Agenda item

Items Raised by Residents


Bus Timetables: Residents complained about the new bus stops and buses not running to the published timetables. The placement of the bus stops in some locations is thought to be dangerous by some residents, and their placements don’t make sense. A lot of the work is being directed by the City Council and the bus companies. Cllr. Charlesworth will seek further information on this.


Customer Service Excellence Awards: Some residents were ‘amazed’ that the Council managed to win an award for its customer service. The ‘inaccessibility’ of Brocks Hill is one reason why residents are surprised by this, and with the closure of the Customer Service Centre in Bell Street. The Appointment Hubs are not believed by residents to be accessible either as they must be booked by telephone and are at a fixed location on specific days. It was thought that the Brocks Hill reception is not open to the public every day but Members confirmed that it is; there is currently a half hour period where it is closed due to the officer’s break but this is being changed so that it can open for the full day. Home visits for individuals by Council Officers can also take place where necessary. The details of the Appointment Hubs were shared with residents who were also provided with a leaflet; this information is also on the Council’s website. Most queries made by residents can be answered on the phone. It was confirmed that phone calls for officers who are working remotely go through as if they were in the office itself. The hold music on the Council’s phone was noted to be “dire”. Accessibility to Brocks Hill for non-drivers was raised as a major concern for residents.


Paddock Street Car Park: The ‘no left turn’ signage on exiting the car park is not adequate and the road markings require repainting. This was raised with LCC Highways yesterday by the Chair.


Planning Applications appearing in the Weekly Lists: When applications are looked up when the list is published the documents are not always readily available. This has been looked into by the Council already and will be raised again. There are some known delays within the service with documents being uploaded at the same time as the list is being published.


Hawthorn Building on Paddock Street: Unclear what the current works are but permission has been granted for the development of 14-15 supported living units. The current building is thought to be being demolished. Cllr. Bentley will look into this matter.


Nautical William: Planning has been granted for the development of 9 properties on the site.


Spion Kop Railings: The railings are in a poor state and require replacement. A temporary fence has been affixed to one section of them currently. A tree recently fell which has buckled the fence and, whilst the tree has been cleared, they railings are protruding onto the footpath. The Chair noted that the railings belong to Wigston Academy as part of the original site; the Chair has previously spoken with the Executive Head of the Academy about this. Residents hoped that the railings could be replace during the bridge closure but the Academy previously noted they did not have the funds for this. Network Rail may be able to provide some support with these as a ‘goodwill gesture’ during the bridge works.


Pavement Parking: A van parked on the pavement on Homestead Avenue is obstructing the view for turning vehicles. There are other vehicles present but the van is the concern. The Police will look at this.


Network Rail Compounds: These were supposed to be removed when the works are completed. The road was opened up to allow lorries to avoid Little Hill. As part of the planning conditions the temporary road and compound should be removed as soon as the bridge works have been completed. The Council will monitor this.