Agenda item

Police Update


PC Morgan introduced himself to the residents present.


Since the previous Forum residential burglaries are on a slight increase due to the warmer weather and doors / windows being left open; residents were encouraged to secure properties when vacant.


ASB is expected to increase again due to the warm weather; the Police have been encouraging parents, carers, etc. to have an awareness of where their children are and what they are doing.


Shoplifting offences are also increasing in line with the above.


A resident raised that their car was stolen and their house burgled at 2am on 2 July. PC Morgan confirmed that there is an ongoing investigation in relation to car thefts and that some positive steps have been taken to identify those involved. It isn’t possible to share any further details at this time. The resident noted that the Police were “excellent” in their response to the report. Advice was given to residents on how to safely store keys for vehicles with keyless entry, and around not keeping keys near doors or windows that can be easily accessed.


Cllr. Martin raised a group of young people travelling from South Wigston in to Wigston on bikes etc. doing wheelies and other unsafe riding. This is taking place every other day and a quadbike is also part of the group. PC Morgan believes that the group is one that is known to the Police and that they come from outside of the Borough; investigations are ongoing with the Police looking for CCTV footage. The riders often have face coverings, full face helmets, or no plates on their bikes. The Police do not have a ‘no chase’ policy for motorbikes but they are often unable to do so in school areas. Some other riders in Wigston have been visited by the Police and issued with a warning over their unsafe riding.


eScooters were raised by another resident; it was noted again that the Police are awaiting more legal directives around the handling of eScooter riding. The use of eScooters is extensive by professionals traveling to work, used by parents on the school run, and used as an ‘eco friendly’ travel solution. The Police are issuing warnings to riders and collecting details enabling seizure of scooters on the second occasion they are stopped. It is not illegal to own eScooters but they cannot be used on / within public spaces or the highway; they must be used on private land only with permission of the landowner. Exemption zones are present in some UK cities where the relevant Councils manage their own eScooter hire schemes. Nationally Police forces are seeking guidance from the Government on the future use of eScooters.


A resident queried on-street parking where there is a recovery vehicle parked most nights with a loaded vehicle, and other vehicles including a large van, on Bodmin Avenue which residents believe is an obstruction. The Police and Council have no specific powers over legally parked vehicles, and for illegally parked vehicles the powers sit with LCC Highways parking wardens. Untaxed, uninsured vehicles can be addressed by the Police. PC Morgan noted that he is happy for residents to contact him directly with the details of any vehicles they feel are an issue and he’ll incorporate them into his patrols.