Agenda item

Budget Proposals 2014/15


The Mayor noted that in accordance with recent directions from the Government, all Council’s are expected to record the vote of each Member present on any decision relating to the budget or council tax, including any amendment that may be proposed at that meeting. Therefore, Members were asked to maintain their indication of vote until such time as it had been recorded accordingly.


It was requested that the matter of recorded votes be looked at by the Constitutional task group to ensure that the processes in place for recording votes was as simple as possible and that it meets the statutory requirements of a recorded vote.


The Chief Financial Officer outlined the report and noted that the report formed the end of a lengthy budget making process. He confirmed that once approved, Members would receive a copy of the budget book.


He commented that the Council should be proud that it has achieved its aims and delivered its commitments through smarter ways of working. He added that he had a statutory duty to give an opinion on the budget and the reserves and noted that he was satisfied with both as well as being satisfied with the process which the Council had followed in setting its budget.


The Chief Financial Officer went on to note a further recommendation which was not shown in the agenda, in relation to the recently introduced national Business Rates Retail Relief Scheme. He noted that guidance had only just been released and the effect was such that qualifying retail properties with a rateable value of less than £50,000 could get a business rates reduction of up to £1,000.


The Chief Financial Officer concluded by noting that much of this information, including rent increases, the capital programme and the HRA account, had been presented to Members before and although the Council has done well with the budget this year, it would need to continue to manage the budget as further savings will be required in coming years.


It was commented that the Council was holding reserves in certain budgets in excess of the minimum required.


Members thanked officers for the hard work which had gone into the robust budgets and commended the fact that they have been able to balance the budget whilst maintaining frontline services and having a capital programme in excess of £14 million. However, it was noted that further reductions would be required in the coming years and work must start now in ensuring that the Council is prepared for this.


A question was asked regarding Section 106 agreement receipts and what those receipts have been spent on. He confirmed that he would ensure that Officers put a process into place which facilitated quarterly reporting of Section 106 receipts to the Development Control Committee. 


The Leader was pleased to be able to say that the Council had not raised council tax during the current financial year and that this commitment would continue for the next financial year and thereafter should his party be re-elected in 2015.


Members noted that although further savings were required, they were satisfied that the Council could continue to make these and also that there is an income profile reserve in place if required. Officers were once again thanked for their work on the budgets.


Members requested that a training session be given on the business rates retention scheme, as this was a complicated issue but it would be useful to know more about it.


All Members present voted in favour of the recommendations set out below.




(1)  Recommendations 2(a) – 2(g), as set out on page 10 of the report, be approved and adopted; and


(2)  The following additional Recommendation also be approved and adopted, namely that delegated authority be given to the Chief Financial Officer in consultation with the Chair of the Policy, Finance and Development Committee to introduce the national Business Rates Retail Relief Scheme of up to £1,000 discount for qualifying retail properties with a rateable value of less than £50,000.

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