Agenda item

Any Other Business


Louise Monk – An overview of the LAC service was provided to attendees, and how the LACs can signpost to / provide support with initiatives run by other organisations in the Borough. LACs also refer into the Warm Homes Scheme which can provide heated blankets etc. in regards to the Cost of Living Crisis. L Monk also provided details on a language group that is being set up to aid in communication in the Borough, including with other services where forms etc. may be required to be filled out.


Oadby Youth Centre – A compulsory purchase order is rumoured regarding the building. Nothing will be progressed with this until an alternative venue is available for the youth club.


Kings Coronation – Oadby Library is thought to be arranging an activity during the coronation weekend. L Monk is seeking funding support for this. The Council is planning additional events for the coronation in all three town centres. Elliot Hall will also be doing activities over the weekend. Rob Helliwell was noted to be the lead officer for the Council regarding coronation events.


Baldresh – Initial concerns with the parking charge scheme in the Borough, particularly Oadby. Costa Coffee were offering reimbursement for parking fees with the purchase of a large coffee, but trade in Oadby centre has decreased from the perception of business owners. The price of parking being cheaper with the purchase of an annual permit is not evident to members of the public, and the online form is difficult to navigate for some. Support with this form is available by contacting the Council’s Customer Services Team. With the annual ticket being cheaper there is a perception from some people that they ‘have to’ use it, which encourages more footfall in the area. Information regarding the parking charges and permits should be included in the Council Tax letters being sent out by the Council this month, this would be a huge help in spreading the word to the Borough’s residents. Oadby has a higher occupancy rate for businesses than the national average, with shop units rarely being emptied for extended periods. Councillors are awaiting a report on footfall comparing before and after car parking charges.


Oadby Business Group – Setup during Covid when a lot of support was available for businesses, and have now extended into Oadby, with businesses supporting each other through signposting etc. Grants and support funding for businesses has evaporated now, with very little available. The main barrier to this again is the time required to sit and fill out the necessary forms to access available grants etc. Additionally the current work by Severn Trent in Oadby is having a significant impact on trade in Oadby, with no compensation thought to be offered by them. The Council believes that compensation should be available from Severn Trent, with a pot of funding thought to have been allocated for this purpose.


Helping Hands – The Council’s former Customer Service Centre in Bell Street, Wigston will be opening in July as a Community Hub, hosting a number of local organisations and support groups such as the NHS’ Social Prescribers, Helping Hands, etc. 10 different community groups are looking at operating out of the hub once open, with Turning Point already offering services from the building on a Saturday morning. By sharing the same space the ability of services to support and signpost is increased, and costs are lowered for each of them. An open day was held in December 2022, and the mailing list developed following this open day received an update email this week. The Council’s SLT are being kept updated on the progress of this project.