member enquired as to whether wheeled bins were to be provided for general waste. The Chair confirmed this was not the Council’s intention.


RESOLVED THAT:  The report be noted by Members.

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