Agenda item

Police Update


Burglaries have been the main concern for residents in recent months, 11 in November, 19 in December, usually between 6pm and 9pm but previously were in the early hours. A significant arrest was made in January and breaks have now dropped to 7 and 4 in January and February. The arrest was a gang from the West Midlands.


There have been no reports of ASB.


Shops along the Parade have been targeted with shop fronts being damaged; there have been 30 reports of this across the Borough and an arrest has been made.


Residents noted that they are facing difficulties contacting the police with phone calls to 101 not being answered. One individual noted they were on hold for 25 minutes. The 999 service has targets in which calls must be answered, the 101 service does not. Beat team contact details are on the Police’s website and they are happy to be contacted directly.


A query was raised as to who complaints regarding the performance of the Police in regards to call answering are made; it was noted that the Police have a single complaints form and this is either filtered to the Chief Constable or the PCC.


Parking outside of the Sports Lounge on London Road; vehicles continue to park on double yellow lines despite a recent effort to further ticket vehicles. The Police have no powers to ticket vehicles for parking; this falls to Leicestershire County Council. 5 cars were noted to be parked on the double yellows tonight and 1 wholly on the pavement. County Council enforcement officers do not work beyond 6pm and advise residents to talk to the Police instead; this is unable to be reported through the online Police system as the system does not allow parking to be reported as it’s not a Police responsibility. Residents noted that this could be ASB as customers of the Sports Lounge hang around outside the bar and make it an intimidating location. The Chair asked for a report on this to be made to the Council’s Licensing Committee. Residents also suggested that County Council Enforcement Officers work additional shifts to help resolve this matter. It was also noted that people have started to park on these double yellow lines during the day so it is being seen as “the norm”; this may be linked to the parking charges in the Borough as ASDA car park is also being used by non-customers.


A fatal accident took place on 6 November on Wigston Road; a public meeting was called regarding this with the Police invited but there was no attendance. Residents would like to see traffic calming measures installed along Wigston Road coming from the direct of the public houses at the Wigston Road roundabout. A bus shelter installed on this stretch of road also blocks the sight lines along the road which may have contributed to the accident in November. Residents have been informed elsewhere that no changes can be made until the Police inquiry has been completed; what is the timeframe for this? PC Collins noted that he has made his representations to the Sgts in charge of the matter, as the attending officer, and this is now heading to Crown Court. There is no timeframe for this as it may result in a prosecution.


A cyclist was involved in a collision on the same day; this was not as serious and was initiated by the cyclist.


Cllr. Ridley will speak with Council Officers regarding the bus shelter either being removed, moved, or replaced with a transparent or side-less option.


It was proposed that the layout of the roundabout is considered by County Council Highways looking at installing a central reservation.


The Chair proposed that a letter is drafted from the Forum to the relevant Council Officers regarding both the bus shelter and the roundabout.


Residents raised concerns around the speed at which vehicles exit the A6 and pass through Oadby town centre. Some residents suggested a 20mph speed limit is applied to the area from New Street to Rosemead Drive. Speeding vehicles on Brabazon Road was also raised.


Abandoned or untaxed vehicles are dealt with by the Council or the Police depending on their location. The DVLA have the power to deal with vehicles with no MOT or tax; the Police for vehicles with no insurance.


Residents around Manor High School have made complaints about parents picking up / dropping off children parking dangerously or illegally, blocking driveways etc. A request was made for the Police to visit the schools at these times of day; it was confirmed that the Police do this on rotation. Cllr. R Joshi has spoken with traffic officers regarding this and they have previously attended the schools, issuing a number of tickets to parents around Christmas time. A more regular patrol is potentially being planned for this. Cllr. R Joshi also noted that officers that had attended the school issuing tickets have experienced verbal abuse and intimidating behaviour from some parents. The school has provided praise to PCSO’s Harks and Nad.