Agenda item

Items Raised by Residents


Rear Gate to Wigston Cemetery at Horsewell Lane – Access is not disabled friendly at present due to a zig-zag on the gate preventing wheelchair and mobility scooter access. The Council have stated they are happy to carry out the works to rectify this, and have received a quote of £350.00 to make the alterations, but does not have an available budget for this. The majority of residents living near to the cemetery are happy for these works to take place. The forum has agreed to fund these works from their budget.


Surface Treatments on Roadways, including Horsewell Lane – These works are for the carriageway only and will not include repairs to pavements. The state of disrepair of some of the pavements is now dangerous to the public. It was recommended that these areas of concern are raised with the relevant County Councillors as the repairs fall under the remit of LCC Highways. It is known that there is likely to be a significant delays in repairs to pavements commencing unless holes in the pavements are classed as dangerous against their own criteria. The replacement of traffic lights in the Borough is also causing confusion as the lights have seemingly been replaced despite being in full working order.


37 Newton Lane, Wigston – The building is now an eyesore. Action is being taken around this by the Council but it cannot be discussed within the Forum setting. Concerns were raised that under current planning law if works start in line with an approved planning application there is no obligation for the works to be finished by the developer; this is under review currently by the Government.


Former Working Men’s Club, Long Street – The land is all grassed over with no works taking place. As per the previous item the Council is currently unable to enforce works to take place at the location. The fence surrounding the site has now fallen into disrepair and is posing a danger to the public. Someone from the Council will be asked to go and look at this.


Noticeboard on Blaby Road Park, Blaby Road end – The board is ‘unusable’ with notices unable to be placed on it. This will be looked at.


Vaping Shops – The Council has no powers to prevent Vape Shops opening. These are commercial activity dictated by market forces. National legislation regarding tobacco and alcohol is changing, and it is agreed that vaping should not be targeted at young people when they are not legally allowed to purchase these items.


Vacant Wilko Building – A matter for the landlord of the building. The Council has no control over this matter although the Council’s Town Centre Manager is pursuing routes of enquiry to see the empty unit filled.


Pavement Parking – Covered as part of the Police’s update in this meeting.


Pedestrian Footpath at Tendring Drive to Brocks Hill – Covered in the Minutes of the Previous Meeting.


Metal Shutters on Commercial Properties – These are for security and prevent vandalism, and are dictated by landlords.


Defibrillator at Daisy Chain Children’s Nursery – The nursery on the corner of Manor Street / Station Road has requested funding for a defibrillator for public use to be installed on their building. This would be installed on the outside of the building to ensure 24/7 access to it as per the unit removed from Bushloe House. The nursery is aiming to raise funds themselves but would like support from the Forum. The Chair believes the cost to be in the region of £1200. The defibrillator removed from Bushloe House is currently at the OWBC Depot, and is awaiting permission from Two Steeples Pub to be installed on the site there. A request was made for figures from the Ambulance Service regarding how frequently defibrillators are being used locally.


Wilkos Car Park – A tree has been removed from the car park. This is not on Council land and was not removed by OWBC.


Peter Cousins will be launching a new book regarding ‘Ten Row’, cottages that used to be on Station Road. The launch is on Tuesday, 17 November at 10am at the Liberal Club, Wigston.